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Everything posted by loehring

  1. I have had the same response as Eck. For the most part when I have waived the driver off they will back away. Occasionally there are the a'holes but 90% are just driving like they would if they were following another cage and don't even realize they are that close. I will also make sure that the closer they are to me the farther away I am from the cage in front of me. That way I eliminate my need for any typre of hard braking. While we're on the subject, I hope everyone takes the same care when approaching a stop light. Do you pay attention to the cage behind you and make sure they are slowing? Do you approach the cage in front of you at an angle that would allow you to pass along side of it in case the cage behind isn't paying attention? I have a number of lights I hit daily that are on a divided road carying high speed traffic. One is only a half mile after the road changes from controlled access and is on a curve. I make sure I'm very aware of the cage behind.
  2. Two weeks commuting with a blown rear shock. Motion sickness pills............... $4.00 New shock with shipping......... $460.00 The new found ability to ride a mechanical bull.......... Priceless.
  3. Glad you like the bike and welcome to the site. I love my '07. I guess the whine never has bothered me. I've always had some sort of whine with every bike I've owned so no issue. (The Baron 4-2-4 Nasty Boy pipes don't hurt. Loud pipes and ear plugs pretty much take care of the whine. ) Once you get used to the bike the top heaviness won't bother you either. I can hang with most police bikes in low speed maneuvers so it's all about getting to know her. She really shines though when you put your feet up and just relax as the miles roll by.
  4. It doesn't matter what you ride or where you ride, just that you ride. We all have our own personality when it comes to the ride and each rider is unique. That's what make us who we are. Never consider yourself different because we are all different. For me it's the Brotherhood of the Free. We all just live to ride and it makes no difference where. I heard a great quote years ago that cagers pick a destination and bikers pick a direction. That's all that matters brother.
  5. It looks like the dreaded pogo effect has started. The rear shock will hold air but the damping is going. Unfortunately the warranty ended last October so I'm on my own. I hate to drop $600 on new one but I don't trust something used from eBay for something like this. Does anyone know of a viable alternative or am I pretty much stuck on this? Can't complain too much though, I have 90k on the bike so it's not like I didn't get any use out of it?
  6. Are you sure you didn't talk to "Peggy"?
  7. Our prayers go out to you and the family brother. Ride safe.
  8. Thanks for the post. We all need to stay alert. Although things can get crazy I don't think they are any worse than years past. I do think there are more inexperienced riders out there though. With all the sport bikes and all the new riders I'm not at all surprised the statistics are climbing. While I question just how much they listen, It's up to all us old guys to at least try and educate the younger ones.
  9. I'll take 1 7". Thanks. I'll be looking for more information on payment.
  10. I use the Rotella-T Synthetic in the blue jug. That's all I have ever used. It's rated for 15k miles but I change every 5k. Almost 90k on the '07 and she runs great. I wouldn't even consider changing. Wal-Mart has the best price in this area.
  11. This is awesome Black Owl. I wish I could make it. I have family in MN and my Brother-in-Law was a Marine Pilot flying at F4 in Nam. Unfortunately I can't get there in June but I hope you have a great turn out.
  12. You guys are hilarious:rotf::rotf::rotf: You'll find plenty of help here. Shops don't like to work on bikes more than a few years old this time of year. They worry about parts so they make it hard. I know someone her can get you up and running.
  13. Wish I could help you with that Ron. GA only uses a private site if National goes down so we are always at the main site.
  14. Welcome. It's an awesome organization. I'm proud to be a part of everything we do.
  15. Prayers for the family Tom. I know this is a very difficult time. Sorry also that you have to sell the bike. I wish you had another way.
  16. Guilty as charged. Ear plugs and all.
  17. Welcome Golf. The PGR is a great group with a very important mission. It's awesome to have as many involved as there are. Kind of brings back your faith in people. Like many have said, some of the best people I have ever met are with the PGR. I guess that's why so many from this group are there. Thanks for your dedication.
  18. I'm just seeing Naturbar. My heart goes out to you and your family. Words can't begin to express what it means to lose a child. Prayers on the way from Buford. May God bless and comfort you and your family in this lime of loss.
  19. That would be great. It would be great to see you guys.
  20. I hope to make this too. I work Friday night and won't get off until about 4am but if I can get out of bed I may be able to get there for the afternoon.
  21. Sounds Good Bobby. That's my plan right now as long as I don't get called in. Hope to see you.
  22. This sucks!!! I have to work Saturday but I'll be riding some time this week. I have a funeral mission for the PGR on Friday but I hope to get to the mountains Thursday. If you guys get hungry stop at the Applebee's in Dawsonville. I'll be there until 5 Saturday. Ride safe.
  23. You know the drill Dragonrider. We simply turn our backs. I know of 3 times in all the years the UGs have been protesting that they have been in GA. All three times they were a non-issue. In Athens there were about 15 of them and 150 of us. The family never saw them and didn't even know they were there until someone told them after the service was over. In Columbus they decided not to show after they were in town because the place they were awarded by permit was a mud hole construction site and in Marietta the Father, who was a Pastor changed churches at the last minute and they were protesting over 3 miles away. I can't count the number of times they have posted that they would be here but they have only made the trip 3 times in 6 1/2 years. In a strange way I'm kind of glad they're around. We Americans can be pretty complacent at times. I'm 54 and don't ever remember an organization like The PGR before we all became indignant about what was happening at the funerals of our fallen. I think of the thousands if not tens of thousands of heroes we have had the chance to honor across the country over the past 6+ years that would have never happened. The news media wouldn't have covered much and these fine men would have passed in anonymity. I would gladly take out any one of these misguided idiots but I just keep thinking of the story of Joseph. Gen 50:20 "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is to this day, to save much people alive." When I read about these fools I just quietly think of the irony and know that what we do is blessed. Thanks for being a part if it Dragonrider.
  24. I have an adapter and a lift. (the lift would be a little hard to carry on the bike ) I would be game if it was on a day I could get off. Unfortunately they can be rare for a restaurant manager.
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