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About hardwood

  • Birthday 05/12/1956

Personal Information

  • Name
    George Mussell


  • Location
    brush, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    riding, golf , fishing,wood work
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 Venture
  1. Anyone going to the prairie rally? George http://www.prairiebikerrally.com/index.htm
  2. I removed the battery cables, they looked fine, but I sanded them until they shined. I put it back together and it started about six times, I hope that was it. Tomorrow I will take a ride and chek the batt when I get back. Thanks George
  3. Sometimes, and increasing in frequency, when I try to start my 06 RSv it sounds like my Battery is dead. It trys to turn over and can't,try again same ,after a few try's it starts to turn over,buy sounds slow, but it eventually it starts. At my last fuel stop I checked the battery before I tried to start it, 12.6 volts, but I had to hit the starter button 4 or 5 times. I had the napa store check my battery last week, they said it was fine. Any ideas? Thanks George
  4. Thanks for all your help. I finally got it fixed today. The coin trick worked great. About $1.75 in quarters (pressed in with channel locks) and the spring literally fell off. Pulled the two bolts holding the floor board, to get the shift linkage out of the way, and took out the bolt (it was way tight). The only problem, the replacement I bought was in worse shape than mine ( caution when dealing with pinwall cycle parts) The loop was broken and bent, and the spring mount was worn down to below the spring notch. Luckily I was able to take my old one and the new one and one of students who was in Ag class and he was able to take the loop of the new one, straighten it and weld it on to the my old one. A little metalic silver touch up paint and back on. thanks for all your help George
  5. I did not get the pm George
  6. Thanks, I'll give it a try george
  7. I need to replace my kick stand,I have the replacement. What's the best way to remove/install the spring. Thanks George
  8. That's for sure, today, 7 holes of golf and 20 mile bike ride. Tomorrow 2-4 inches of snow 5 degrees. You gotta luv Colorado. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/happy65.gif George
  9. Yea, she has a tongue and she, and she is not afraid to use it. Went for another test ride today. It worked great, it was not slow even with the music playing. George
  10. It's been a couple months, but I think it was only a week or so. George
  11. I think this is it here. George [ame=http://cgi.ebay.com/MOTORCYCLE-BIKE-HANDLEBAR-MOUNT-HOLDER-GARMIN-NUVI-GPS-/130479243485?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e612b40dd#ht_2603wt_920]MOTORCYCLE/BIKE HANDLEBAR MOUNT HOLDER GARMIN NUVI GPS - eBay (item 130479243485 end time Feb-01-11 06:08:24 PST)[/ame]
  12. I was not sure where to post this, but I thought I should report on my new gps. I took a couple of cross country trips with my TomTom. I could barely see it, and could never hear it. It quit working last fall, so for Christmas I got myself a Garmin Nuvi 295w. Its big advantage is a head phone jack. Which allows me to run it through the stereo system. Price about $90. I also got a mini sd cart ($12) and a handle bar mount from ebay ($14) head phone adaptor ($3). I loaded about 2000 songs. I went for a test drive and it worked as expected. Set the music playing and when it comes time for a turn it cuts out the music and blares the instructions out of the speakers. (instructions louder than the music, you will hear them). It has an orientation sensor, so you can set it vert or horz. ( hope to attach pics). It was there smart phone, and still has some of the smart phone features. It has a camera, (picture of what waits anyone foolish enough to enter my yard) web browser. after test drive: Pros. Can hear instructions. I could see it well, it mounts on a ball and socket joint, so if the sun blocks it out, just tilt it a little bit. Winter sun is not as bright a summer sun, but I could always see it well enough. Cons. Like any thing that does it all, it does not do anything as well. The biggest thing is, when it is playing music, it is VERY slow. Soon learned if you want to change address, first stop the music. It is not a great web interface, but I was able to check my email over the wi fy at my house. The music player is a little tough to get used to, but it did work. Several times it has locked up and I had to remove the battery to restart, since it does work I am assuming this is a software problem, hoping for an update. Camera see attached photo For the money spent, so far I am very satisfied. I hope this helps George
  13. Thanks, hopefully next time I'll be able to spend a little more time there. It looked like a great place to see, and ride in. George
  14. Bellingham, a really neat town George
  15. Well at least Iron Butt-ish. Last week on my way to visit sis in Washington, I had my first over 1k day. Brush Co to Thompson Falls Montana. The Tom Tom said it was 1050 miles. Great day and the Venture ran great. Second part of the trip took me over Hwy 20 through Washington. It was amazing, even by Colorado standards, this was a great ride. Great roads, fantastic views and plenty of our favorite signs. (not Free Beer, our other favorite signs) George
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