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run n bare

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Everything posted by run n bare

  1. drain the oil out at night when yea gits home and its warm.. in the moring heat on the stove and put in the scoot .
  2. I asked them ladys on the board . didn;t they have some wimimns work ta do , besides harassing me *@ think I'm in here for life ...lol
  3. "one who marchs to their own drum."... well then just pic up the tune an go with it .
  4. this is SAD news indeed , Brad I'm sorry ta here this man .hope things improve ....ED
  5. run n bare


    NO-NO-NO Carl, just git yea one of them Canadian Yamaha Snow blower attachments . Most likely you will need the 48" one though cuz I here there be a lot of that white fluffy stuff around... You do have yer winter Tires on I assume.......
  6. Yep, that be the problem, Joe Cannuck dropped by an showed me how to do it, and looks like it worked on our test,,,So now to put it back to -gether and go for a test ride tommorow.. Thanks again ED:cool10:
  7. Have yea got a tow rope .. I,m still not back on the road....lol:confused24:
  8. thanks to all for yer help ...Safety-guy--BongoBob--Niel86 I'm still workin on it but e'm layed up with a back problem and my legs so will just do a little each day... ED
  9. Rocket I have already tried that and still nothing..??? THANKS ED
  10. :rotf:Wayne THANKS that is just to easy man ....
  11. Hi all . I can't find a post I made ,it was askin for help with my air suspention control,, Is there some place I can enter the KEY words and find a post ,,, Damn I was just lookin at it ta day ???? now can't find it .. thanks ED:detective:
  12. not sure what you mean by that sir, What is happening is the whole thing is lit up when I turn the key to ACC, It reads front -rear -manual -auto -. in other words everything is on at once and thats on the side kick stand. I have no idea were to start lookin ..?????
  13. Well it seems well havin a good time at Carls M/G . I developed a problem ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr First I had an exhaust leak them it got worse or louder if you like and my suspention started to act up ,it seems the panel is all lit up when on acc, but I can't do anything with it it will not respond, so after I got home decide the next day to git the shade tree mechanic to work on it so now must move to the back yard, well I'll be A,,,*@ won't start ,,,more GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR I CAN GIT IT GOING BUT STILL CAN;T GIT THE AIR SUSP, TA WORK HAVE CHECKED FOR POWER -LOOSE WIRES - ps was starting good befor all this , and the air susp.worked fine ,, has anyone got any helpful hints . thanks Ed
  14. Hey you two ... Have a good trip , no rain no snow an sunny sky's all the way . ED
  15. YES PLEASE put me down for one ..
  16. YOU old rascal you congrats on the NEW TOY ,And just what would one of them LOST AND FOUND Ideams cost ..just in case I was to purchase one .... ED
  17. Gary wish I had see this befor last nite I would have talked to you about it..at the M/G. Would you send me an e-mail with prices for them ,have a friend who may be interested in one of them . I like that GM car carrier MMMMMMMMM ED
  18. well they didn,t refuse, but was told cuz it was over ten years old they don,t have the parts in stock AND COULD NOT GIT THEM .... ED
  19. CARL, was thinkin of stayin at my brothers place and then hook up with folks. ED
  20. ............... R I P ................ Frank
  21. It was a DUNLOP- worn badly-it be my bad, was goin to North Bay to do work on the bike and change the tire, No one to blam but me, :322:my bad .. some times ye just got ta FESS UP and bite the ASPHALT.and I do or in this case did..lol ED
  22. THANKS Randy.:backinmyday::sick:ED
  23. "O" yea were workin on both all ready , Wil has it up North Bay tore apart all ready and we be lookin for parts ( for the bike only) lol.. THANKS YOU TWO. that angel of mine be workin over time alot hehehehe.. ED:backinmyday:
  24. HHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA send an e-mail with yer add & phone # may come an visit yea .....ED:whistling:
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