Over the years I have had dizzy spells, chest pain, nausea, extremely tired, up numerous times a night etc. In fall of 2014 I ended up in the hospital thinking I was having a heart attack, had all the tests done and heart ain't great but better than most. This was followed by a couple of years of different medications trying to knock down the symptoms. A few years ago my wife started sleeping in the spare room due to my snoring. Last fall she suggested I get tested for sleep apnea, I did, running an average of 21 episodes an hour. I now sleep with a ResMed Airsense 10 Autoset with a nasal mask (the nasal pillows drove me nuts) and average under 1 episode an hour now. Most if not all the lingering symptoms have disappeared, my wife can even sleep with me now It did take a bit of getting use to but definitely worth it. I did not purchase the machine from the people that ran the test. They ran a trial for a month, I took the settings off the machine once we got it fine tuned for me and purchased off the net, paid $1,000 all in as compared to the $2400 they wanted. They said their's included follow ups, but if you register the machine with RedMed it will down load your results for review, really cool. I wish I would have done this years ago. I hope that you can get use to it, it has definitely improved my quality of life.