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Personal Information

  • Name
    william lawson


  • Location
    Long Island, NY, United States


  • City
    Long Island


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 midnight venture
  1. Steve You can try this: http://www.cyclevisions.com/chrome/military-sticker-plate/ or I used a Texas inspection stcker plate bolted to the brake caliper on the left side of the bike.
  2. Thanks for the link Art..I'll check it out.
  3. Thanks for the quick response I was hoping that I would be able to do that. I would also like music through the speakers and comms through the headset.
  4. Can anyone advise?? I've been thinking of buying the yamaha helmet headsets but need a question answered first. When the headset is plugged in does the music from the radio play through the headset or the the bike speakers? Thanks
  5. There is home share on itunes. you can click on it and authorize her ipod to install you songs and visa versa.
  6. craigr No need to apologize. I also took no offence to your postings. I think what most were trying to say is not to run. If one vehicle stops and another doesn't the LEO will think that there is a reason the other vehicle didn't stop and he will assume the you are a bigger fish and go after you. Also, just food for thought, if a vehicle passes a stopped police car doing 80, 85, 90 mph how fast do you think that police officer will have to go in order to catch you. Where I live driving that fast on a crowded highway is not fun and very dangerous.
  7. It is a thankless job..I use to tell my wife that everyone I deal with is either a bad person or a good person having a bad day. Bigdog your right, the days of letting a DWI/DUI drive home with a warning are over (at least in New York). However, when I stopped one that was not involved in an accident or belligerent I would ask them "what was that noise coming from the trunk". They would look puzzled and we would go check out the trunk. I would then accidentally lock their keys in the trunk (in the tire well). They would have to call home and have the second set of keys brought to them, by that time they're sober to drive. To get back to the main post. My actions during a car stop are always dictated by the actions and attitude of the occupants of the vehicle stopped. I also would go after the second or third vehicle that failed to pull over and left the others to fend for themselves.
  8. If you plug the GPS into the aux. port next to the tape deck you should hear the music as well as the commands through the bikes stereo.
  9. Mine is also. RIP brothers.
  10. ok Got the lights and all needed equipment. Can anyone advise; when installing the switch one line (a) goes to the relay and one line (b) goes to a source of switched 12 volt power, does line (b) have a significant draw on it when the lights are on? I'm looking for a place to tap line (b) in to and don't want to overload anything.
  11. We've got pot holes like that in the NYC area!
  12. Check out "my ride". I have it on my ipod touch. You can track fuel, maint., additional parts, travel, total costs, etc. http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/myride/id322560621?mt=8
  13. I've seen this on other sites also: riders saying that they run with 44 PSI in the rear. Is it dangerous to exceed the recommended tire pressure? Will it prematurely wear the tire? I have commanders on my bike and the tires say 40 PSI max. I have read the some with commanders will put 44 PSI in the rear.
  14. Just found this.... Retired N.Y.P.D. Detective, did 17 years and was forced to retire L.O.D. . The last 12 in the emergency service unit (E.S.U.) (our name for the S.W.A.T. team). I also ride with Blue Knights NYX. Be safe and safe home.
  15. I really like them; also, were easy to install. Not sure that they would look to good when the rear boards are up. Here's the link: http://www.bikerbrackets.com/ckoppaypal.htm
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