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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    James Larson


  • Location
    Duluth, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    200 RSV
  1. Hi all. Is there a way to drain the carbs without removing the tank?
  2. A Big Thank YOU
  3. Hi to all. I thank you all for your help and ideas. The bike is still out of commision. I got a flu shot and had an adverse reaction that put me out of commision. The day after the shot I had pains in my left pectoral, upper arm, and left scapula. It was a 10 on the zero to 10 pain scale. Had a heart work up and all is well there. It's a month later and I still have the pains, but not as severe. So, I had to quit and put the bike to sleep until next spring. I hope by then I am well enough to ride and get her going. Thanks again, you are a great bunch of bikers. Jim
  4. First, I want to thank you all for your help. It looks like the solenoid is on the outside of the battery box on the left side. I tried to get it out but the wires are too short. I can not see it from the left side as there is steel in front of it. All I have on the left side is a fuse box with a top on it and more wires. I am at a loss.:225:The bike is a 2000
  5. I have a 2000 RSV. It has been in the same spot all summer as I can not ride this year. I start it from time to time just to hit the air horns and hear the bike run. Now when I try to start it all I get is a tapping sound. The lights do not to dim and I am using a new bat. Everything works but the starter. I have no idea what to do. HELP When I remove the left cover all I see is box with fuses in it,the carbheat sensor, and a couple wries that I have my air horns and the original horns tied to.
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