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Everything posted by midnite

  1. Have you tried pinwall cycle or ebay? Might give Dale Willoughby a call 642-9460 he might have one or know where one is. Happy hunting:thumbsup2:
  2. I had my gall bladder removed when I was 19, haven't had any problems living without the thing. My wife on the other hand has had a few problems. She has to take pills to help control her bowels. She had an acute pancreatitis, spent all together about 4 mos in hospital, so the doctors don't know for sure if that or losing her gall bladder is what caused this problem.
  3. I'm was in the same boat, sometimes would do good to make one last a full season:bawling:. Finally brokedown and bought a professional Stihl. Had it for about 8 yrs now, changed plug every other year and filter every 2-3 yrs.No problems with it starting up every year whether I want it to or not:bang head:
  4. [. Got a T-shirt bright orange road construction type the reads "Can you see me now Dumb As&" Ride safe and God Bless. Mike Where'd you get the shirt, I want one of them:big-grin-emoticon:
  5. That could very well be done:smile5:. Let's see whats up with the VR bags first:whistling:Then we'll talk. Wife might:buttkick: if I get rid of the other one first.
  6. Have a safe trip. Will be looking forward to meeting ya'll when you get down here:thumbsup2:.
  7. I have halogens mounted to the brake calipers, haven't noticed much movement out of lights or brackets. As for burnt out bulbs haven't seen a problem as of yet, haven't had them mounted to long, so we will see.
  8. I used 2" halogen lights. They are mounted to the upper bolt on the brake calipers with brackets off of bus/ semi spot mirrors. L brackets come on the back of some of the 7-8 " mirrors.Had some laying around the shop, thought hey already chromed, right size,why not.
  9. Added a few lights, so thought I would show her off.Led strips under tank, trunk and saddle bags. Driving lights mounted on brake calipers. Tear drop leds on rear bags turn/tail,rear brake light,andbrake light bar on back of trunk.Just can't leave nothing alone.
  10. Good looking bike:thumbsup2: Glad to see the whole family into riding:banana:
  11. If you include when I owned my on trucks about 25yrs diesel mechanic. Last 10yrs, working for company running thier shop and doing all ac and reefer work on thier equipment. Only formal training was 3 wk course for Thermo-King refrigeration, the rest I learned out of necessity on my on equip.Also work on farm equipment since I was 8, now 44:bawling:. When does it stop:smile5:
  12. I agree that this is a very tragic incident. Things such as this shouldn't happen to anyone. Celebrate the life that he led,going out doing what you Love, sure beats dying an agonizing death from cancer or being in a nursing home not recognizing anyone. I try not to think about things such as, someone running over me, if I did I would never live. You can't live being afraid of what if. All the men in my family have died from either heart disease, or cancer by the time they were 60. I'm 44, maybe this won't carry on but if it does then I don't have that many years left, No Fear is the best for my wife and I to have memories after I'm gone
  13. You know I liked the flames when I saw them, but that B2 mural is "over the top":thumbsup2:. He done one helluva job, something else to be proud of.See ya'll Sunday:big-grin-emoticon:
  14. As for the question is it worth it.We have a 2nd gen. just got it last Sept. Have a VStar1100 from before. Vacations weren't high on our list of priorities, with 3 children in college,mortgage, etc...That's when we bought the V Star, either that or kill each other, no vac. in 18 yrs. The bike give us a way to get away. But then that one was a little to small. The RSV is a perfect fit for the 2 of us, the mods I have done have made it our bike. The one we will have to enjoy for hopefully a long time to come. The money is short term, the memories, and the enjoyment that we get for as long as we can. The people we have meet here on the site, the commaraderie, the education is priceless.
  15. I did alot of research when I bought our last helmets. The Scorpion EXO-200 3/4 helmets rated as high as Arai but at lot less cost. bought both of them for $240, have a fast switch system for changing form visor to shield in about 2-3 min. Have different shades for the shields. Headset compatible, and I think a 2 yr. warr. The wine red matches almost exactly with our '09 RSV. Whatever you buy, just remember to research all you can. "what's your head worth"
  16. Baby My wife says I spend too much time with the bike.
  17. well dang, it's hard to ride if you ain't got one. Good luck, I guess. Next time you'll have to leave some dirt on it or something:stirthepot:
  18. :thumbsup2:Good info, I never heard that STR thing before. Will have to remember that. Thanks:thumbsup2:
  19. :banana::banana::bowdown:
  20. Bob, keep us informed about when you get here. Have an extra room or two. Can stay with us ,save a little :mo money:for extras, Hopefully the will be done with the house by then:bang head:!!A M&E will be mandatory, as our anniversary is March 23, put it all together in one deal.
  21. Will agree with this. A guy that works with me nearly cried when he drilled the holes for the luggage rack:bawling:, and walked around the shop for two days thinking about it :bang head:before cutting the seat for the backrest. He almost backed out, thinking he might mess up. Loves it now, but man it was like walking on eggshells with him for a while.:rotf:
  22. I would be interested. Although have a brand new one, guess I could list that one on ebay. :thumbsup2:Would rather have one with VR Logo
  23. Looking Good there you 2.:thumbsup2: See ya'll Sat. Nite.
  24. Natural looks good to both of us. Now the next part:mo money:
  25. Got'em a couple days ago haven't had time to post . Look GREAT!!!! Thanks again:thumbsup2: Well worth the money:mo money:
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