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Everything posted by mmaleney

  1. Glad you found the cause. Did I read somewhere that you had to put in a new starter clutch in you're bike and you used one sold on ebay? how is that part working out for you? Mine is getting to that stage. Thanks.
  2. Great white I think I have that part you want in brown, will check tonight make sure it's good.
  3. Am sure you know by now a venture will not run good on vmax carbs so you will have to dig into the carbs you have and swap everything over to a 83 to 85 carb set, it will run good on 86 to 93 set up also, easy on petrol just not as much fun as the 83 set up. do you have the venture airbox and filter ?
  4. I think you can still get the 10K resistor for the plug cap in Europe if not use 5K so that is a good cheap place to start along with new plugs. Will the bike run down the road and rev out with the 14-34 plugged in. From what I know you're 85 should run on any CDI box from 84 to 90, sad to say don't know CDI number on boxes. Chances are you will need a new CDI, There is lots of boxes for sale on ebay here but there is a lot of junk also. Good luck.
  5. Was the motor hard to turn by hand with spark plugs out. Did you turn the motor CCW. Did you add any oil down the spark plug holes.
  6. Hi all. Well I did the starter gear repair on my 87 last weekend and I think I may have done some thing wrong. The pin that is inside the bolt that secures the fly wheel, does that have to fit in to a slot or grove so as to move the oil to the head of the bolt ? because there was nothing in the book about it having to fit in to anything so all did was place the pin in the bolt an put every thing back together. Bike starts fine now but just want to be sure. Thanks
  7. I went for the needles that were on ebay I hope that will be enough to stop the gas leak, I may have got the very last two needle for sale on ebay so may be time to stock up on some of the hard to find parts for the 83. Thanks for all the help.
  8. Thanks again prairiehammer for the info, looks like there is no need to mess with the newer type will stay on the hunt for some 83's.
  9. Thanks Prairiehammer, If there is any one that has used the 86 float needles on there 83 please let me know there looks to be lots of of them on ebay.
  10. Hi all. Working on my 1983 carb and I think I need some new float needles, So do I have to use needles for the 83, looks like everything on ebay is for 86 on. And if so who has the 83 float needles for sale. Thanks.
  11. Hi all. Anyone out there running a 83 with a set of carbs from a 87 on there bike ?. I picked up a 83 over the weekend but the carbs are in need of cleaning, I have a set from my 87 that is off the road needing some work, so I was wondering how the 87 carb's would run on the 83 I was hoping they would just bolt on and go with no need to rejet if I have to do that I may as well clean the 83 carbs . Thanks all.
  12. Well thank you very much, I guess I will need you're address I can send you a Money order for the cost of shipping if that is how you want to handle it I can give you my address also They have a private message service on this site if you want to keep things a bit more private. And I would be be more than happy to send you a card at Christmas. I will try to send you something on the Private message system right now
  13. Looks like they will work for me, the set you have are from a 83 not the later set from the 86 on.
  14. Please let me know which side is bad on yours I an in need of half a rack, and how much you would sell your's for, thanks Mike.
  15. If you only need one carb I can send you one for free if it can be done in such a way that you pay shipping, I should have a few sets laying round here still , let me know if that's what you want to do. Carbs that old on ebay can sit on a shelf here for a long time and may cost you quite a bit to bring them back in to service, just something to keep in mind.
  16. Hi all, got my 88 venture motor apart and I want to replace the clutch push rod seal, where is the best place to order from, and also what is everyone using on the horizontal casings to join everything back together some kind of liquid gasket ? thanks
  17. Hi all, I would like to know how the pilot jets are sized, as in if the stock size on a mark ll is 37.5 is the next size up 38 ? 38.5 ?, and also how many sizes is the mark l at 42.5 bigger than the mark ll thanks Mike.
  18. Yes I have everything can send you a photo if you would like.
  19. I have a set I took of my 88 venture along with chrome rotor covers and caliper covers none of which I will be puting back on, If you want I can dig them out over the weekend and send you a photo, let me know, Mike.
  20. Why test a motor cold rather than hot ?
  21. I added the shims to make the mixture richer not leaner so my ss washers sit on top of the larger plastic washer on the needle and underneath the clip only then did the motor start to pull like a stock bike. Over winter I to will go to a larger pilot jet maybe one size bigger not sure what # that is but I think 42.5 is a lot bigger than 37.5. Not sure bout the air jets, just one I think. Are you useing stock spark plugs, you said they started to melt at one stage.
  22. Try turning the pilot out 5 turns out from full in that is where the low end on mine started to run OK, then shim the jet needle with some ss washers you can find in a hardware store, again on mine i had to add 2 to each needle to get the spark plugs to turn brown. I have a harley pipe on mine and that is the only non stock part on mine which would have any affect on the carbs running lean. Did you check the gas flow from the tank before the pump and also the output from the pump.
  23. Over the years Ive had 5 mkII's all but one had bad final drives, from ebay I got a 2nd gen rear to replace one of my bad mkII's rear it to was bad, and when I say bad I could move the cup that holds the drive shaft with my hand. Have had 4 MKIs all high miles all with good final drives.
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