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Everything posted by bluerstd08

  1. [ATTACH]65451[/ATTACH] Mock up of the audio. Radio is wired up and ready to go. Ill trace a bracket with dimensions and post it up when I have a chance.
  2. I bought one for the road star. I made a home made bracket that when i fine tune it ill gladly offer it to VR MEMBERS.
  3. Ditched chopped up HD fairing and ordered a RS fairing from http://www.recklessmotorcycles.com. It fit perfectly with a homemade mount. Its going to get redone too but it works for now. http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=34.808488,-77.362685&zoom=14&markers=34.808488,-77.362685&size=400x300&sensor=true [ATTACH]65318[/ATTACH]
  4. http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn195/xxMPWATERDAWGxx/photo.jpg Flanders bars, Ultimate seats, custom upolstery( adding to seats later), cruzer caddy. Fairing coming soon
  5. bluerstd08

    My pics

    different things from trip and such..
  6. Its a 5mm allen wrench. Most common on these bikes. A 3/16 will work too if its not too tight.
  7. Well, I'm 6'4" with a 36" inseam. I bought a new leftover 08 RSTD in may of 09' and after 53000 miles and a payment that quadrupled I fell on hard times and unfortunately she had to go. Good side is that with in a few months I found my "Betty's" twin sister on Craigslist with only 11000 miles, another blue/black 08 RSTD for 6500.00. I've refitted all Bettys old gear on Bessie and lovin' every mile. I've had 0 carb issues in nearly 3 years on these bikes. They only take a few minutes to synch and when they're in tune they can really light up the stop light drags. The TD is a great fit for us tall guys. I'll say if you can find one on a good deal, scoop it up cuz it wont be around long.
  8. I've had two CTs on my 08 RSTD with 20k on the first one and about 20k on the second one. thats 40k miles folks... No issues what so ever. I dont recomend pushing them to the limit but for all out touring they are perfect. I've had a few conversations over the last couple years with people that say it cant be done or its illegal. In the state of NC the inspection procedure for motorcycle tire is only that they have to be an approved DOT tire. I just recently had to part with her due to unforseen circumstances, but I bought her twin sister that had only 11000 miles on her and for a meager 6500.00 cash. In April when shes ready for a new rear tire I will again be on the darkside. Ride safe all.
  9. I''m almost ready for my 3rd CT. I've used the NEXEN on teh previous 2. I did have one blow on installation, but that was due to the shop inflating the tire too fast. I'll stick with the NEXEN, its easy to find and it handles great. I got scrape marks on the boards to prove it.
  10. Today I went out and it fired right up. I'll hold off on taking it into the dealer for now. I'm taking it out of town this week to school for work. Picked up some extra fuel line and always keep a few tools on hand just incase i goes out again, I'll bypass the pump. It rained today and I'm getting an itch to get out and ride. Thanks for all the info/advice. this has got to be the best forum on the net.
  11. I'll try that too. thanks. I do enjoy puting on the miles. My goal is 100k in 5 years... I bought Miss Betty new in May 09'. I think I'm on the right road:cool10:. If it is the pump, I'm not worried about it except I dont trust the stealer here. I've done all the maint on this bike. We are one. lol
  12. I did notice that it didnt click when I turned the key on but it didnt phase me because it had'nt been off that long. I'll double check when I get off work later today. She is quite heavy and to make it worse it had just got dark, the mosquitos were having a feeding frenzy on my arms and the cagers flying down the road barely missing me didn't make it any better. Thanks
  13. I have an 08 RSTD with just over 50k trouble miles free miles until today. It started fine and I pulled out of the driveway and made it maybe a tenth of a mile and it felt like it was running out of gas. I reached down and checked the petcock it was on. Then it finally just quit. It would fire again but then cut out again. I'm gonna check the filter and see if I got bad gas(water). I just changed the airfilters and plugs and synched the carbs. It ran fine coming home from work this morning after filling up which leads me to think it could be the fuel pump. BTW I pushed it the near 1/4 mile back to the house... that was a B. Any thoughts?
  14. Mine was on my old Vstar 1100 Classic, without a windshield. 800 miles in 15 hours. Needless to say after that I invested in a windshield.
  15. http://i304.photobucket.com/albums/nn195/xxMPWATERDAWGxx/642463327_2297045414_0.jpg Picked this up yesterday. The guy used it as a tag a long, but it still has all the camper parts with it. I pulled it about 150 miles back home. First time pulling a trailer too, and it was a really good experience.
  16. You can also try HD road king mufflers. You would need an adapter bracket. Its definately a cheaper start.
  17. Thanks for the great write up. To make things a bit easier I took the mirrors off prior to taking off the master cylinders and only too the the speedo loose and let it hang carefully.
  18. Thanks for the great write up. To make things a bit easier I took the mirrors off prior to taking off the master cylinders and only too the the speedo loose and let it hang carefully.
  19. If you're parting with the old ones, I'll take em off your hands..
  20. Gotta love the mouse running across the road..... Wait till P.I.T.A get a hold of this one.
  21. That'd be great to help wear down that tire fast wouldn't it.
  22. Very sad to hear this. Thoughts and prayer for his family. Hopefully the truck driver didnt escape unscathed...ie drug out and roughed up.
  23. Classic!
  24. I picked up my new Flanders bars today. The task of swapping them over begins this weekend. Shouldnt be too bad especially with the write up on here.
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