Linda and I ride electraglide touring and think. It is a fine bike. Not as fast as a Yamaha but much better gas mileage, she says it is a littli tight in the back, but it still a nice bike. Have a good day Phil
I am in Hemet about 100 miles away, if you have no better options I could pick you and the bike up and see if we can get you up and running good luck Phil
I have iphone 3gs Ram mount Scala with bluetooth Phone works great, but can't get the Ipod in the Iphone to work thru the Scala bluetooth..A far as rain goes we don' get rain in Southern California, but the bag would br my answer
Have a great Phil
jf you have iphone you can download NDRIVE app for 2.99 full function gps without voice but full directions no cel connection required. really works well.
verizion is going to have iphone the first of the year
have a good day Phil
Phil is 66 Linda 67 we ride a Venture and got a Harley 2005 Electra Glide Classic for backup. We will be in Durango in Mid Sept. if the West Coast Riders can get it together.
I live in Hemet,Ca about 25 air miles from Palm Springs, we ride through Ramona on are way to San Diego and back through Palm Springs too Hemet back roads all the time great riding all winter. We have a lot of room for a trailer, and we sure could use a little help around the place have a good day Phil
Hey Lyle Linda and Phil want yo know when you guys are coming to
Southern California? Also can you get that trike in and out of your Toy-box without a problem?
Buddy my shock was replaced with about 32,000 miles. But before Susanville I had oil on floor, 40,000 miles, but decided to chance it 3000 more miles no more oil. I do have to add air once in a while
Have a good day Phil