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Everything posted by Royal05Steve

  1. When I restarted my trip I was in a parking garage and it did lose the signal, but I powered it down once I was outside it still asked if I wanted to simulate the route when I selected goto home and never really followed where I was until a few miles from home when I stopped and restarted. It also switched background color. One thing I did do was switch from motorcycle to car, but I do not think that should have anything to do with it. I set where home was the first day.
  2. Funny you should say that. The unit went into route simulaton mode(I think) when I was using the Go to Home and was telling me to turn where I wasn't. Hmmmmm...
  3. I went and traded up to the Zumo 550. 1. Was the Zumo being water proof 2. Was the size, about the size of the c340 3. With the 2 Ram mounts included about the same price as the 2820 4. The XM capability (way too pricy for the damn antenna right now though) to replace my Roady 2 and 1 less ornament on the bike
  4. Well I got the Zumo yesterday. 2 days from CA to GA, impressive :cool10:
  5. Thanks for the update Gene
  6. No just what comes with it
  7. Ordered the Zumo 550 $740.89 shipped.
  8. Now that is an image that would keep your eyes on the road and not on the gps :rotf: :rotf:
  9. Taking your hands off the handlebars to unfold the map Looking down at a tank bag trying to read a map :rotf:
  10. Ok that makes sense. Thanks I would like to know what your cuz says
  11. Why??? We live in the high tech and convienence world now You know how guy's hate to ask for directions
  12. Hey Gene, how many songs will it store? I was thinking I could use the XM portion also, but at $202 for the antenna I will keep using my Roady II. I still like the size of the 2820 screen over the Zumo though. I have the Rumble Roads speakers on my RSTD, so no radio other than my XM. I think I would need another spliter to get the sound to come out my speakers also.
  13. I was looking at the Zumo also. Hmmmm... many choices
  14. Hey Brad, no she actually bought it before I put in my Santa list and she is fine with me bringing it back and upgrading. She did pretty good in my opinion just thinking out load about the features of the 2820 and the fact it is more waterproof
  15. Santa brought me a GPS for Xmas, a Garmin c340. I was looking at the 2820 for the bike. I can take it back and upgrade, should I?
  16. If the bars are Yamaha stock, then your bars are the same as the Venture and 05 -07 RSTD, I believe. I have the Dually ISO offset pegs also and they do not interfere with the controls.
  17. Thanks. It was not too bad 15 min.
  18. This is a RSTD(Venture Lite) no fairing
  19. So with the display on odometer you press and hold the left button and the clock should appear
  20. I do not know about the Yamaha, but I do know the stock seat is terrible. I have the Corbin on my 05 and had one on my 98 Royal and it is the seat for me. I guess I have a Corbin I had the Mustang on my 98 it was ok but not good enough, switched to a Corbin
  21. Also check to see if your Y pipe is leaking. this was a problem with the 05's
  22. Yes the stock seat sucks on the RSTD!! I did a 5k trip on it and I tried everything, sheep skin, car pad from Wally World to no avail. When I got home I ordered a Corbin/w the drivers backrest and I can go tank to tank without having to stop in between. I went to Daytona 430 + miles just doing tank to tank stopping and never felt i needed to get off at any time. Yea it is as hard a board, but it works!! It will take about 500 - 1k miles to fully break in and conform to your ( | ), but it is soooo much better then stock all the time you are breaking it in. I had a Corbin on my 98 Royal with the same results.
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Luxury-MOTORCYCLE-TRUNK-LUGGAGE-TOP-CASE-Lights-WHITE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ84147QQihZ010QQitemZ200027568360
  24. Yes, they are weather resistent not weather proof though. My bike has sat in the rain at work with no problem. Ridden in down pours. It is a spotlight housing, so it is sealed pretty well. I have had them for 4 yrs now and still working fine, they were on my 98 Royal also.
  25. I saw this on another forum and it is pretty slick idea http://forums.delphiforums.com/vrider/messages?msg=3299.1
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