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Everything posted by Yamapa

  1. Thanks everybody. Will try lower tire pressures. Seems if I don't run the rear air bags at at least 30 psi I bottom out, but that may be because of air pressure in tires too high. I may disconnect the monoshock from the rest of the system, and hand pump the pressure lower also. Mark
  2. Hi all, Have been reading the posts and hope you trikers can give me some info. Recently went from my '02 RSV to a '06 with a Tri-wing conversion. Fine, except it handles real heavy in the curves and tight turns. A bigger issue is the jerking of the bars on bumps at low speed. Seems to wobble and torque the handlebars when the rear hits a bump or rut. I know a rake job will help the highway steering, but will it cure the low speed jerking? I think the set up is o.k., P235/60R15 Goodrich radials on back and the smaller Avon MT90B16 on front. Run the rear airbags at 30 psi solo and 40 with passenger along with oem monoshock the same, as all hooked up to an onboard compressor. Appreciate any advice. Mark
  3. Posted on 7/29 about my electrical system gone whacko on the 02 RSV. After checking everyting I could, finally caved and took it in to the dealer. The good news is they found the problem, the Power Amp or MCU unit had failed. This is an audio component, but also has some of the guages and part of the starter system running through it. The bad news is this little beauty is over $1000.00 along with the starter relay that fried and labor, total $1500.00. I'm 4 months out of warranty so they said I had to eat it. Thought I would give customer service a call for giggles and lo and behold they agreed to cover the parts. Back on the road and so far so good. Of course the dealer had never heard of this happening before, sound familiar? Tony was the contact man at customer service and did a great job and quick. This is just for information in case anybody else has the problem. Thanks.
  4. Been thinking its a short in the starter system. Solenoid seems to kick in fine and doesn't stick. Can't figure how it can bypass the starter switch and what could make it activate when the main is simply turned to on. It's not self starting now, but won't even click with the sarter switch. I'm a dope with electrical. Thanks
  5. Hi all Got something really weird going on with my '02 RSV. A couple weeks ago the audio cassette/radio stated cutting out at higher volumes, but seemed fine at 9 or below. The whole display would cycle on/off like a circuit breaker was being tripped. Still trying to figure this out when the other day after a short ride I restarted it and the oil and temp warning light come on but dim. Pulled over to check it out and seemed fine so went to restart and here's where it gets wild. Turned the switch to on and the starter kicks in on its own and starts the bike! Shut her off and tryed it again and now stater won't kick in with the switch. Fooled around a while and bike starts on its own again, so rode home a few miles. Repeatedly self started in the garage, audio won't play on acc but does on "on", oil/temp lights get brighter when clutch is let out, no response on the starter switch now. Once while checking out the audio menu on acc, the starter just starts cranking her over and wouldn't stop until switched to "on" and the bike started. No blown fuses, engine warning light not blinking as manual says if an electrical fault. Checked continuity on the main switch, ok. Any ideas whats up here? Demonic possession? Help!
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