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  • Name


  • Location
    worthington, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Ham radio, riding
  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 rsv
  1. As we all know life has a way of throwing curve balls. Mine came in the form of a daughter starting in college, moving to a new location, wife has a degenerative back issue. I'm not complaining, because I truly am blessed beyond what I deserve. That being said, I have a 2006 Black Cherry Venture for sale. This bike is in great shape, only 7500 miles mostly highway. It has a lowering kit (because i'm only 5'7" i felt more comfortable lowering it), luggage rack for the trunk. Misc add ons. New tire at 5000 miles. Kelly Blue Book says it worth 11,500. Brad and Lona saw my wife and I after we bought the bike new. We were on our way to Colorado. We ran into them in Lusk WY and then again a few weeks later in Worthington MN. I put less than 500 miles on the bike this year, it just isn't getting used. I'm looking for a fair offer. I live in Worthington, MN (SW corner of the state) Thanks for reading. Bob bobnlaurie
  2. Thanks everyone I will repost as "for sale". My number on here is good (507-360-7045)
  3. As we all know life has a way of throwing curve balls. Mine came in the form of a daughter starting in college, moving to a new location, wife has a degenerative back issue. I'm not complaining, because I truly am blessed beyond what I deserve. That being said, I have a 2006 Black Cherry Venture for sale. This bike is in great shape, only 7500 miles mostly highway. It has a lowering kit (because i'm only 5'7" i felt more comfortable lowering it), luggage rack for the trunk. Misc add ons. New tire at 5000 miles. Kelly Blue Book says it worth 11,500. Brad and Lona saw my wife and I after we bought the bike new. We were on our way to Colorado. We ran into them in Lusk WY and then again a few weeks later in Worthington MN. I put less than 500 miles on the bike this year, it just isn't getting used. I'm looking for a fair offer. I live in Worthington, MN (SW corner of the state) Thanks for reading. Bob
  4. Wow, cabin fever has struck bigtime here in Minnesota. We just got back from Las Vegas where it was 78, sunny, and bikes driving all over the place. We were at Bass Pro Shop which is connected to the Silverton casino where I was gawkin at new boats. I went into the casino to find Laurie at the 3 card poker table and who sitting next to her but Paul Tuttle Jr. Mikey was a few feet away and Sr. was on his way to his room. Got a few pics and autographs......lots of fun. They were there doing a bike auction for charity. One of the bikes was a large mouth Bass.....unbelievable! My daughter had just turned 21 so we along with her boyfriend and my son were donating some $$ to Vegas. Anyway, my question is....has anyone here ever rode to the grand canyon? We are planning a ride there in June. Is it bike friendly? Any words of wisdom? (be nice) Thanks By the way, I just saw the forecast......6-9 inches of global warming for Sun-Mon Bob
  5. "unnessasary tazer death" So I'm guessing you were there to make this judgement huh? I've been a cop long enough to know that most people either back the police or don't....not much in between. Usually the ones who don't have had a bad experiance with the police or blame them for giving them a ticket. The huge majority of cops I know and work with applaude the system when a "bad" cop is help accountable. This is not an easy job for me or my family. Let's wait for the facts. The group of cops that I go to Sturgis with every year are no different than anyone else here. We love to ride, love our families, love God, and just want to go home at the end of the day. Have a great weekend all. Bob
  6. I'm supposed to be one of those tough cops who never cry, never get sick, never show emotion:322:....WELL....This little thing called type 2 diabetes dropped me to my knees in Sept 07 when I was diagnosed. My blood sugar was 400 after fasting all night. I didn't like the diet they put me on....way too many carbs! I followed the South Beach/Atkins way of eating. I dropped 30 pounds, have more energy than I've had in years, and best of all....bloods sugars consistantly in the 90s! Lots of great advice on this forum but the bottom line is YOU control what goes in your mouth, how much you excerise ect. The hardest part for me was beer....I brew my own.... and a glass of mine is like eating a loaf of bread:beersign: Happy New Year all and get well Brad and Lona Bob n Laurie
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