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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. If you have the extra cash & have a Trike or will be pulling a trailer... I recommend the the Barnett, Barnett High Strength Springs (green), & extra clutch plate (to replace 1/2 plate). You will not be sorry. If you are a two wheeler/no trailer, SkyDoc's is great. JB
  2. Congrats! I trust you will enjoy the incredible ride & handling that a Hannigan Trike Conversion gives you. It is simply amazing. JB
  3. Thanks for the link... HD seems to be trying to help with summer heat troubles. However, this attempt is their first & is really a water cooled assist & not a water cooled engine. Just the exhaust valve area of the heads is cooled by water. It will be interesting to see how it does in the future. JB
  4. Jay, Sedona, AZ was great - weather was great - hiking was great - no cuts, sprains, etc. like some past years, for any of us four. Sedona Eagle Rider wanted $205 (out the door) to rent a Harley, so we all passed on renting crotch heaters. John
  5. Well I doubled checked the pinging with different tanks of gas. Pinging with regular persisted. Before changing the DynaTek profile, I checked the TPS adjustment. The Throttle Position Sensor was an interesting thing to adjust. After persistence I managed to check the adjustment. It was 800 ohms at closed throttle & progressively increased as the throttle was opened to full with a max reading of about 4800 ohms. No adjustment was necessary. The TPS if defective or miss-adjusted could have been the problem, but it wasn't. So, I changed the profile from 3 to 2. Pinging is gone with regular gas now. I now declare my Trike ready to ride. This is the end of my entries to this thread. JohnB
  6. Just repaired the faulty front CB transmit switch. I had to totally disassemble the switch - fix it - then reassemble it. It was not much fun. then I tuned the antenna... chan1 - 1.5 chan40 - .5 antenna is a touch to short to adjust further, but the setting is good enough. CB is now operational! John
  7. Well; I managed to fix my broken transmit switch & got the antenna tuned. chan1 - 1.5 chan40 - .5 antenna is a touch to short to adjust further, but the setting is good enough. John
  8. I've been very busy & also am getting ready for vacation. If you haven't gotten a copy of the manual by my return. I'll scan it for you then.
  9. 1 - Easy as any other alarm install 2 - Great unit except for Motion Sensor - sensor range is not wide enough. No regrets though - better than other Motorcycle alarms I've installed (2 others). JohnB
  10. Sorry for the thrashing you have gotten.
  11. I'm sorry you had BAD luck with them.
  12. Repair status determined tonight... The front transmit button problem is most likely the transmit switch. The CB & Radio Control are functioning normally. Next step is diss-assembly of the switch assembly. JohnB
  13. CB update: Firestick II antenna is installed CB receive works great Rear transmit switch works Front transmit switch doesn't work So... on to the next stage of repair effort: determined by monitoring Green wire on Clarion radio control side of cable 12+ normal & ground when rear transmit switch is pushed White wire at control side has no voltage - may be different from rear? front transmit switch on has no ground on other cable side Repair effort will continue when the rain days pass JohnB
  14. I have a 2008 RSV with the SkyDoc Upgrade & I have a 2002 RSV Trike with a Barnett Clutch Plate, replaced 1/2 disc & optional PURPLE springs. My opinions are: SkyDoc disc & spring kit is great for a RSV alone. Barnett, disc & PURPLE springs are great for a Trike, Sidecar or heavy trailer use. One thing to consider is clutch lever force. There is little change for the SkyDoc mod while the full Barnett/disc mod makes you use lots of force to pull the clutch lever in. JohnB
  15. UPDATE The Clifford/DEI sensor didn't perform as I wanted for a Proximity Alarm, so I am sending it back. For $5 more I am getting a DEI 508d. I have used this device in at least six other installs. I'll be cutting the 508d harness & soldering to the SPY harness. There are four wires in the wiring harness that comes with the sensor. Here is the 508d harness wiring... Red: (+)12V Black: (-) chassis ground Green: (-) First-stage Warn-Away output Blue: (-) Second-stage trigger output I will be using only grnd, 12+ & frst or second-stage trigger. The SPY only supports a single motion trigger. JohnB
  16. Looks like a Do Do Bird to me
  17. I'm a CNE for version 4 & 5... it has been so long - all that knowledge was replaced with Cisco, MS & VMware sorry
  18. ...just ordered a "905311 Clifford Dual Zone Proximity Sensor " from Amazon for $21.36 delivered. This is a proximity type detector which should alarm warn if broken & then full alarm if persisted.
  19. as planned, I mounted all the major components to the bottom of the CB case... The motion sensor is mounted under the passenger seat. However, The alarm (so far) seems to be excellent except for the motion sensor. I'm not happy with the sensor because it is not wide enough in its range & sensitivity. It requires continuous motion to activate. I like/want what the DEI dual-zone sensor does. I will be ordering a DEI model to use in a short while to enable alarm if you just stand too close. JohnB
  20. I started the install yesterday & got to wiring it up & testing it out. The kill line to the kickstand switch is not wired yet - ran out of time. Everything else connected as planned except for the BROWN wire. The BROWN wire must be switched 12v by the key. I connected it to the accessory line & the system works fine. It won't function if tied to the RED as I had planned. Pictures will be posted after I get the KILL wired & functioning. JohnB
  21. WOW - that is hard in my area... have to ride west past the mountains.
  22. While I'm waiting to get all my Alarm & CB Antenna stuff... I decided to take the "Ghost Rider" out on a 350+ mile cruise. The trip started on I64 west out of Richmond for about 15 miles at 70+ - then got on rte250 west with speeds between 40 & 62 - in Charlottesville - hopped back on 64 & did 70+ up Afton mountain - on the mountains, I got on the Blue Ridge Parkway & rode south - got off the BRP at route 60 & drove east & home Two problems were discovered: Trike was pinging with regular, but seems to work great with Premium - I am planning on changing my DynaTek profile from 3 to 2 (maybe) Close to home, I started to intermittently lose ignition on one of the cylinders - this turned out to be the red wire to the cylinder #1 coil - I had used a Y-patch to eliminate cutting/splicing the tach install - corrected by splicing & adding good connectors Ignition is fully functional now - the pinging with unleaded will be retested to insure that it wasn't caused by the mis-firing cylinder #1. Soon to be fully done & ready for a summer cruise to Alido, TX. JohnB
  23. Thanks I see the one that provides up to 2A of USB power" - $45 is a bit pricey. Also to be able to state all of that compatibility, I don't think many specific devices, using it can enable "Fast" charge. Many of the devices require a proprietary device which can be identified before enabling "Fast" charge. They will use the basic charge circuitry. This one might have the Apple signature, but I find it hard to believe that it can provide multiple vendor charge system signatures. Who knows???? If my $6 doesn't work out, I may just consider the 2A model. JohnB
  24. -------------------------------------------------------------------- You seem very familiar with the TI LM323. What I calculated (SWAG) for efficiency of this IC is about 50%. Is that about right? In that case, it would have to be heat synced. I expect my constant load to be less than 1.5 amps for my phoned fully loaded & multi-tasking apps. This Chinese chip claims to have a 96% efficiency? That would indicate a very cool running design & no need for a sync for my 1.5 amp load. For $5.99 delivered, I might just try it & see how cool it runs. It seems to be a nice clean small package, just wish I had a good clue about it's inside. But for less than $6 ???? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mini-DC-Converter-Module-12V-5V-3A-15W-5V-usb-output-power-adapter-/261030955737?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cc6a84ad9 JohnB
  25. This is probably what is buried in the units I'm considering for less than $10 delivered.
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