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Everything posted by Royal05Steve

  1. This is sad news.
  2. Sorry to hear that . Iguess you will be
  3. What is wrong with Itunes? You can buy what you want and singles are $.99
  4. I do not have this issue that I know of. If you can test ride the bike, then I guess you will know. I had a 98 Royal before this and it sounded fine to me also.
  5. I agree on the tire thing. This is the second Royal I have owned and both had Bridgeslides on them and if you get anywhere off center they start to hummmmmmmm
  6. Very sorry to hear this
  7. Yes. like Don said. I usually run mine till it sputters(about 9 - 15 miles on flashing F) then switch to reserve. That should be about .9 of a gallon, but I do not know how accurate it is. Just make sure you remember to switch it back!!! :rotf:
  8. They show one for the 05-07 Not sure if it is different then the 96 - 01 Rack
  9. Here is a write up of installing a distribution block and a relay http://www.canyonchasers.net/shop/generic/relay.php
  10. Here is another idea from aguy on a Delphi forum" Ok guys, carrying your garage door opener around in your pocket! I did something a little different. See attached pics The most forward allen bolt on the frt. Rt. side cover does nothing, pull out, drill alittle bigger hole, install a push button garage door opener button: Push button switch is from Radio Shack item no.: 275-609 2-pack, one red switch & one black switch, Wire from switch to a garage door opener, glue the buttons so they cannot move, place the garage door opener in the side cover, fits in real nice. and wala, you have a push button garage door opener on the bike, in a very easy to access spot.
  11. Are you sure it is not from Canada?
  12. Hey Jack here is a Zumo forum, see if the answer is here. The only way I have been able to do it is file manager drag and drop then import on the Zumo http://razorbiker.com/zumo/index.php
  13. The Bridgeslides are really noisy when you get them a mm off center. I changed mine out at 5800 as the rear was almost gone and put on the ME880's. Put 15,000 on those and now on my second set of 880's
  14. Yes it has POI's preloaded and you can just punch in something and it will find it and map it for you. The unit comes with MapSource software that will let you plan a route on your PC then save it to the Zumo and you can pul it up on the unit. The blue tooth is working really well in my cage.
  15. http://www.bakerbuilt.com/yamaha.htm
  16. I think Napster files are protected and you can not convert them
  17. On page 37 of the manual it states that the Zumo will play ONLY MP3's
  18. I have a Roady 2 that I switch between the bike and car. I only use the FM modulator in the car as I have the Venture Lite and no radio on the bike. I run the Roady directly to my Rumble Roads. At $200.00 I can not justify the antenna. Starting to look like the Clampets on my handle bars :-)
  19. TFD does it have an FM modulator ?
  20. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/gps/detail.asp?prod=ZUMO
  21. NP Still learning it, but pleased so far.
  22. Yup me too. Hey I figured out my issue with the simulated route thing, as I was in a parking garage the unit could not get a signal and it turned the GPS to off. It happened again tonight and I went to the tools and saw that it was off, turned it on to wass and bingo started working
  23. Yup I am learning as this is my first GPS
  24. http://razorbiker.com/zumo/index.php
  25. I did the software update Staurday night anf it seemed to behave better yesterday. I went out and bought a DVD burner for my pc so I could load the Map Source software. Not sure how to use it yet and the tutorial is pretty lame or that is all there is to using it, not sure. I guess I need to make a trip to plot out a route :-) I tried upgrading to the latest Map Source version, but I am not sure it did it. The next thing is to get it mounted on the bike now
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