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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Cute little fellow, the squirrel too.
  2. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Alright you know what happens when you make fun of the squirrel,
  3. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    11th thru the 15th is great. some of us come a little early and stay a little late. this year a lot depends on the wife's job.
  4. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    what site do you have?
  5. Hey Randy we hate to hear Linda is sick, we will keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Glad you got a negative on your test, how are you feeling after your shot?
  6. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Monday till Monday, August 9 thru 16. when you coming?
  7. Glad to hear you are doing better, keep it going
  8. Thanks for sharing the good news
  9. our prayers and thoughts from Alabama
  10. Sorry to hear that and R.I.P.
  11. Glad to hear some good news, keeping Earl and family in my thoughts and prayers
  12. Prayers up and thoughts are with him.
  13. I would like to have the radiator cover for my father-in-laws Christmas, I am at work right now but can pay-pal tonight after I get home.
  14. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Okay we have site #82 reserved
  15. During this last storm we had the power was out for 5 days at out house and the in laws living next door their power was also out. after about two days their generator started running rough and was surging the lights would get bright and then dim after cleaning the fuel filter and changing the spark plug it was still running bad so I ran back to the house and got some seafoam. with in about five minutes after I added the seafoam it completely smoothed out and was running like new. so no doubt I keep several cans in the shop.
  16. You only said that because it's true!
  17. That is cool, does that mean I have to start behaving when I'm out of town too.
  18. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    pick you out a site within walking distance and come on down.
  19. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    got to have coffee
  20. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Joe I had to do a little research on the sites, in 2019 we stayed in site 84 if I remember right it was a little crowded, the reason I chose it was because it was on the end. But the year that Cowboy lead a ride we stayed in site 82 it had more room for everything. that is the site you and Bobbi stayed in last Vogel. I think I will try to get 82 unless y'all want that one again.
  21. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    It's the same thing we just talk different ya'll come on down now.
  22. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    We stay at Vogel State Park, several people camp and some stay in local motels. Everyone is welcome no matter what ride or drive and you can look up past Vogels to see what fun is had.
  23. Woody

    Vogel 2021

    Do you think we need to stay in the same area, that squirrel may remember you
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