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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. Thanks bunches... that will be great! JohnB
  2. It's a TriWing - solid axle - Ford rear end - drum brakes - dual air shocks - in-line drive shaft http://www.triwing.com
  3. Does anyone live near???? National PowerSports Distributors 701 Riverwood Drive Pembroke NH 03275 and would take a peak at this Trike for me without buying it on me???? JohnB
  4. Well I'll be... guess I'll have to try to get it now. I'll be calling them tomorrow. JohnB
  5. So, If I find a used Trike At Adventure HD, Can I fly into Ohio & get a ride on your Trike to the HD & some pizza again like the last time? Your the best; JohnB
  6. Well then... I guess Hannigan is it. I expect to find no uninstalled kits. I removed my Voyager kit. Before removing it, I had two brackets made to bolt it to the frame, but the stress sheared the two front frame cover bolts. When the brackets were on it wasn't bad, but of course you would have side jaring on certain bumps. My choices are $14000 or buy one already converted. Argh! Thanks to all who commented. JohnB
  7. I finagled with an eBay seller & got mine for $219.99 including shipping. JohnB
  8. Here's info on my experience of my recently installed Dynatek 3000. idle rpm was a little higher starts much faster & better more power around 2000rpm more high end power 11% increase in mpg I recommend it. JohnB
  9. Hi; Does anyone have a Trike Kit for a RSV which they want to sell? Trying to find a deal to replace the Voyager kit on mine. I'm just not happy with it's lean on curves or sometime wobble. Anyone buy a kit & just not wanted to install it? Got it for sale or know someone who does? Let me know please. Thanks... John R. Bauer
  10. Hi, I've ridden mine with a used Voyager kit installed. I didn't have a lot of money, otherwise the best thing to do for me would have been to buy a used Hannigan converted Trike. I saved money... Bought used kit... Rewired kit... Put car tire on bike... Modified Voyager kit by adding two braces from kit to bike frame. I'm very happy with the ride & money spent. It's not as pretty as Hannigan but I didn't spend more than 2750 JohnB Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
  11. mfg date 2010... heavy cracking & early wear on rear Avon Venom 10,000 miles (This tire was a Avon factory replacement for a cracked tire) lots of light cracking on sidewalls of front Venom tire 15,000 miles with lots to go (front tire is technically a rear tire mounted backwards on front) Avon tires are even below the Korean tires on my list. I've had enough of Avon's "cosmetic" (as they describe it) sidewall cracking. There is no excuse for it. Especially after getting a factory replacement!!!! I love the handling & the rear tire on the front is great except for the ALL OVER sidewall cracking. By the way, I put 10 to 12k miles on a year on expressway roads with bouncing curves at speeds of 40 to 70 every work day that I drive (every non-raining day). J.B
  12. So Hummi; Do I need to pick you up an airport? JohnB
  13. I have 25,000 miles on mine with no trouble as expected. Thoughts on Iridiums... - less wear of gap to extend life at proper gap - less chance of fouling - longer life I've used Iridium plugs whenever I can on whatever vehicle I can. JohnB
  14. It is a Nankang CX668 165/80R15 87TR
  15. Thanks Halfwit, but it will have to be on a different trip. My route is 95 to 17 to 81 into pa... then branch off on 15 up to Mt. Morris, NY JohnB
  16. Thanks JakBag, but it will have to be on a different trip. My route is 95 to 17 to 81 into pa... then branch off on 15 up to Mt. Morris, NY 8/11 Morning visit at Letchworth State Park & then onward to Hamlin State Park for the picnic. Then its maybe some family visits on 8/12 or just an easy ride back home. I think your a bit closer to the NYC part of the state. JohnB
  17. Be prepared to see a 2008 RSV Red/Black Voyager Conversion passing through VA, PA & NY. This Friday (8/10) I'm riding from Richmond, VA to Rochester, NY. I prepped my bike so all you see is a quiet smiling guy riding though... oil changed rear brake pads replaced final drive gear oil changed Voyager kit re-aligned OEM mufflers from Canada installed Nankang Rear Tire replacement for terrible Avon Voyager light wiring re-done CD changer/player installed fixed broken right rear turn-signal light Going up for a High School & Friends picnic in Hamlin, NY on 8/11. If anyone sees me, beep/wave to say hi! JohnB
