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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    Trike Lift

    Nope she was scheduled for surgery before I decided to get the lift.
  2. Woody

    Trike Lift

    That's right it's the XLT model and if you get one I hope you have some friends with a strong back cause it is heavy.
  3. Woody

    Trike Lift

    I was gonna get a two post and build an adapter for it but this one I can use in the shop or in front of the shop. There is no way I can put my truck on it while it's inside the shop.
  4. Woody

    Trike Lift

    That's what I said but I could have paid for a lot of oil changes for what this thing cost. That is what made me decide to get one, I changed the oil and rotated the tires on her car and if I had to get up off the ground one more time I believe I would have just stayed down there.
  5. Woody

    Trike Lift

    That's right, now I have an excuse to add to my shop 😄
  6. Woody

    Trike Lift

    I rolled it in the shop last night and parked the bike on. That gave me more room where I was parking the bike and I can walk under the lift so I guess being short does have some advantages but moving the lift around is not easy even with the wheels attached maybe if I had some help but I do have some ideas for later.
  7. Woody

    Trike Lift

    Yep but MD would be over before I could get it together. 🤪
  8. Woody

    Trike Lift

    I finally got a solution to raising the Trike up for maintenance.
  9. that's looking good
  10. Welcome to Venture Riders, these guys are a bunch of know it all's and I really mean they know everything there is to know about these bikes and don't mind helping. 😄
  11. I am going to cancel because my wife will have back surgery in April, hoping she will be able to ride by August. But as far as I know the rest of the group will be there having a great time.
  12. Looks good I have the skid steer QC on my Kubota I like it. I've built several accessories to use on mine.
  13. That's what neighbors are for.
  14. Now Reiny you don't have to bring Carl but you could bring some of those pills, you know since he's not taking them. But now if you can get Carl to come too that would be great!
  15. Be glad to meet you, we try to be laid back and have fun.
  16. we rode the 09 the other the day still runs good.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xap7rz61B7s Me and Wendy has the same Idea on the snake, I ain't !!!!!!!!!!!!! but now you can send me some pictures if you attend.
  18. Just type slow cause some can't read fast
  19. Happy Birthday young feller
  20. Joe welcome to Venture Riders, I have no clue on the replacement fob, but something that happened to me once when I missed placed mine. I searched everywhere for it then I tried to crank the bike and when it did crank I knew the fob was close by, it had fallen down to the bottom of the tour pack.
  21. Okay Ron, I have reserved site 52 at the camp ground. Kenlake state resort park, Hope I'm in the right place 🤪
  22. Looking good
  23. mine would not stay out but would not go all the way in without help and I second the seafoam.
  24. Now that's gonna be a head turner, getting around town should be a blast 😄
  25. Welcome to Venture Riders from Alabama
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