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Everything posted by loehring

  1. First let me say I'm glad you're both ok,(sort of) but this seems like a recepe for disaster.
  2. It's been a while but as I recall 1974 Suzuki GS750 1980 Suzuki GS1000 1984 Honda Aspencade (17 year "being a good Dad so no bike". STUPID!!) 1989 1st Gen 2007 RSMV Loved them all. Right about 400k miles later and there's still no where I'd rather be than "knees to the wind".
  3. I will never understand why someone would even buy a bike and only put 21k on it in 19 years. Almost a "why bother" thing. Great for someone though.
  4. I guess since went from an '89 to an '07 I regressed.
  5. I think they're pushing for the money because it's collector's bike. I like to ride too much to have a collector's bike and the fact is that a Yamaha just doesn't have collector value. Sure it's a limited addition but when was the last time you heard or a Yamaha museum? A collector's Harley would go for a bunch but not a Yamaha. If you just have a thing for RSVs and have $15k blow money then have at it but if you buy it to ride the collector's value goes down with every mile. I agree, buy an '08 and enjoy the ride.
  6. Just another idea for you, when I wash mine I only use water for the engine area if it needs it. The rest of the bike I use Lemon Pledge and microcloth. It works great on the paint and chrome and I never have to use the hose. For me it's easier and I can do it anywhere. Takes less time too.
  7. loehring


    Bottom line for me..... you want to make 56. Unsafe is unsafe no matter who it is. I'll ride solo any day rather than put myself at risk because of some yahoo. I would confront it and if they don't like it, ride on. There are other groups to ride with and they don't have to be organized. I have some friends that I ride with. Nothing organized but we just happen to like to ride together. Even at that everyone is ultimately responsible for their own ride. I love to ride but if I had to change who I am and ride in a way that I felt was unsafe to conform to a group it would be just me and the wind next time.
  8. loehring


    I agree with Roadkill. Probably a waste of time to talk to a "stranger" about his/her riding. (Although I probably would but I live for confrontation) If that was the ride captain I would avoid the group all together. If not then I would take the concern to the ride captain and let him handle it. As a new group there's no telling who really know who yet but basics of group riding don't change.
  9. REALLY loud pipes fix everything. I haven't heard a chirp, whine or anything else since I put on my Barons.
  10. I do the same. I have a 3/4 with a full shield and I wear a "turtle fur" collar that covers my face and nose. Enough air gets under the shield to keep the fogging away when I'm riding. I do have to raise the shield when I come to a stop but the collar keeps me plenty warm. I also hate to wear a full face helmet. It cuts my vision and the weight bothers my neck on long rides.
  11. I say plan a "charity" ride past the home of the sponsor of the bill. Proceeds to go toward fighting the legislation and supporting whoever is running against him/her in the next election.
  12. That's a rediculous bill. I know here the AMA would be fighting it in court if it was here. It's discriminatory against motorcycles and it takes away parental rights without an appropriate study on the benefits. My 13 year old daughter has been riding with me for years and loves it as much as I do. It shows you how small minded legislators can be. (That includes here in the US) Is there a group like the AMA in Canada to fight for riders rights?
  13. The draw of The Dragon is the length. There are a number of roads that are more challenging and more scenic. It's the 11 miles of relentless curves that gives The Dragon it's reputation. It's pretty hard to find a road that isn't fun to ride up there though. I like to stay at the Iron Horse. It's back off the main road and really quiet at night. I didn't get to go this year so I guess I'll just have to go twice next year.
  14. Here's what I have. They are rated the same as Gerbing (which is really the best but pretty expensive) at a much better price. I have the jacket liner and leather gloves with the dual control. With these items under a leather jacket and chaps I commute 100 miles a day. The mornings have been around 32 this week and I am perfectly warm. I do have a "Turtle Fur" neck cover and agree with keeping your head and neck warm. The jacket liner has a high, heated collar and under the turtle fur I don't feel any cold at all. I know $300 can be a lot of money but I tried to ride without and I just couldn't get away from the chill. I layered clothing and did everything I knew to do (growing up in Canada) but nothing really worked. I was either so bundled up that I couldn't move well (not safe) or I was so chilled that I couldn't relax. (also not safe) I hate to be in a car and want to ride 12 months a year. For me it was worth every penny. I'm comfortable, relaxed and have complete mobility. Even in the teens I can enjoy the ride and I don't feel like I'm fighting the elements. Bottom line, like others have said is to find what works for you. If you can't move or get warm then the ride is unsafe. Some people can do it without the heated gear but couldn't. For me the investment was worth it. I hope you find the right mix. http://cozywinters.com/heated-clothing/
  15. I was on Suzukis back then, a 750 and a 1000. Boy does that bring back some great memories. Thanks for the post.
  16. The design is cool. I can't remember the last time I wore a button down though. Do you have any plans on offering different shirt types and the same questions about color, size of design and placement as the rest?
  17. That makes sense. Extra fillament, more LEDs..... D'Oh!! See what happens when you get old?
  18. Not being much of a techie, how would they handle a transition to high beam? Incandecent bulbs use a second fillament. How would that work?
  19. Hey Sling, did you get the bias or radials? Keep me posted on the wear. I'd be interested in the mileage you get.
  20. Just over 36k so far. Still a little more than 2 months left though. We don't put them up down here so we have a bit of an advantage.
  21. Add 2 more wheels and a roll cage and it's even safer. (Ooops. That's a car) I see nothing wrong with as many true safety features as possible but let's not forget that the most important safety feature on any bike is right between your ears. I would be really interested in a study that would show the number of accidents that were avoidable if the rider reacted properly. My guess would be that a large number, while not officially the riders fault were avoidable if the rider were following the rules that we all should know and follow. I get a sick feeling every time I read about an accident but I try to see if I feel it could have been avoided. Was the rider going too fast or following too close? Was he/she out of position? Did he give the cage every opportunity to see him? Anti-lock brakes are great but it's more important for us to keep our heads in the game and that's free. Just my .02 (Thanks for posting the aticle. This is great information)
  22. I started with Rotella Syn on my '89. Sold it with 105k miles and you couldn't hear any valve noise at all. I never had the valves adjusted or did anything other than change every 5000k miles. I run the same now in my '07 and don't see any reason to change.
  23. Yep it does. If the oil says that it will happen.
  24. I'm assuming you're using some type of motorcycle oil and not automotive. I use synthetic but it's Rotella-T. An automotive oil with anti-wear additives will make the clutch do that.
  25. My solution was Baron 4-2-4 Nasty Boy pipes. What chirp?....... Did some say something?.......................... Hello......................
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