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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. Of course I am concerned, but my wobble/swing problem seems to be some sort of Kumho tire problem which is fixed by over inflation. That fact makes me feel much better about the rest of my bike & it's equipment. It may just be that some Kumho tires are fine on our bikes & some are not. The handling difference for me between 32 psi & 50psi is incredible. The bike has great handling with 50psi. I hope to get by until this fall & replace my rear Kumho with an Avon Venom AM42 150/90BH-15 80H. I am almost done with my CT experiment. For my riding style, handling expectations & the roads I frequently ride on, the Kumho CT just doesn't do it. JohnB.
  2. June 29, 2010 LOG ---------------------------------------------------------- 2008 RSV Mileage: 27543 Front Avon installed at 24296 miles 27543-24296=3247) Rear Kumho installed at 21201 27543-21201=6342) Rear Shock Pressure: 20 Front Shock Pressure: 0 Lust Suspension Jack-Up Leveling Links Front Tire: Avon Venom 150/80B-16 AM42 - Rear Tire mounted reverse Date code: 4309 Max pressure: 50 Made In England Set pressure: 36 Rear Tire: Kumho Powerstar 758 165/80R-15 Max pressure: 44 Set pressure: 52 Hands free test at 75mph: no wobble Accelerate from 70 to 90 on hill curving to left with 10 degree rise test: no wobble As you lower the tire pressure below 50psi to as low as 32psi, the wobble problem returns, increases & the speed that the wobble becomes dangerous lowers. At 50psi the bike handling becomes what it should be... stable, grabbing & fast. My last tune will be a tall windshield attempt to check handling at speeds no one should ever travel at on these bikes, but... Front Avon tire & rear Kumho have very little sign of wear. johnb
  3. Wow! I had to look that word up.
  4. Oh boy! A pissing contest? Are we trying to... piss the farthest piss the highest or who has the best writing skill in the snow? JohnB
  5. What air pressure are you riding with in your CT? If I pump mine up to 50psi, the bike wobble is almost completely removed. running at 50psi is something I am unsure of. JohnB
  6. All we had is 100 degree weather & the transformer for power in our are blew up about 2 hours ago... Richmond, VA JohnB
  7. Yes, I remember... right around 125psi was what it took to set the bead. I just upped mine to 52psi & ran 200 miles on it. The wobbling is only at very high speeds. So high that I am embarrassed to say how fast it was. I am still trying a tall windshield to see if that will get rid of the rest. How long have you been riding with that pressure? JohnB
  8. Thanks Chris & thank your wife. JohnB
  9. Thanks... I sent you an email. JohnB
  10. Wow! 50 lbs.? Doesn't that worry you? The factory specs are 34lbs max I believe. I've tried up to 44 lbs. for a short while & could still had a good wobble scare above 75 while quickly changing lanes. Straight on it will wobble above 85. These speeds are un-corrected speedo speeds. I'm just hoping to try a Tall Shield as a last step before giving up the Dark Side. Right now I have a very short extra wide shield. JohnB
  11. I am fighting with a high speed wobble on my RSV with a Kumho rear tire. Before I remove the Kumho & throw it away, I want to try a Tall Winshield in place of the short one I have on there now. Does anyone have a Tall Windshield in a corner collecting dust that they can part with cheaply. I don't want to spend a lot of money to check this out, because I probably will be buying a replacement rear tire soon. Anyone? Email and/or PM me please. Thanks; John B.
  12. That is what I go through also. I ride my RSV as much as I can (more than my cars or truck). I often fine my self driving at my motorcycle speedometer rates of correction on my normal vehicles. Yikes! It is going to be a ticket sometime. I've got to get a Speedo corrector installed. JohnB
  13. Thanks for sharing your experience with the Speedo Healer. You are right that a 2% correction for the speedometer is not worth the effort. Sorry for your bad experiences with Avon tires. Over the years I have had bad experiences with almost every tire maker & auto maker regarding factory build/design errors. The worst was with an X-Car & GM. I've been riding the AM42 Venom on the front for a while now & am quite happy with it. One thing I am certain of is that I would only consider the H speed rating & not the v for the rear tire. This is due to the 80H having reinforced sidewalls & a higher load spec over the 74V. John B
  14. I recommend the leveling Jack-Up Links. They are something that Yami should do as a standard build. It is such a surprising handling difference! John B
  15. At $89 with $6 shipping... it could save about $25. It does claim to do the job. This fall I may try it if no one gives negative comment on it by then. Thanks; John B.
