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About Flash41

  • Birthday 11/24/1941

Personal Information

  • Name
    Denny Harris


  • Location
    Bremerton, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '83 VR (Blonde), Honda CM400, 83 Venture Standard, Honda trail 90
  1. Thanks cdn dave 77, Already did fuse box. Pics nailed the choke thing for me.
  2. I bought an '83 standard in about 40 pieces, Pretty much everything is there, trying to restore to normal. Choke cable; where does it attach at the carb end. Have and checked manuals but no mention of choke in carb sections or anywhere else, so where? Thanks in advance, Denny
  3. Hey gang, might check out your local Costco for Go Pros for $99. Don't know if its local or nationwide. Denny
  4. :12101:Still have a couple around. Discovered EEEElectricity so they don't get used much any more. All you rookies were after my time in Nam, never had a name for them. Denny, 10,000 advisor thingy, '63-'64.
  5. Aye-Yi-Yi!!!!
  6. I've been using their site for a couple of years now and have transfered DVDs, youtube, CDs, etc. I also, using the ION turntable from COSTCO, converted my vinle to digital and then into MP-3 format, or any other format to shove into i-pod or Zune or even ringtones. Great site. Denny
  7. There is a free site on the net that you can download programs that will convert almost anything to anything and its free. dvdvideosoft.com
  8. Have you ever checked out airplane gauges? A lot of them are single unit/multi purpose and a lot can be had in mini sizes. Just google up aircraft gauges, whole lot of sites. Denny
  9. Been using Delo 400 15-40. No problems.
  10. Mind of an 18 yr old, brains of a two yr old, body of a 68 yr old, and my 26 yr old VR makes me feel like a 25 yr old.
  11. Thats Cool. Nice tribute. Denny 'Nam '62-'64
  12. What Bongobobny said, '83 with about 2grand on Delo, Runs great.
  13. Yeh, but can you nsell it as waterfront property???????
  14. Great job Gary. Hope our conversation helped. Denny
  15. OK, I give up; where the h_ll did they hide the amplifier on this '83 Royale?
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