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Everything posted by loehring

  1. Very nice. I guess the Harley will get plenty of rest.
  2. Just be careful that's not the part acting as a "Mustang Magnet".
  3. In GA they have always given 10 over but that may be starting to change. I remember last year they were advertising "The Fast and Furious" period where they were targeting motorcycles. I will say that it was mainly sport bikes that were flying that prompted the crack down. I was pulled for doing 65 in a 45 but I was on my way to greet a KIA Soldier at an airport. The bike was rigged with flag poles and I had a PGR windshield banner. The LEO just said "carry on but slow down". Not even a warning. I hope most of us are safer riders than that and don't make a habit of speeding. I was being stupid. I should have left the house earlier. For the most part I really think it's the sport bikes that are lighting it up they are after. With all the wrecks out there I can't say that slowing down isn't a good idea.
  4. I hope your BIL is experienced. I would hate to see a thread where he crashed such a beautiful bike.
  5. Glad you're ok Carl and really glad that you're learning from this. I think that's what make a really good rider. We all make mistakes but the ones who always want to blame someone else don't live long. Analyzing a crash and taking something from it even though you weren't technically at fault means you'll be with us for a long time. Thanks for sharing the information. I hope we all take it to heart.
  6. I get a high pitch feedback too. It's really annoying and seems to come on when I get up around 80mph. The worst part is that it's always accompanied by a punch to the ribs.
  7. Cheap fix..... Use a cassette adapter. That's what I did. The only down side is that you need to have the cassette active so the radio won't work when you have the Nav running. For me that was no big issue. I have the Garmin Zumo 550 which has XM Radio and an MP3 player so the loss of the onboard radio was no big deal. Hope that helps.
  8. This is an awesome site and you'll find pretty much anything you need here along with some great friends. I have the '07 Midnight and love it. You won't be sorry you made the move. Check the tech library and other forums. You could spend days reading all the information. Welcome.
  9. Is there nothing on either headset? If the volume on the rear is down then you wouldn't be able to hear in that headset but you would still be able to hear in the front headset. Like Don said, they're always hot so you should be able to hear something. There's also no VOX on the 2nd Gen so the music doesn't change at all when you talk. When you say you have the volume up are you referring to the main volume or the IC volume? To adjust the IC volume you have to press the center button 4 times until you see 'IC' and then use the up/down arrow button to adjust the volume. Is that the one you have at 15? It's independant from the main volume.
  10. I made a California trip many years ago on an '84 Wing. I loved every mile and would do it again in a heart beat. The 1st Gen would be more than up to it. I would give you a word of caution though. If you do I would take someone with me on another bike. This isn't your bike so you don't really know the condition. It may seem fine but 2500 miles is a long ride if there is something you don't catch. I would also give myself A LOT of extra time just in case either the bike or I needed to take it slow. Have a great ride. I will never forget mine.
  11. I think this was probably isolated. I know a number of 1%ers and none of them act like that. In GA the Outlaws run the show. While I would never cross any of them intentionally they have always been respectful to others at shows and rides. As a RC for PGR we have had quite a few attend our missions and never a single problem. They always request to ride together and we always honor that request but that's the only thing I've ever been asked. Did you happen to get the colors? My guess is they aren't the dominant MC in the area. It's usually the small MC's that feel they need to make a name for themselves that act out. The dominant MC doesn't have to and also wants to avoid LEO complications. As for colors, I only wear PGR and then only on a mission.
  12. I tried that and the 'hard reset' and neither one worked in this case. I guess it was just a strange deal. So far I haven't had any issues with the new one they sent me.
  13. Under my knees Randy. Geez, what a crowd.
  14. I use the mirror as well. It's a little dark in my garage so I shine a flashlight down on the mirror and that lights the glass for me too. It takes just a second. As for not worrying about it because the bike doesn't burn oil, my car doesn't either but I still check the oil level once a week out of habbit. I guess I just like to keep an eye on things. Oil level, tire pressure, tread wear, etc.
  15. One thing I've done in the past was to fold down the antennas and tuck them under my legs. It may have no scientific merrit but I feel better without looking so much like a lightning rod.
  16. I have the Zumo and love it. Performance is excellent and the unit is very durable. I also like the Garmin customer support. I had one issue with the software when I was on the road. It locked up and nothing I could do would fix it. I called Gamin when I got home and the girl said that she had heard about this happening but it was very rare and never with a Zumo. The unit was out of warranty but she had me send the unit to them anyway and I had a new one in less than a week. NO CHARGE!! They covered it under warranty even though I was a good 6 months past the expiration. I don't know much about the Tom Tom other than a friend who has one but I think his is the 1st model. He's not real happy with it. His mount has been an issue from the start and he said it's hard to read with sunglasses on a bright day. I've never had that issue with the Zumo. It also looks like there are a number of feature differences with the Zumo having quite a few more. Hope that helps some.
  17. Buddy, let him know how proud we all are of him and his decission to serve. He will be in our prayers just like all his brothers in arms. I tried to enlist when I was young (LONG time ago) but I was listed as medically inelligible as well. I guess you and I would have just screwed things up. LOL
  18. That's the first one of these I've seen. Very nice.
  19. Prayers on the way from Buford GA Saddlebum. Please keep us posted on his condition.
  20. Mine's a pillow top as well. I may be mistaken but I think '07 was the only year they made it that way. I love it but I haven't ridden a 2nd Gen other than mine so I really can't make a comparison.
  21. "Ol' Moose"??? At 51 I get the Ol' part but at 5'9" 195, calling me Moose is a bit of a stretch.
  22. I went on a California tour from GA in '85. I wish I would have know about IBA back then. I spent the first night in San Antonio. 1049 miles with a little detour around New Orleans. I'm hoping to make a ride to MN within the next year or two and hit the 100/24hr and the 1500/36hr together. I don't know though. I'm not as young as I used to be.
  23. I wouldn't think so. What are the torque specs?
  24. And they wonder why membership in organizations like The Arian Brotherhood have started to increase. In the US they released a Dep. of Homeland Security memo that listed the potential security threat of white supremist groups and the enlistment of returning vets. When things are going bad people look for scape goats and people to blame. People have simply had enough of all the government crap. I'm not advocating, just making an observation. They had better start fixing things or they will have more trouble than they can handle. 50 years ago special interests went pretty much unnoticed but with information the way it is and people able to speak their minds on the internet, you just can't hide this stuff any more. They are facing a popular uprising and even the corporate people need to be careful. News of someone taking a huge payout while people are losing their homes will end up with bad things happening. There's a very good reason gun sales trippled in the state of Texas after the election. These people had better start paying attention or we may be reading some bad stuff in the news and it won't be from Iraq.
  25. They don't wave because they're afraid of losing control of the bike. Mom always said to use 2 hands.
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