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Woody last won the day on March 8

Woody had the most liked content!


635 Excellent


About Woody

  • Birthday 01/28/1959

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ron Woodfin


  • Location
    Talladega, AL, United States


  • City
    Talladega,Al USA


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    shooting pool and riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2019 Goldwing CSC Trike


  • Occupation

VR Assistance

  • VR Assistance
    Tools and Direction

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  1. That's a nice one congrats
  2. hey Joe that's right up there with blinker fluid 🙃
  3. It's that time of year, changed the engine oil and oil filter, replaced the brake fluid the water content was not bad but I changed it out and bleed the brakes. After a test ride the rear brakes are better than have been since I've had the bike.
  4. Hope you had a swell B'day
  5. Have you changed the oil in the compressor yet? hopefully it was just low and not out of oil. site glasses are notorius for leaking oil so after cleaning the area around the site glass keep an eye on it. Hopefully you have great find.
  6. Welcome to Venture Riders and sounds like you have gotten yourself a project.
  7. flip the kill switch off and on several times
  8. Woody

    Vogel 2025

    I thought it was funny my Dad lives in north Florida so he calls us up and says he coming north to central Alabama to get away from the snow 🙃 SMH.
  9. Sorry to hear about your brother, thoughts and prayers for his recovery. I don't ride the bike in the rain or snow, or should I say I don't leave the house on the bike if it's raining.
  10. it was 18 when I got up this morning too cold to ride, but I keep this fire place warm today 🥶
  11. Woody


    I had my drone out this morning
  12. We measured 3 inches in our back yard this morning. I'm good for the rest of the year
  13. Happy New Year to each and everyone.
  14. Merry Christmas Venture Riders
  15. Woody


    opinions are like ............... and mine is it is our own Goberment trying to make the next administration think they are needed in order to keep there job/funding.
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