  16. To this time, your negative recommendation makes the most sense. I will still measure the clearance, but am leaning towards the stock size Avon Venom AM42. I also spent about a half hour of calculations to guesstimate that the best I could hope for in speedometer correction would be about 2% at 60 miles per hour. The only pluses if it would fit are a higher load carrying spec & a height increase of 1/2". The down side is that after this change, if I still had a high speed wobble/shake, a dealer might say the non-standard tire size was the problem & not work on it. Talking out the pluses & minuses while listening to the people on this site helps a lot. For the record, I'm still deciding; John B
  17. Did you have your TROLL BELL installed? One of the Harley riders I rode with on Saturday was giving parts away along the highway also. Maybe it was caused by sun Spots.
  18. By the way my current rear tire... Kumho 165/80R-15 has a published width spec of 6.5". That leads me to believe that if I have about 1/2" swing arm clearance on each side now, I should be able to use the Avon width tire of 6.9" I'll be checking that tomorrow.
  19. Thanks Goose; That is my plan if I can't get 1st hand experience from someone who has already tried an Avon AM42 170/80-15 with a published width spec of 6.9" I'll have to measure, measure & measure again... then possibly try it & hope for the best or just get the 180/90B-15 JohnB
  20. Trying to save $115+ of extra electronics (speedo healer) to fix speedometer error while getting... 1) saving $115 & correcting some of the speedometer error without added electronics 2) higher load rating for better/longer handling/mileage 3) higher rear height for better RSV handling Thanks for the suggestion, but that research was already done. I may have to revert to a Speedo Healer if the swing arm clearance won't allow the 6.9" of the 170/80 tire. I have the Lust Racing Jack-Up Suspension Links installed. The handling difference is incredible! I figure another 1/2" will help even more & offset more weight of the rear on to the front. That is my full rationale. Has anyone tried or know of someone who tried a 170/80-15 on the rear of a RSV? JohnB
  21. I did a search & didn't find any posts about this, so here goes. My Kumho rear tire experiment has been a failure for me, so I am going to replace my rear tire with an Avon Venom AM42. While doing that I am hoping to correct some speedometer error by putting an over-sized rear tire on. Has anyone used/tried a 170/80-15 tire on the rear of their RSV? My research is on an Avon Venom 170/80HB-15 tire. The only worry is the width which is 6.9" as compared to the 150/90 width of 6.3". The height of the replacement is only 1/2" higher. The 170/80 tire has a great load rating of 83H. That load rating is 1074 lbs.! If anyone has some info to share, please do. Thanks; johnB
  22. Well; For me... my Kumho experiment is a failure. The High Speed wobble is real for me & when you crank on the throttle hard & accelerate while changing lanes at high speed, that wobble could easily kill a less experienced rider. A severe high speed wobble causes the steering to madly swing back & forth uncontrollably plus & minus about 4 inches at about 80 to 180 times a minute. I am slow speed riding my Kumho until fall & then replacing it with an Avon Venom 150/90HB-15 or a 170/80HB-15. My Kumho will then be offered up free to the 1st person who picks it up. Some people seem to have no problems, but there are so many who have had problems. Even if it was just 5% of the CTs, the risk is immensely dangerous. A heavy wobble is incredibly hard to control & keep from panicking as you tuck your body down to lower the center of gravity... ease off the gas & only use the rear brake until the wild wobble/swing stops. When a severe wobble/steering swing is experienced & you survive it, you then know the Kumho has to go. Good luck to all with no problems. A non-wobbling Kumho gives great traction & wear. However, even without the high speed wobble/steering swing, the tire does squirm under some cornering conditions while accelerating or encountering bumps on a hard curve. To everyone I talk to now, I recommend against it. For good friends, I'll do everything I can to convince them to not even consider it. Remember now, all of my judgment is based on my personal experience & the reported experiences of VentureRider members. I've been riding cycles since 1965. JohnB
  23. Hi; Just wanted to share my cure for a Hot Motorcycle Seat when you get on your bike to ride home. I learned about it from Goldwing Owners. Goldwing owners generally always use a 1/2 cover on their bikes when they stop in the summertime. Without a cover, the black bike seat will feel like it is on fire when you get on it after baking in the sun. A Goldwing Half cover fits great on a Venture (2nd Gen). I use a... Champion Honda Goldwing Half Cover Motorcycle Cover It can be found for about $30. Johnb
  24. Not going this year... Just got back a few weeks ago from a 1500 mile weekend. johnb
  25. I have a 2008 & it had a very similar radio problem. When the radio turned itself on at night when I was out of town, it scared the hell out of me. I took mine to the dealer & had it fixed under warranty. johnb
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