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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    Vogel 2025

    The victims
  2. nice pictures thanks for sharing
  3. Woody

    Rick Haywood

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to the friends and family, RIP Rick
  4. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/forums/topic/74170-vogel-2025
  5. https://www.venturerider.org/forum/forums/topic/73591-asheville-2024 and while your at it check out https://www.venturerider.org/forum/forums/topic/74170-vogel-2025 was great seeing y'all again
  6. Woody

    Vogel 2025

    Dates for Vogel 2025 are August 13 Thru 17 Hope to see everyone there. 405 Vogel State Park Rd, Blairsville, GA 30512
  7. Woody

    Vogel 2025

    Ok Joe as requested here is the Vogel 2025 thread, can we keep it going for a year? Vogel is growing hope they are done by Vogel 2025
  8. Thanks to everyone that showed up and helped out, Thanks to Joe and Bobbi for leading us on some interesting rides. We have reserved site 30 at Vogel for the 2025 get together hope to see everyone there.
  9. FIL still in hospital but we are in Asheville having a great time, should I feel guilty (NOT) 🤣
  10. Found out FIL will get to come home Tuesday or Wednesday but other family members are going to step up, so we will there.
  11. We are loaded except for the stuff that has to wait till the mourning of departure.
  12. We just put my FIL back in the hospital yesterday, and since we do most of the caregiving I'm not sure what is about to happen. Hopefully he will get to come home tomorrow and we can still make out trip as planned.
  13. Has anyone heard road conditions in the area, hopefully none are washed out this year.
  14. How did you know what I was thinking, that's dangerous 😬
  15. I've been packing for awhile, I think I bring to much stuff. 🤔 I wonder what I can leave at home
  16. Sorry to hear about your Mother our thoughts and prayers with you and your family, we will miss you at Asheville
  17. Maybe you took the picture
  18. Best 12 bucks you'll ever spend
  19. Hey Joe what about fixing us a new map to all the moves.
  20. Change of plans I got Trina a new to us home away from home and Asheville KOA will not let me park it on T24 we had to move to D8, so y'all will still have to put up with us.
  21. Lets do it, we will meet you next month in Asheville
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