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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. 41 degrees was the warmest it got today so I spent about 40 minutes on the bike work today. Changed the front brake bleeder valves with Speed Bleeders. Then I decided to do the last steps of the clutch upgrade. Pulled the cover... I laid out the allen bolts, Green Springs, extra friction plate... All the plates came out easy in one clump... Here is the removed Barnett Pressure Plate - old springs & new springs... Here's a photo of the gob of plates with the half plate & spacer which I am replacing... This time I got the correct full friction plate - This photo shows the half plate & spacer compared to the normal full friction plate... Then I just put it all back together & that was it for the day. JohnnyB
  2. Oh Jay, thanks so much! Now what things should I add... AI (artificial intelligence) a Cylon reciprocating red light eye freakin laser beans to put on my head force field equipment teleportation equipment google auto-driving control interfaces coffee maker installed on handle bars 20" windows 8 display system with both touch & gesture control Any other suggestions???? JohnnyB
  3. DITTO!
  4. I just couldn't get myself out in the cold to do any work, but I did take some photos... to generate awe & wonder... Now look at this BLUE wire - what was the purpose behind the Crimp-Splicers? Were they really just making a long blue wire out of three small pieces of blue wire? ...or was the there a purpose beyond what a normal mind can understand???? The same for this yellow wire - just making a longer yellow wire? ... or was this a secret way of making this bike run better, faster & more efficient? Is this technology & knowledge lost in the last few years? or just piss poor wiring???? Everything I look at seems to need attention. I will prevail - I have the knowledge & technology - solder - soldering iron - electrical tape - decent quality crimp connectors - heat shrink - heat gun - common sense It's just that my patience is running thin - WHAT NEXT - Ha! What wonders of wiring, technology, etc. will be revealed when I take the gas tank off? Huuuummmmmm I'll wait a year before I do that. JohnnyB
  5. Just maybe Dan got one of those... Damn Windows 8 new PCs & like most can't figure out what Microsoft was thinking! Dan where are you???? JohnB
  6. By the way - The tire pictured is my tire off my old bike. Yep - I took the Avon Venom Reversed Rear Tire I had on the front (cracks & all) swapped it with the newer E3 & put the E3 on the old bike as part of checks. It was easier to leave it that way & better for selling the bike (prettier than cracking Venom). The Avon with 10,000+ miles had more tread than the newer E3 front. Just have to live with the cosmetic sidewall cracking. JohnnyB
  7. Getting tired of waiting for warm days so when it is above 40 with winds below 10 mph I've been outside doing it... I loosened the other fork cap & pulled both forks off. Here is a pic showing the standard fork spring next to the progressive/washer/spacer then I drained the fork oil - flushed with ATF - drained again - flushed with ATF again & drained... changed the fork cap o-ring I added the new fork oil in at 250ml increments (x2 for 500ml total) The 500ml amount was determined by filling the collapsed/compressed fork tube without spring & spacer installed. Progressive Spring instructions recommend oil filled to 5 1/2" below top of tube after the oil was added & level checked - added the spacer & washer (spacers were made/cut to 6 3/4") then I added the spring as I extended the fork... (springs are 15 1/2" long) the sun went down... so I screwed on the fork caps & stopped until the next day. Next day - put the forks on - torqued - double checked torque Put front wheel on - put brakes on... I finished today's efforts by putting on handle bars - realizing I forgot to put the cap on steering neck nut - took the bars back off - put the cap & bolt on - put bars back on. All fork clamp bolts were torque check again. Then again... then again. Last thing for today, I put the lower part of the fairing back on after threading all the cables. Next discovery is some strange wiring - that's tomorrow's episode. If it is not raining lots of stuff should get done. JohnnyB
  8. Damn it! If I had found this 10 second delay relay before I bought my StarBurst & 80/110 H4, I would have gotten a HID kit instead. Argh! JohnnyB
  9. Dan, You are cool, brave & secure in who you are. That is refreshing. JohnnyB
  10. Nice job on the kits Earl. BTW - thinking of adding the speed bleeders as an add-on? JohnnyB
  11. aye
  12. that is stock - 22.5" equal coils for entire length JohnnyB
  13. Really cool... but I'll keep it simple & stick with my 4 port Mercury Sync Tool. JohnnyB
  14. I'm very close to starting to sell the 2008 RSV. Just have to clean it up & take photos - then I'll place the adds. It is all checked over & ready to ride. With a little luck, that part of my signature will go away like my Voyager Kit has had (sold).
  15. Regarding the noted symptom - front brake vibration with hard stopping... I removed the front wheels from my 2008 RSV & my Trike - swapped the wheels & put Trike wheel on 2008 RSV. Then I test drove it with the wheel from the Trike. There was no vibration during hard stops or any other problem with the wheel noted. The braking vibration with the wheel on the Trike was undoubtedly caused by the loose front fork tubes. That is a relief to know that the rotors or wheel are not the cause. All the parts are now in to repair/mod/reinstall the fork tubes. Soon... JohnnyB
  16. Just ordered Speed Bleeders for brakes & clutch.
  17. All I do is start to do something else & it is magically "Time To Go". It doesn't matter what it is - important or not... It will magically be time to leave & my fault we are late because I started to do something. I accept my part in the departure time control & execution. JohnnyB
  18. So glad he is home now...
  19. Marvin is so cool
  20. Darn Jay... 1st - I feel bad that I don't have a garage Now I feel bad that I don't have a trailer Darn - what next? JohnnyB
  21. 13 4E ? Are you a Hobbit? or a Giant?
  22. I just watched a great movie & I swear that a lot of the actors I met at VentureRiders (including me) Meet & Greets were in it. The Hobbit's Dwarfs look just like most of us! By the way, I really liked the movie & thought all of you acted quite well. In fact, you were more behaved than normal.
  23. Thanks... John Hannigan has graciously contacted me & given the information for torquing the fork clamping bolts. I've also added the Steering Head bolt/nut torquing (from other posts) to make this reference complete. Here is the info for all to share & save for reference: Hannigan Steer-Lite (Rake kit) 40 ft-lbs bottom Clamp Pinch-Bolts. 30 ft-lbs top Clamp Pinch-Bolts. 38-45 ft-lbs Steering Head Service & support is what they continue to demonstrate. JohnnyB
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