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Everything posted by First_N_Last

  1. UPDATE ------------------------------------------- Since I picked up the Trike, I had a little strange vibration above 74mph. I finally "got-a-round-to-it" & pulled both rear wheels off & got them spin balanced. The shop said they "were way off". Afterwards I ran the Trike up to 95 & it was smooth. I should have done that a long time ago, but getting those wheels off with a 12mm allen wrench is a pain. While I had the wheels off, I checked out my rear gas tank vent hose. Filling my AUX tank has always been a pain & I had to almost drip the gas in to keep it from foaming out. Well this problem has been resolved now also. The vent hose came out of the tank - went up about 4 inches to loop around 3 times in an eight inch loop & then went down to the other drain/vent hoses. The hose has been shortened by about 4 feet now & is routed simply without rise & looping. Jees - why would someone have done that? The Dynatek 3000 I put in failed & Dynatek replaced it with a new USB model. That model has been setup with 3 custom ignition profiles I have tried. It is pretty cool making your own curves, but probably a little complex for the average biker. That is it - everything else is just running & making me happy. The rear tires seem like they will last forever. The front tire is the 1st of 2 tires I'm Testing for AVON Tires. The MT90 will come off in about 2000 miles & I'll put a different one on for wear/handling testing. Avon wants to have a front "Trike" rated tire to offer for us. JohnB
  2. 6/23/2014 UPDATE - My $6 unit has been working without any problems providing power for my Galaxy Note3 JohnB
  3. Mileage seems to have changed from 28/29 to 32. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  4. Oh darn - while researching today I believe that I've discovered that production has been pushed back again to September of 2015. Arch - that is worrisome. Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  5. Well I'm on my 3rd curve... installed it about a week ago. Going on a ride today to check mileage, It has been very drivable with no pinging or hesitation using 87 octane. Early mileage estimate will be given shortly.
  6. Any more thoughts about the Elio? I'm very very interested. It would be sooooooo CCCCCOOOOOLLLLL! Hope it makes it & becomes REAL. I so want one & to order one, but am I throwing my money on a vapor carcycle or a real carcycle? Thoughts? There doesn't seem to be anything close to price & features. It would be a great alternative to my Trike. JohnB
  7. I asked this of Dynatek Support: I sent my custom curve settings & asked what they thought of it just got a vague generic response [*]Asked them if they wanted to receive this kind of info going forward no response to this Here is the generic statement... -------------------------------------------------------------------- The trike, being heavier than stock and having greater rolling resistance may, as with any machine, require timing be pulled out to eliminate pinging. Our default timing curve, as designed for relatively stock machines to enhance performance, would be too aggressive for your application. What is the proper timing curve? Unfortunately, every application may be different. I personally would add 1 or 2 degrees of timing from idle to about 1500 rpm. Then, you will really have to make small changes to eliminate the pinging. Also, you will always need to be sure to use a premium grade fuel due to the effects of the added weight and rolling resistance inherent to a trike. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't accept the thought that premium fuel is required. My curve already had shown that. While using the stock ignition, I didn't need to burn premium. However, the common thought is proper. You need to make changes & then test. I'll report back in after my mpg is known. JB
  8. I've sent my custom curve information to Dynatek support for comment & review. My custom curve was set to run my Trike on 87 octane with focus on torque. My engine is pretty much custom 2002 - slight mod to intake - Harley mufflers I'll share any response from The vendor. JohnB
  9. Here are my current curve settings... running some tanks of 87 octane through FULL Partial ----------------------------------------------------- 100 5 100 5 800 5 800 5 ----- 1300 7 1500 5 1500 10 2000 11 2000 17 2500 15 2500 20 3500 25 3500 32 4000 28 5000 32 5000 38 8000 32 8000 38 JB
  10. Thanks for the link - I loaded the software, then: noticed that Curve 1 is labeled High Compression Curve 2 is High Performance with much higher advanced timing settings I saved all curve files in a zip file then modified curve 1 with just a touch higher for bottom 3 rpm settings - saved it as custom Curve 2 is what is used without a curve switch, so - i switched to curve 2 - loaded my custom file will program my Dynatek later & test with 87 octane the factory curve 2 appears to be set for premium & engine mods - I will see if this solves my pinging with 87 & low rpm lag ------------------------------------ Can't do it today, today's efforts are installing a Torqeedo electric outboard on the boat for the wife. JB
  11. Did anyone find docs about connecting and changing the settings? Did you just plug your laptop into it and something magic happened? Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
  12. ------------------------ This is not the model you have. The USB model is different. It comes preset with a more aggressive tune & a rpm limit of 7,500. JB
  13. ---------------------------------------------------- Try a tank of premium - easy to try. Mine will do the same thing with 87 octane. The advance is high with the 3000. My bike is quiet enough to hear pinging. Try it? JB
  14. it sort a looks like a Honda V-MAX. Very interesting... I never saw one on the road. JB
  15. back in 10/2009, I left this info... "A Goldwing Half cover fits great on a Venture (2nd Gen). I use a... Champion Honda Goldwing Half Cover Motorcycle Cover It can be found for about $30." ------------------------------------------- I still have the one I bought & use it often. JB http://wingstuff.com/system/uploads/main_image/000/004/797/original.jpg?1331835561
  16. 1st Monday after sending my seat away, is a beautiful mid 70's. That won't stop me...
  17. --------------------------------------------------- The default programming is all you need. It is fine. You may even have to use a higher grade gasoline now. Listen for pings. I'm still in process of determining if I have to use premium or the mid grade. 87 octane will not work for me, but the performance does. JB
  18. Here is my latest communication with Rick... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi Rick; The seat is coming to you via UPS... The first UPS store I went to measured wrong & over charged me. I went on line & checked cost & then went back to the store to get it corrected. She then lied to me & said the cost is the cost, so I told her to refund it. Then I went to another store & sent it for a round trip cost $40 less than the 1st store. Argh! Just sent you a gift through paypal. John B. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- My recommendation - measure yourself - go on-line to UPS & generate your own shipping labels - then simply drop off the box at a UPS store. Store clerks don't care very much about correct measurements. JB
  19. My seat is packed in a box & will be shipped via UPS tomorrow. Rick Bultler is very helpful & can;t wait to have him mod my seat & eo enjoy the new ride. LB
  20. Too early to tell - weather is cold almost every morning & sometimes leave the choke on a little (forget) - I haven't fully changed the gas over from 87 octane yet - haven't decided if I can get by with medium or if I have to use premium. After that is finished, I'll run a few tanks & give a report back here on the average mileage. JB
  21. Here is an update; Back in the thread, I sent the bad Dynatek back & it was replaced with the new model programmed by USB. I installed it about a month ago. It was left with Dynatek settings - works great with plenty of power. It does need better than 87 octane now, but the performance is well worth it (to me). The unit is easily worth the money if you have a heavy Trike to move down the road. JB
  22. For me the biggest result is more power in low & middle rpm. jb
  23. Sorry - it's 64 here in Richmond, VA - 68 yesterday
  24. I agree with Bongo for NGK Iridium IX plugs
  25. Thanks bunches Mike - other body parts will thank you also. J.B
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