As we all know life has a way of throwing curve balls. Mine came in the form of a daughter starting in college, moving to a new location, wife has a degenerative back issue. I'm not complaining, because I truly am blessed beyond what I deserve. That being said, I have a 2006 Black Cherry Venture for sale. This bike is in great shape, only 7500 miles mostly highway. It has a lowering kit (because i'm only 5'7" i felt more comfortable lowering it), luggage rack for the trunk. Misc add ons. New tire at 5000 miles. Kelly Blue Book says it worth 11,500.
Brad and Lona saw my wife and I after we bought the bike new. We were on our way to Colorado. We ran into them in Lusk WY and then again a few weeks later in Worthington MN.
I put less than 500 miles on the bike this year, it just isn't getting used. I'm looking for a fair offer. I live in Worthington, MN (SW corner of the state)
Thanks for reading.