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Everything posted by loehring

  1. Merry Christmas to all.
  2. Sorry to hear this Dragonslayer. Prayers offer for the family. May God bless and comfort them all in this time of loss.
  3. I have them and they were installed at the dealership when the bike was new. There's a toggle switch on the faring right beside the cigarette lighter. I leave them on all the time though for all the reasons listed before both night and day. I had no idea about this sort of law. Does that mean I will get pulled if I ride through with them on? That would seen a bit stupid since most of your larger HD's have the same three light setup.
  4. I'm glad it was settled. I don't think the officer should be in jail but I do think it's right that the state make some sort of restitution. This is very different from a drunk driver, etc. I also agree there has to be some sort of lawsuit cap. You can't put a value on a life so there's no point in arguing but $1million will at least take care of the family left behind.
  5. Oh to be young again. I remember to this day, the ride I took to CA from Atlanta the year before I got married. It was on an '84 Wing. I rode solo for most of it but it was cool meeting other riders and pairing up for portions along the way. My fiance flew out to San Diego and rode with my to San Francisco then flew back. What an awesome memory. I would love to have the time to just take off again. Maybe that will be my final retirement gift to myself. I have to say though that I will do it on the RSV and be pitching a tent. My son is 16 and will be riding himself in a couple years. Maybe it will be the 2 of us. Wow!!! Now you've got me thinking.
  6. You're a more patient man than I am. I think you should have conducted another scientific test. It takes you 1.5 seconds to leave the bike, how long does it take for him to come through the window? Then, how long does it take him to find his keys after you throw them as far as you can? (But then I do tend to "snap" at times)
  7. There is something to be said for living south of the Mason/Dixon. There were only 2 unridable days last year and hopefully none this year.
  8. I think CO is more of a summer state to visit.
  9. Personally, I think if they can't see an RSV with 5 lights on the front they need to be removed from the gene pool.
  10. Prayers for the family from Buford. Thanks for letting us all know Don.
  11. Hey Terry, yours is black and gold isn't it?
  12. Don, "blocking" or "road guard" is something that really needs to be taken seriously. There are a lot of variables including route, speed, formation size etc. Here in GA we simply don't do it. I have been on charity rides where they allowed it and people were killed. We made the decision a few years ago that if there wasn't adequate LEO involvement we would limit the size of the escort. For example, if we had 75 bikes and no LEO from the church to the cemetery then we would assign 4 bikes to the hearse, possibly 4 for the immediate family and every one else would be dispatched to the cemetery as soon as the service started. They would be sent in groups of 10 and spaced by 2 minutes. Upon arrival at the cemetery they would prepare a flagline to receive the procession. Even with LEO support we will split the group if we have much more than 100 bikes. (50 in escort and 50 at the cemetery) The only time we all ride escort regardless of numbers is a LEO supported airport arrival. We just don't feel safe with it here. Some states may be different. I do feel very fortunate with the support we have from local LEO. We virtually always have at least 1 or 2 for veterans and with KIAs I've seen as many as 20 patrol cars and as many motors added to that. Blocking is the last thing on our minds. We just try and stay out of their was as they move from the rear to the front. Like Boomer said, every state is pretty autonomous. I know we have a National leadership but to be honest they pretty much just handle the site. Each state has incorporated as it's own non-profit and can tun completely on it's own if it has to. We try to be consistent but each state needs to make decisions based on what works in their state because LEO support, MC interference, etc. can vary from state to state.
  13. There should never be an issue with a passenger for a PGR mission. Every state has some of it's own little things but that's not one anywhere I know of. Best thing to do is to contact your State Captain. As for the flag mounts, I have some pictures of what I've done but they are too big to upload so send me an email address and I'll send you the pics.
  14. I guess I average 30k per year. But I do live in the south. Today was 73 and not a cloud in the sky. How could you NOT put that much on your bike?
