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Personal Information

  • Name
    Tom Smith


  • Location
    Milford, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    '06 Midnight Venture

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  1. Sorry to hear about your Friend. I agree with you, a lot of folks, for various reasons, wait too long to retire. As soon as I'm SS eligible, my wife and I are out of the working game.
  2. I just completed my first valve adjustment on my '06 Midnight Venture at 26700mi. I had several valves in spec, several way out of spec and most close to spec. Now they are ALL in spec. I'm kinda anal when it comes to taking things apart, labeling them and reassembling so I won't tell you how long it took me. I will tell you that the learning experience was invaluable and I will do it again in 30000mi. I will aslo say it took me 30 agonizing minutes just to put the air intake gizmos back together. So if anyone can di it in two hours I'd love to see it.
  3. Just sent Paypal. Thanks,
  4. I want to do my first valve adjustment this winter. However, I cannot find the special tool (YM-33961). Does anyone have one I could buy or borrow? I'd be happy to pay the shipping costs. Thanks,
  5. I have the tank logos from my '06 Midnight Venture if you want them. Just let me know!
  6. I love my Venture also and will keep it for a few more years. However, if Yamaha doesn't get with the times, I won't be buying another one. Who beside me even has casette tapes anymore HAHAAH!
  7. Thanks for the info Goose. I'll check the tires, etc.
  8. I've tightened the steering head nut, adjusted the air pressure in the forks, shock and tires and I still have a "scary" wobble when I go into a right hand decreasing radius turn. It does not occur in a left turn. The tires are also in great shape. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
  9. TomMar

    Iso Grips?

    My vote is also for the hair spray. It holds well (the grips that is) and is not difficult to remove the grips later on.
  10. Try ronayers.com I just put a new set of Commanders on my ride.
  11. Based on the recommendation of some here, I installed a Utopia backrest on my '06 Midnight Venture. The install couldn't be easier and what a tremendous difference, no backstrain or tension. Also, no more slouching and hurting my bad back. If you need a backrest, Utopia has m vote.
  12. I've had one for years and swear by it! Make sure the hoses fit tight.
  13. The passing lamps on my '06 Midnight Venture went out. The fuse is a 10amp/32v glass fuse. Can I use any 10amp glass fuse, i.e. 10a/125v, or does it HAVE to be a 10a/32v?? Thanks,
  14. Thanks to all for your input. I hope to get to it this weekend.
  15. I have what I believe is the Yamaha lightbar on my '06 Venture. The lights, both of them went out today. Is there a separate fuse for the lightbar?? Thanks,
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