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Everything posted by bluerstd08

  1. Hope she has a speedy recovery, if you need anything just hollr
  2. ooo ooo. I know! Car tires are what most guys ran before MT were made widely available. I'm a board scraper too and I love the DS tire. Sorry, I just had to play the smart !#$ role for a second.
  3. Wow, glad you guys made it through that. I've had that happen a few times on the way into work or just taking a liesurely ride on back twisties. Gotta definately keep our heads on swivels.
  4. http://www2.wnct.com/nct/news/local/article/pitt_co._motorcyclist_killed_in_accident_one_person_charged/141836/ I'm not saying all accidents are the cagers fault. I tend to slow way down when coming up to an intersection and sometimes even blow the horn and make eye contact with the driver. My wife even tells me that I am way more cautious on the scoot than I have evern been in a cage. On the other side of things I see bikers of all types that push their machines to the limits on public highways and not only hurt themselves but sadly hurt others as well. I've been guilty of this as well and after a few near misses I just figured I'd better cool down my riding for the most part. Be safe out there guys and gals. Its that time of year when more bikers and cagers are out and everyone seems to be in a hurry.
  5. I use my RSTD for the 60mile rountrip to work daily, groceries, travel and just about anytime I'm on the road. My only problem is that I always end up detoured and taking longer routes home..... Had her 1 year this month and just turned 20k miles on the ODO.
  6. I would probably go with the voyager. I've ridden the Ultra and it felt too skinny and more like a comfy scooter (vespa style). I'm a big boy and need a big bike.
  7. Thats what I'm thinking too. The bike runs flawlessly leaving hardlys at the lights daily. lol I just want to keep her running great. thanks for the info.
  8. I plan to purchase the carbtune, just seeing if there is anyone close that has one so I can see it done. I work better with visuals. I'm just simple like that.
  9. I was riding home from work last night on a dark road and did really think too much about anything because it was warm and I was only a mile or so from the house. When out of the blue 2 deer jump out and both wheels locked up. I didnt panic, kept the bike straight up and missed the deer by only a few feet. I got to the stop sign put the kick stand down and had to take a breather. Its spring and the wildlife is out there, so please be safe out there. We cant let ourselves get compacent.
  10. It wont make much difference at all. The 165-80-15 is the closest speedo match for our bikes. Just put it on and dont worry about tire wear for 20k miles.... There is a calculator here http://darkside.nwff.info/ that may give you dimensional differences too.
  11. Ok, here is my first question. 1. Are the OEM airfilters able to be cleaned, or is it better to go ahead and just replace them? 2. As far as NGK-DPR7EIX-9 plugs are they really worth the extra? 3. Any one in eastern NC with a carbtune. I'll be looking to do this after the plugs and filters. The stealers want both my arms for what I've read is a 10-15 job. I've got 19000 miles in just under a year and with every service I'm getting more indepth and down and dirty with my 08rstd. (with the help of the manual on here)
  12. I agree that the Strat is definitely a power house, and is probably as reliable as any other vtwin that Yami makes. Well I was talking with a guy at Britt Customs in Wilmington, NC a few weeks ago and I said if they could put that 1700 vmax motor on a venture and keep the luxury features ie CC, and drop the cassette; the bike would sell itself. He said it is certainly possible but it would be costly. Thats what I'd like to see, or just put the v boost on the 1300 and it would take its rightful place as king of the cruisers.
  13. Its been one year and 19000 miles since I bought my leftover RSTD and I just thought I'd share that all of those miles have been trouble free. Just the routine stuff. I only have one problem my wrist has a tendency to twist the thottle open way too much at times. I switched to the DARKSIDE a few months ago and now that I'm not burning thru tires so fast, that has givin me even more drive to ride farther and farther every time. I find myself washing and waxing makin her all purdy again all the time. Thanks to the folks on here and other forums for helping me add my own personal touches. I love my rumble road speakers and the XM is great. Now I ride with out the fear of batteries dieing. Just one last thing..... What was Yamaha thinking by getting rid of this wonderful machine. I hope that they dont give up on the Venture and totally go on the V-twin bandwagon.
  14. I'll be there with NC-5 as well. This is my first year riding. The first time I saw RT was in 2002, but I was sitting in a Hummvee in the turret behind my pea-shooter on the oposite parking lot for security during reconstruction. Maybe well get to see some VR members.
  15. I ride everywhere, weather doesnt usually matter. I bought my TD last May new 0 miles and a year later I'm at 19000 miles and counting. I've rode in downpours, ice, blistering heat and it doent matter where I'm going unless what I carry wont fit then I'll take the cage. Let me add that my 6 hour trip on ice was due to me having to be at work the next day. I dont make habits of riding on ice. That trip was only supposed to be 3.5 hours. I do make a habit of wearing leather and always a helmet when I ride.
  16. Welcome to the Darkside!! I too have the NEXEN and have just over 4000 miles ( already paid for itself). I'd be changing a MT already. I love it. The wife and I rode up to D.C. to visit a soldier I served in the Army with at Walter Reed this weekend, and the ride was great. Going back up at the end of May for Rolling Thunder. Just watch taking off real hard in first.... the tire will spin through first gear.
  17. Just wondering if anyone is gonna be at the Outter Banks bike week this week. I have some business in VA on Wednesday and Im gonna take a slight detour on my way. I'll make that my lunch stop. I'll be coming from Jacksonville, NC.
  18. I am definately interested!!! but not until the nexen wears out.... next year! lol
  19. That looks AMAZING!!! Great work!!!
  20. I understand the dilema. When my father-in-law takes his Ultra Classic out and starts doing his bragging about his Harley, I look him and anyone else who does this and I ask how long have they had it and how much do they ride. Hes had his HD for a year and put less than 1000 miles and I've had my RSTD for 10 months and just turned 15000 miles. Mine may not be a Harley and be obscenely loud but I ride it and never have a fear about overheating or burning my leg at a light or people rolling there windows up when I pull up. Your Venture will easily go upwards of 100,000 mile where as most harleys have been rebuilt at least once by then. They are pretty but the reliablity of the V4 is surpassed only by the GW in my opinion. Be proud of what you ride....
  21. I'm not as um "experienced" as most of you at my mere 31yrs old. My first bike was a 1983 Honda Shadow 500C. Rode it 3000 miles in 3 months sold it and bought an 01 Vstar 1100 Classic. I kept it 15 months and put just over 24000 miles on her. I traded he up May09 for my "Betty" 2008 Yami RSTD and now she has over 15000 miles.
  22. bluerstd08

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  23. bluerstd08

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