  15. That's awesome to hear Brewser. It's great when people support those who have put themselves in harms way. The PGR has grown so much that we attend and escort for veterans, law enforcement and fire fighters as well. The protesters are not even thought about anymore. We're there completely for the families now. Most recently we had a family that didn't want the press taking pictures so we stood shoulder to shoulder folding flags so the press was completely blocked and the family had their privacy. We had one young widow say that when she arrived at the church and saw all the flags and bikes was the first time she felt safe since she heard the news of her husband's death. Even without protesters, Canada and Australia (All the nations fighting for the cause of freedom) deserve an organization like the PGR. It would be great to see one start in Canada. I know we had many that would ride across the border from the northern states years ago but the crossing has become a problem now. If I lived close I would consider it an honor to ride for a Canadian soldier and fly The Maple Leaf from my bike.
  16. Trust me everyone. This is nothing to get worked up about. The WBC started about 4 years ago with their protests and the PGR started with 15 ALR riders. They have stayed about the same and we are over 170k across the country. In the past 3 1/2 years I've seen the UG's in GA only twice and they had a total of about 12 people to our 150 bikes. They are a non-issue. They say they will be at every mission and they never show up. They do have the right to protest but they must get a permit from the local authorities. The PGR will find out if they have that permit (which must be obtained 24 hrs in advance) but they probably won't. While they can protest along the route, they are restricted around the church and cemetery to either end an hour before the service or start an hour after. If they obtain a permit for the route we simply change the route and go around them. They're really less of a nuisance than GA gnats. LOL The last 2 times in GA the family didn't even know they were there. There were so many of us that when the family arrived and the protesters started to yell we all started singing 'God Bless America'. You couldn't hear a word they said. (I think we may have traumatized some people though. ) The other time they obtained a permit for the church and we changed churches. They protested but it was 3 miles away. No one ever saw them because we routed around them. For those of you who live close please feel free to check the PGR site, get the information and come stand. The OH PGR will welcome you with open arm. You don't need to be a member and you don't even need to ride. Rest easy, we have become very good at this but like Boomer said, it's not now nor will it ever be about us.
  17. Actually there is a specific button on the website to donate for the legal fees. All other money must be spent elsewhere. Also, most states have their own funds and 'tax exempt' status so you don't have to give any money at the National level if you don't choose. The funds to maintain the website come from other donations and the sale of PGR merchandise. Most states are pretty self-sufficient financially. At least I know GA is.
  18. As many have said, there's no dress code for the PGR other than wearing some. Thanks for joining. While it is a national organization each state is fairly autonomous so check with your state RC's and SC. In GA we encourage people to ride in groups whenever possible. Especially if you have to travel any distance to get to the staging area for a mission. Obviously we have no control over it but it's always a good idea. We also encourage people to post that they are home safe on the mission thread. (this is a separate informational thread on the GA Forum, not the condolence thread on the Confirmed Mission Forum) What we do can be emotional and it's easy to be distracted so please be careful. We've lost a couple riders in traffic accidents and that's really tragic. They were good people. Loadmaster, we'll be praying for your friend.
  19. I've never heard of this before. Especially with the intercom volume at 0. Maybe one of the electronic gurus can help with this.
  20. Thanks Don. My prayers for his family. Cancer is an awful thing. I lost my mother to it and will probably lose my father in the next few months. I wish God would chose an easier way for people to leave this earth.
  21. The bike folks are just going through what every other industry is going through. The world economy sucks so they will all just hunker down and ride it out. All those companies are very diverse so they will be fine. I think you all are right about the R&D though. That will suffer until the economic smoke clears.
  22. That's pretty cool but an awful lot of work. Wouldn't it be easier to just ride the bike? Pickups are for hauling stuff and trailers are for boats.
  23. Very impressive. That was a BMW. There are a number of motor cops riding sport/tour bikes now. I guess they need to be able to keep pace with the sportier cars that are out there.
  24. I echo those responses. This isn't a good time to sell regardless of the economy. People in the northern half of the US and Canada would only be buying to put the bike up for a few months. There's no 'bug' to get a bike. Prices always go up in the spring when people start thinking about riding again. Hopefully we'll all be better off financially in 6 months as well.
  25. I've replaced the front and rear pads on my '07 and didn't see any shims. That does it!!!!! I'm returning the bike! It's defective!!! :rotfl:
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