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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. I bid 3501.00 pennies
  2. Excellent Job with pictures & info! Mine should arrive any day now. Thanks a bunch Jeff.
  3. I've decided I am thanking every post in this thread. JohnnyB
  4. Yes Jeff; I remembered to ask for the "Flat Cam" in the comments. Thanks; JohnnyB
  5. I agree - when it's haunted - clean contacts & grease. JohnB
  6. I PM'd you... The former owner of my trike removed both amtennas - ARGH. JohnB
  7. Thanks Jeff & Larry; I'm going with the simpler latch that Jeff is using. If the cam lever doesn't reach the Hannigan metal bracket, I'll just glue a metal plate to the underside/inside trunk where the latch hits to prevent wear. Ordered with eBay seller yesterday. If I don't like it, I'll just throw it away at this price. I don't know why Hannigan wouldn't alter their builds for a better latch. It would polish off their great product. JohnnyB
  8. So; Has anyone else contacted Tri-Wing about the cost & if we can order it? Carbon_One's solution is great. The only thing I can find close to it on ebay was this link... http://www.ebay.com/itm/111005488560?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 I'm going to try Tri-Wing 1st
  9. Here are some pictures of the lock for those who don't have the Hannigan... Here is a straight on the key lock (no - I don't have a Harley - last one I owned was in 1967) Here is the view showing the primitive mechanism... Thanks Carbon_one for working on it. The rest of you - I knew it had to bug you just like me. JohnnyB F.A.H.
  10. Hey! Hannigan Trike owners! We all know we have a great Trike conversion... great handling low build fantastic independent suspension nice anti-sway bar solid traction incredible cornering nice big trunk but... The Trunk has a simple primitive lock hinge! What? What the heck? the lock is a primitive simple lock which is open to rain falling into it - no cap or protection key has to stay in lock when unlocked - perfect opportunity to have key chain or fob scratch your trunk no protection or hand lever to lift open or push close the trunk lid - more opportunity to scratch the trunk lid! once the lid is unlocked (key has to stay in) - you can't ride with it unlocked - you must lock - unlock - lock - unlock every time you want to put or get Someone must have come up with a modification to use the trunk easily? Anyone? Someone? I emailed Hannigan - no response in three weeks, so must have nothing to offer. Looking for suggestions before I start on a solution. I have a trunk & want to use it easily as I travel. Thanks; JohnnyB F.A.H.
  11. Sorry guys - I do have other things to do than work on my MC stuff. Here is my cave of solitude: Sound part - eBay purchase & 6 months to refurb to working operation... I can do my laundry & enjoy... ...great place to work from home... ...lastly - my view from my desk in the corner out the sliding glass... Life is sooooooo hard.
  12. Summary from 6 users comments: tolerate tire noise - SOME tolerate harder steering - SOME minimum front tire mileage - 24000 minimum front tire years - 2.5 The info will be sent in spreadsheet form. JohnnyB
  13. Pretty cool & neat. But back to when we were guessing - that was fun... Bike Seat SHART protector? Butt shock? I think the "Fuzzy Dice" for a bike was the best.
  14. yep - but maybe they will be listed as universal tires (front or rear) & actually show up in searches as a tire for the RSV front... or even a better tire? Michelin & Avon need to know what we use & expect. Thanks to those who gave some info & to those who still will. JohnB
  15. John Bauer Richmond, VA
  16. This is the Template for gathering Front Tire Information' Just do a REPLY/QUOTE to this & enter the Info/Data: Will you tolerate some tire noise to obtain longer tire mileage/life? (Yes/No) Will you tolerate harder steering to obtain longer tire mileage/life? (Yes/No) What motorcycle or motorcycle trike are you riding? (Year/Manuf/Model/Trike) How many miles do you want a good front tire to last? (Total Miles or range) How many years at most do you expect a front tire to last? (Total Years)
  17. I'm collecting info again. This quest for information is primarily for Trike front tires, but other users info would be appreciated. My effort is to collect some data & hopefully share that info with MC tire manufacturers. Then maybe we get some tires made for our heavy RSV, RSTD & Goldwing bikes that will last. I definitely want a tire that will last at least one full high mileage touring season or two good long trip seasons. Having to worry about tire tread when on a multi-state touring trip is NOT FUN. If you are willing please comment in this thread & give as much info as you can regarding these questions: Will you tolerate some tire noise to obtain longer tire mileage/life? (Yes/No) Will you tolerate harder steering to obtain longer tire mileage/life? (Yes/No) What motorcycle or motorcycle trike are you riding? (Year/Manuf/Model/Trike) How many miles do you want a good front tire to last? (Total Miles or range) How many years at most do you expect a front tire to last? (Total Years) That's it... If you care to share, thanks. Maybe we can get a manufacturer to address the wants of heavy weight cruisers & Trikes. My info Will follow....
  18. Well, the results are in! 0 VR Trikers near the Richmond Area Oh well... JohnnyB
  19. Tag your it! I pass - just changed the tire with a Cobra Rear tire (reversed).
  20. I'm still hoping that someone has actually mounted & tried one????
  21. Thanks... Only worry is the rim specs Recommended Wheel Width:4.0'' - 5.0''
  22. Now you're going to have to watch out for rednecks with rifle racks or those that just can't stand anyone who is different from the herd. Don't worry, I'm abby normal, so maybe I'll distract them for you? JohnnyB
  23. The thin wall I got wasn't thin enough. I took it to my grinder & ground it thinner. Gave it a diet. Grinders are wonderful. JohnnyB
  24. Thanks for sharing your experience & I'm glad you had very little sidewall cracking. However as I said above... "I have encountered this type of close-to-rim sidewall cracking on other manufacturer's tires over the past years & all on cruiser style bikes. They were all used until they wore out without issue." It is something I've seen before & endured. Even worse cracking on a ME880 (both front & back). The other was the stock front tire for a Kawasaki Nomad. The wear performance on the Avon tire screams solid construction. 17,000 miles with 6/32" of completely even tread left. WOW! I only changed it out because I got another for just about nothing & wanted to test it. Many feel that any signs of cracking on a tire are scary & need replacement. I can't argue with that. It is better to be safe than sorry. However, I truly believe that the continued tread wear performance & handling indicated that mine was a safe tire with a small cosmetic problem near the rim. MHO JohnnyB
  25. I came across a special one of a kind deal from a friend. The deal made it worthwhile to check out the new Cobra compounds.
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