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Everything posted by loehring

  1. Really?? I am exactly the opposite. The only times I use the rear brake are coming to a stop or as a trail brake for extreme low speed. I go into corners with the front only. SLPR is the only way to do it if you're riding hot. "Slow" moving to the outside of the curve to set up, "Lean" to position your body for the curve, "Push" (or counter steer) into the inside of the curve and "Roll" on the throttle at the apex and back out to the outside. (Outside/Inside/Outside) The only time I would throttle earlier than that would be if I was too slow into the curve and then that would be an adjustment not the planned process. Just my .02
  2. Either I have a unique bike or I'm just oblivious. I do have loud pipes and wear ear protection, and I do notice a whine when I downshift but I've just never noticed anything that I found annoying. I guess next time I ride with everyone I'll have to see if I'm somehow different than the rest of the bikes.
  3. I like that site. Even if you don't get the right answer you learn something. I thought some of the answers on the Collision Traps could have been "all of the above". Thanks for posting.
  4. Silly Biker.... Trailers are for boats. (And Harleys)
  5. You have to accept the fact that the Dragon is not just for bikes. If you end up behind a truck or RV it's just bad luck. Deal with it. What makes it even worse is what seems to be a group of riders. I don't know if the 2 that tried to pass were with the ones that stopped or not but if they were that's even more stupid. Did they expect a pack of 10 bikes to pass like that? What a couple morons. I've had sport bikes do that to me before when I was scraping board on other roads. I got so pissed I followed them into the next gas stop. It got ugly after that. I hope the guy wasn't seriously hurt too but I do hope it totally the bike and took him a year another one. Maybe that would make him think twice before pulling something like that again.
  6. loehring

    wake up

    Is this the gun interview? If so, it's great. "I don't like repeat offenders. I like DEAD offenders". Go Ted!!! :guitarist 2:
  7. I can't say that I know how any of you feel. I've been married 23 years as well but so far things are ok. I won't say there haven't been close calls. Neither of us has cheated but there have been other pressures that have come closer than I would like. We lived apart for 4 months due to job issues but it was almost a trial separation at the time. Things are tough right now because I'm unemployed but I hope that changes when the stress gets better. I will say tat I have to agree about keeping something to help you get through. I know that when I thought we were headed for divorce, the bike was all that kept me sane. There's just no therapy like getting knees to the wind. Not for me at least. I hope that what ever happens it turns out for the best.
  8. I agree, very clean look. The bike has AM/FM/CB/Intercom/Cassette and the 550 has GPS/Traffic/Weather/XM Radio/MP3/Bluetooth/Trip Computer. I don't know of anything else that you can get that's not a complete distraction. It's all there with one waterproof unit
  9. Those are awesome. Now we need pics of them on the bike and in action.
  10. I'm a Garmin Zumo 550 person. I looked at the 660 and loved the large screen but they dropped the XM Radio and Traffic on the 660 so I stuck with the 550. The screen is a little smaller but it has all the features I like. Great unit and Garmin is the best when it comes to CS.
  11. I haven't but then I really like the stock seat on the RSV.
  12. loehring

    I WON!!!

  13. So that's what you Yankees do in the winter when there's too much snow to ride.:rotfl:
  14. I agree. I really wish these gutless politicians would pass laws that have some teeth and then make the fines hurt. I have to admit these people make me furious so if you're ever somewhere and hear a guy cussing someone out for doing this very thing it's probably me.
  15. I tried to post the entire article in a pdf but even one page was too big. If you want the entire article send me an email with a return addy.
  16. loehring

    It's over

    I'm so sorry to hear this Rod. My prayers are with you and your family. I know there are bikes in Heaven or it would be Hell. We can all look forward to riding with him one day.
  17. Actually he was just familiarizing himself with where to get service in different states when he rides.
  18. We just rode that last weekend. My daughter calls it the "Cherry Cola". Very pretty ride.
  19. Wow. I grew up in London and recognize most of those places. There weren't a lot of gangs back in '75 when I moved to GA though.
  20. We're praying for you, Tanner and the whole family. Keep us posted. If he get's as far as GA we'll be keeping an eye out.
  21. Made under license from Yugo.
  22. I have to agree with what I've seen here. The bike is cool and when it first came out I was really interested but there were too many little things that bothered me. No saddle bad storage space, air cooled engine, no top end, typical frame mounted fairing issues with buffeting and interstate passing and something just didn't feel right when I sat on it. I know a couple people who bought them and they seem to like them although when you talk to them about the bike they just say they're happy with it. No real elaboration. That always made me think maybe they were justifying and didn't want to say what they really felt. maybe it's just me but I'll talk about the RSV all day. I think your bike needs to make a statement about you. Plenty of people ride what they kind of git stuck with but if you can afford a new bike get the one that's you. The RSMV is me but the Vision just wasn't.
  23. I'm 51 with an '07 so I don't see me with another bike. The styling is classic and the engine will run forever. The 1st Gens are running great and I know the 2nd Gen will hold up just as well. I guess if I'm still able to handle 900lbs on 2 wheels at 80 I may just treat myself. ( I do like to look though )
  24. Then we really would need to change the logo.
  25. You already do more than anyone could ask Don. You actually read every post????!!!! You better make sure that radiation isn't effecting you decision making.
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