  18. By the way... A Nankang Tire is a CT (Car Tire)... for those that may not know. JohnB
  19. Yesterday morning I dropped my Nankang Rear Tire & RSV wheel off at the dealer to get it mounted. At 4:00pm they said they couldn't get it to bead & wanted to try more tomorrow. At 10am this morning they called & said that they even took it over to a car tire place to try to get it seated & failed. So then I called 6 different places just to see if they would even try to bead/seat the tire. None would try. That was disappointing. So I set off to do it myself - bought tire irons & 2 hp air compressor from Harbour Freight - bought silicon spray, grease & dawn dish liquid. Then I broke the seat on the side that wouldn't bead - greased & soaped the rim & tire... tried to set the bead once - failed - broke the bead - tire ironed the spot that stuck - tried to set second time - failed - did the same as before third time same forth time - beaded & seated - done It took about 45 minutes of messing with & it popped at about 65 psi. The dealer then balanced the tire for free. Why is nothing ever easy for me. At least now I have a nice 8 gallon 2hp oil air compressor for other things. Tire irons are nice hunks of metal for prying & banging on things when your frustrated. What happened to the old time bike shops? The last time I had a car tire mounted, HummingBird kindly did it for me. Thanks & too bad HB is so far away in Ohio! JohnB
  20. My RSV came with BUB Mufflers. They were way too loud for me... I took them apart & repacked - still too loud then I modified them with 8" baffles - still too loud Bought stock & put my old BUB mufflers on eBay. Quiet is nice when you go on multi-hundred mile trips. At least for me it is...
  21. Most malware now is "Script" based... My only sure safety so far is to use FireFox with the add-on called "NoScript". It takes a bit to setup & use, but after that it thwarts all the "Script" attempts from bad sites.
  22. My Venom on the rear is being replaced right now at the dealer. This was the newer formula rubber which replaced another (warranted by Avon) with terrible sidewall cracking. This replacement Venom also had horrible deep sidewall cracking & tread wear with right about 11,000 miles on it. Because I have a Voyager kit, I'm replacing it with a Nankang. The front has about half wear with 15,000. It is a Venom rear tire with pattern reversed for front use. Still has sidewall cracking, but cracking is cosmetic. The newer Avon tires are not the same as they use to be. Darn! JohnB
  23. Darn! What happened to St. George, Utah? Just imagine... rides to Brice, Zion, Arches, etc. It would be neat to see if any of our members could make it up to "Angel's Landing". By the way - I've made it, but thought I was going to die a couple times. Oh well... JohnB
  24. Jees! All right -after reading this string, I'm making a list &most of you aer on it & will never be allowed to touch my bike. EVER! Unless we perform an exorcism & sacrifice small animals or large mosquitoes to ward off the Gremlins. I sure am glad that my radio troubles were solved with having to sacrifice anything... errr wait... do knuckle busting cuts count as sacrificing? Har! Radio turning on & off & changing volume by itself - connector-itus Pulled cassette - no problem Radio cutting off in occasional short bursts - known problem - radio replaced Added Baas Blockers - no problem 4 knuckle cuts - 2 Happy Dances - 3 burps after 3 beers All of that seems to ward off the gremlins. Oops - I forgot! My Gremlin Bell given & installed by HummingBird must have been the reason for my good luck. Thanks HummingBird. To all the people with troubles... did you have a friend give & install a Gremlin Bell on your Bike? If not - maybe that is your problem???? :sign **** happens:
  25. Well, I missed the Rally. I just couldn't get the bike into the condition I wanted to ride up there through the inevitable rain storms. However, August 11th I'll be in Hamlin/Hilton area of NY. I'll try to stop by Pioneer Motor Sports & thank them in person for their good care. JohnB.
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