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Everything posted by CONNERCAMP

  1. Ordered a pair of diamond gusset ridding pants. They are lined with Kevlar in all the right places. They fit good and are very comfortable so i asked the wife if she wanted to order a pair for her. She asked me to hold off a while, so i waited. next she wanted that old leather coat that didn't fit any more. Well, being creative as all ways, she took the largest pair of jeans she had, took them apart and sewed patches of leather in all the right places and then put them back together. they look great and she says they are comfortable. She saved me more than $100 for more stuff for the RSV. Thats my girl! Just thought some might like to use her idea.
  2. Thanks to all for the replys. Sounds like i'm ok with what is in it but should probably go with 10w40 next time or one of the other recomended oils. I have a 3 year service agrement with the local dealer so i'll stick with yamalube for now probably. Thanks again, Steve
  3. Thanks for the info. We live in the Chesterfield area and the wife and I ride as often as we can. Be glad to get togather for a ride sometime. Steve Conner
  4. Had my 8000 mile service done by a yamaha shop today and they used synthetic blend 20w50 for the oil change. Is this a good weight oil for my 2009 RSV. live and ride in Richmond VA mostly. Thanks for any advice. Have enjoyed venturing through this site over the past few months.
  5. Was planning on buying a touring bike when i turned 50, couldnt wait that long. Bought my 2nd gen. last September and ill be 49 in a couple weeks. So glad i didn't wait!
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