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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Cool
  2. yep I still have mine maybe we will know more the closer it gets. we would be glad to see ya but we do understand if you can't
  3. Are we still doing Asheville? I still have my vacation and my reservation.
  4. I don't agree with the only wear a mask if your symptomatic, it goes against 40 plus years of training. I was always taught to wear a mask to keep things out of my lungs and mouth. I think we are going to learn some new things from this virus, wear a mask in public, keep your distance, wash your hands more often. I use a glove or plastic bag at the fuel pump and then throw it away and pay at the pump when possible. when I get back in my vehicle I have a container of clorox wipes and I wipe my hands, credit card, steering wheel and door handle down with it. Am I going to far well maybe but it is like riding a bike can you ride to much? Be safe out there and do what makes you feel good.
  5. they bought some Milwaukee battery tools for work and with most stuff if you don't have to pay for it some people will abuse it but after a couple of outages they have held up good. so I bought me some and one of them was an 1/2 inch drive variable torque impact high is 1400 lbs of torque and when I pull one of my trailers I carry it with me just incase. I just got the M18 weedwhacker and the 9.0 battery will last longer than I do.
  6. there ya'll go proving that the members (family) is what makes this a great site.
  7. I did the lowering of the Christmas tree on mine and it was like adding power steering in a parking lot situation, made slow maneuvering much easier.
  8. also check the front tire size, sometimes a smaller tire is used to lower the front.
  9. prayers up
  10. Now that is a beautiful bike as a matter of fact it looks just like the one I had.
  11. But he did mention motorcycles so it's all good and some great pictures now I gotta get me some fish
  12. Prayers up for you and your wife
  13. trying to figure if I am one of the lucky ones or unlucky ones, today is my 9th, 12th hour shift in a row so at least I am still working but I keep hearing how everybody is getting stuff done at home and my to do list just keeps getting longer. now if ya'll run out of stuff to do just come on over.
  14. good thoughts and prayers up
  15. On Calendar
  16. Okay Don I know you've heard the forum and I agree go see the Doc. But on another note you can blame the next bike on the hit you took on the head . Back when I was young I was good at skating and I did go a few times when my kids were young but at 61 years old nope I am not doing it. was at a storage auction about a month ago and some guy walked up and asked me if I was Woody and worriedly I said yes he said he use to go skating back when I did and recognized me. of course my wife as she all ways does asked for some dirt from my younger days and he told her he didn't know any dirt on me but was always envious of the way I could skate and do tricks. But like I said nope not anymore.
  17. Okay, Woody and Trina will be in G24 on Aug 10th. Y'all come ya hear
  18. we always stay in our trailer, some stay in tents and there are a few that share cabins. be glad to have you it is one of the most laid back get togethers around.
  19. I wrote down in ink, got new tires on the trailer now I just got to get my reservation took care of.
  20. Okay because the next person in line had not put in for their vacation I can change mine so let's make it the 12th thru the 16th. Can I get a second that and lets start planning.
  21. checked with KOA East and the lady did not know of anything going on on either weekend.
  22. I guess I need to try and change the days I put in for.
  23. I gotta go visit Dad before I can go to Asheville, Never replenished my drink after vogel
  24. okay I just put in for vacation for the weekend of the 22nd, so Woody and Trina will be camping that weekend. I have not put in a reservations yet because I got to wait to make sure it is approved but I see no reason why it should not be.
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