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About sydem

  • Birthday 05/06/1958

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Edmonton, Canada


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  • Home Country


  • Interests
    Church, golf, riding, automotive
  • Bike Year and Model
    1999 RSV
  1. Still riding my '99, not so much this summer due to circumstances but still enjoy it when i do get a chance to get in the wind.
  2. Very well said Ben, hoping you had a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
  3. Prayers have been sent up on your behalf.
  4. I saw something similar in our neck of the woods years ago and thought "good for you". They produce cars to be driven by handicapped people, why not bikes?
  5. Prayers up that your family will feel the unmeasurable love and peace of our Heavenly Father as you journey thru this valley.
  6. sydem


    It's cheaper for you to go buy one then rent mine.
  7. You sound like a up standing gentlemen that is not afraid to step on toes if needed. I believe management put you into that position because they saw something in you and appreciated you honesty. Keep doing what you feel is right, it got you the job and will carry you through this transition. Once you hit president then you can worry..........
  8. Thanks Don I will give that a try.
  9. I installed LED turn signals on my 99 Venture this past winter along with a load equalizer so that they blink at "normal" speed. The last few days they have been inconsistent as to the speed of the blink, fast then back to normal. Today on the way to work the right one was always fast but the left one was normal. After work they were both going fast. I checked all the connections all seemed well. I picked up another load equalizer and installed it but they were still blinking fast. Got it back together and off the maintenance and they are now blinking normally. Through all of this the four way flashers have always blinked normally. Could it be the flasher on the bike itself? I'm open to suggestions.
  10. I was relocating a varmint from our back yard on the weekend and figured he would like a ride on the bike. I was wrong, the little bugger pi$$ed all over my trunk!!!
  11. sydem


    If i made that comment I would sleep with my eyes open for a week or two just to be safe.
  12. Prayers up for a quick and full recovery.
  13. I have the same problem being able to get the handle to the grip. If I pump it seems to hold better. Where are rebuild kits available?
  14. Years ago I had a Ford with two fuel tanks, i would always switch tanks before it would run out. One day i missed and it sucked the tank dry along with all the crap at the bottom of the tank, there I was on the side of the road changing a fuel filter. For the same reason I always run on reserve and trust the count down/light will remind me to fuel up. I would be concerned about the crap accumulating at the bottom of the tank if you don't get into reserve regularly.
  15. Our summers up here are definitely warmer than they use to be but by no means in the 100's. The thing about cold you can dress for it, if you undress for the heat you get arrested.
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