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Everything posted by TomMar

  1. New Short, wide windshield and a 3 pocket windshield bag WOOOHOO!
  2. I now own a 2006 Midnight Venture. Why? First because it's a great bike. Second, I wrecked my 2002 Kawasaki Nomad on 8/12/09. The front vavle stem cracked while I was cruising at @ 70+mph. In seconds I was on a sloped grass median. I have taken many rider courses, including Ride Like a Pro in N.C. All those courses prepared me for the accident. I knew I could not control the bike on the highway and did not want to go down on the concrete roadway. I did not panic, I got on the grassy slope and when the bike leaned into the slope I got off. What would I do differently? I'D HAVE MY DAMN VALVE STEMS CHANGED MORE OFTEN.
  3. I check almost daily. I scan all the posts, but I don't read eveything. However, I do learn a bit or fact about the RSV every week. As a new '06 Midnight Venture owner, I thank you all.
  4. Always! 100% of the time. 6 years ago I crashed ans landed face first on the pavement. Thank God I was wearing my full face helmet. I don't always wear a full face, it's either full face or 3/4. However, it should still be a CHOICE. not a LAW.
  5. I thought so! Thanks!
  6. Does the RSV have 2 stock horns?
  7. V&Goose, Many thanks for starting this post/thread. As a new owner of an '06 RSMV, I have found many answers in the Tech archives. However, I'm always looking to learn more. I have already performed many service/maint. tasks on the bike. Many Thanks to all who contribute and make it easier for the rest of us.
  8. It's my fault, but I just realized we are talking about two different things. What I meant to ask about is the Audio Control Display Unit. My Audio On & Off and Up and Down Arrows do not always function properly. Sometimes it won't even turn on. I tried to take the Audio Unit apart to clean the contacts, if any, but could not get it to separate. Any suggestions?
  9. Thanks, I'll try it again.
  10. Is it difficult to get that switch housing apart? The controls on mine don't always work. I took the housing screws off but could no tpry the housing apart. I did not want to force it, so I left it alone for now. Any suggestions? Thanks,
  11. I have an '06 Midnight Venture. It does not have the "pillow" seat. It has a "leather" Venture seat. Is my seat an optional seat, an upgrade or downgrade.??? I'm confused.
  12. I know how you feel. Have had them 8 times. Had them removed surgically twice. Good luck & drink lots of beer.
  13. Can the distance / reach of the clutch lever be adjusted? I have to spread my fingers all the way out to reach the lever?
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