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Everything posted by loehring

  1. And people wonder why there has been a return to vigilante law. I have lost all faith in our "Justice" system.
  2. Ran Avons on my '89 and I'm on my second set for the '07. No issues at all and I plan to continue to use them.
  3. Welcome Ouzo. Great looking bike. Thanks for the pics.
  4. I am a strong believer in the Constitution and the 1st Amendment but common decency should be factored in. This is an unfortunate ruling but the PGR will continue as we have for the past years. It's great to see all of the members here who are members and who have joined. Please remember who the PGR is and what we stand for moving forward. We are not a political group or a counter protest group. We honor these heroes at the request of the families and we are not involved in other protests. We all have strong personal opinions about what the WBC is doing but we can't allow them to drag us into anything that would put our mission at risk. A number of them are lawyers and they keep themselves funded through litigation so we can never give them an openning. What we do for the families of these heroes is too important even when the UGs don't show up. If you attend a PGR Mission please remember why we're there and follow the mission. If you feel the need to counter protest at some other venue that WBC may be picketing (I may join you) please remove anything that would tie you to PGR. Thanks again all. Your support for our troops once again shows the kind of people who are members of VentureRiders. This is an awesome group.
  5. Thanks Terry for all the effort. I wish I couls have attended more but scheduling just wouldn't permit. I am glad you will continue to ride though. Hopefully whoever steps up will do as good a job as you did and I look forward to riding with you in the furture.
  6. Rotella T Syn is all I used on my '89 and now all I use on my '07. My 89 had well over 100k miles on it and the '07 has 70k. I have a 2000 Grand Prix with 186k and a '97 Firebird with 176k. GTX only in those 2. In my opinion there are no more important accessories that your oil and filter.
  7. Not a bad looking bike. I'm always a little slow to the party with new bikes and cars though. Every time they come up with something new it takes a couple years to get the bugs out. I do like the direction Kaw is going with the line though. Let's see how they hold up.
  8. You wonder why he was behind the wheel of a truck in the first place. Prayers on the way from Buford. I hope they put him away for a very long time.
  9. As far as I know the Kaw is a good bike. The only things I have heard negative are in maint. (I have a friend with a Vulcan that stays in the shop) and the room. The Kaw is a little cramped compared to the RSV. If you're a large person or tall you may find the Kaw a little small feeling but if not then that may not matter. The RSV is much more comfortable for the passenger (re my wife. We test rode) but it does have a higher center of gravity. I have no issues with low speed handling but then I get plenty of practice with the PGR. Some have noted that the RSV is unruly at low speeds so that's something to consider if you have had issues in that past with other bikes. Each bike has it's pros and cons so I would test ride both if you can. I chose the RSV because it was the right bike for me but you need to check them both out. Either way you are welcome here.
  10. Very nice. I like it. (BTW, I always carry some standard tools in my tour pack just for my HD friends)
  11. I really wish I could make this. The bad part is I have to work but the good part is I have a job. The next good part is that I will start getting a vacation week every quarter so maybe next year will be in the bag. Will the shirts be available even if you can't be there?
  12. This is frustrating. The bike seemed fine this morning and then on the way home it started again. I did notice that I used to get clicking when I turned on the ignition, especially if the bike had been sitting for a day or two. Now I don't ever hear the click. Is it supposed to be there and could that mean the fuel pump is bad?
  13. I've had some issues with my RSV cutting off since I got some bad gas. I've run a couple bottles of Seafoam through and I just changed the fuel filter. It will start fine with the choke open but if I don't let it warm up it will die going down the street. Once it dies it will start right back with the choke open again. Lat night I was on the interstate and it quit. I pulled in the clutch and let it out a couple times and it started back up. It just seems strange. Would a fuel pump go out a little at a time like that? I've been through a number of tanks of gas since the bad tank and I still get the same stuff. Any ideas?
  14. We are just a week away. I really hope some of you from the Atlanta area can make the ride. If not, any donations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks all.
  15. As many of you know we lost a great friend and brother a little over 2 years ago to brain cancer. Mike "Deltoid" Bland was one of a kind and we miss him terribly. Last year I decided to make one particular ride a dedication to Mike. The Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation's "Ride For Kids" is a fund raiser that gives all it's money to research for a cure for Pediatric brain cancer. I can't think of a better way to honor my friend than to make sure his bike is on that ride and to raise as mush money as possible in his name. Last year we raised a little over $1000. I hope to double that this year. This year the ride will be returning to the North side of town. On June 6th the ride will start at the North Point Mall and end in Dahlonega at Lumpkin HS. It would be awesome if we could get a number of riders there this year to ride in Mike's name. I have set up a fund raising site for "Deltoid's Team" at: http://www.firstgiving.com/deltoidsteam Please visit and donate if you feel lead but please don't feel obligated. Mike would never want that. Follow your heart, Mike always did. For additional information check out the PBTF site at: http://www.pbtfus.org/rideforkids/calendar/2010/atlanta.html Thanks everyone and I hope I see many of you there this year.
  16. Not much question I'm in favor.
  17. I just wanted to let everyone know that we have some really awesome members. I needed help getting my bike back close to right and Harry Hyaduck (Yamaduck) made a trip all the way to my house today, about 50 miles to help. He hung with me just about the entire day and even brought a spare part that made all the difference. When we were done we found an issue with my brake lights and he even stayed to help me troubleshoot until we had it. You just don find a lot of people like that these days but I've found them here. This group is awesome and Harry is a prime example of why I am a Venturerider. Thanks Harry and I owe you a huge one my friend. :guitarist 2:f
  18. Thanks guys. Harry, Thursday would be fine for me. Send me some contact information and we can set the time etc. Thanks again.
  19. I resently has a crash and I've been able to replace the parts but I've been having some issues with allignment. I need to be able to see a Venture to compare the alignment and I also need some help with some bending. Is there anyone near the Buford area that would be able to help out? I'll buy the beer.
  20. Thanks all. I'm fine, just a little sore. I checked Pinwall and unfortunately there's nothing there I need. He does have a lot of stuff though. I'll keep looking.
  21. Hi all. I had an unfortunate collision today. I'm fine but the bike took a hit. I'm looking for a right lower cowling and a passing lamp assembly. Nothing on eBay. I checked the OEM listing and they want $245 for the lower. I haven't been able to fine the passing lamps. If anyone has any or knows a good place to purchase please let me know. I'd like to get her fixed ASAP. Thanks for any help.
  22. Thanks for the responses everyone. I don't know for certain if I can make it this weekend but I'm going to try. Otherwise I'll be in touch.
  23. Hi all. I need a carb sync and unfortunately can't afford the tools right now. Is there anyone in the NE GA area that has the tools that would be willing to help me out? Hopefully I'll be able to return the favor one of these days.
  24. Whip, I have to question the upkeep of the bike before you got it. I know there are a couple issues with the RSV just as there are with any bike but I bought my '07 with 32k miles on it '08. I know it was maintained well. I now have almost 65k on her and have done nothing other than change the oil, upgrade the clutch spring and change the tires. I have no leaks anywhere and no issues with the rear shock. (I do think they fixed the shock problem before the '07 model) If you're having all that trouble maybe it's not the bike as much as the original owner. 14k miles in 9 years is a question mark all in itself.
  25. I don't think I would walk that path!! What I really want to know is what would you do if someone else just as stupid was coming the other way?
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