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bald josh

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Everything posted by bald josh

  1. thankfully "Kato", my 87 is doing good, i am planning on putting in different pickup coils at some point, but my 86 "the bear" ...well...lets just say the list of what im not planning is alot shorter than the to-do list.
  2. LOOKS GOOD!!!, the pewter on black is nice, did you have the fresh air intakes chromed or did they come that way?, either way it looks sharp!
  3. no silver in mine, but maybe some ideas for your paint scheme.I just picked up an 86 that i may repaint oneday, so ill get another chance at all the fun. to do over I would keep the stipes on the bags but do something different on the fairing.
  4. so i found an 86 on CL for $850, waited a few weeks(no $) and then finally emailed to find the bottom line. $400, i jump on it, hasnt been tagged since 99 , sitting in a barn auctioned off to raise $ for the deceased, so the story goes, the guy who i bought it from fiddled with it and got it to fire up but not really run. tank is unbelievably rusty,so i pull it all out, workin towards the carbs, and i turn her over to see the diaphrams move and she fires right up! lookin up!!! she belches smoke and is HEMORAGHING oil, but i do the right thing and let it warm, drain the oil to put in new and notice " hey thats alot of oil!" couldnt help myself, i had to find out....71/2 QUARTS!!! HOW DID IT EVEN RUN? so whos the dipstick? the dude for dumping in the oil, or me for not doing such a simple thing as an oil change immediatly and assuming this guy knew anything about mechanics.Im still shaking my head...71/2 quarts
  5. dont know about the controll head space, i left mine there so i would have access to the coolant reservoir. the fairing is off of mine for a few more days, so i cant get a pic right now, but the cb sits in a plastic box with a lip at the bottom. i cut a piece plexi glass and dropped it down inside with a little adhesive and viola, storage. used the cb cover plate, black spray paint and screwed in a knob on the face and i got covered storage. I did the same with the stereo. its a great spot for smokes, lighter cell phone tire guage, etc. i will try and get some pics up soon,
  6. Im real lo-tech, my ? went south and i got tired of fiddling with it so i took out the compressor and installed vales in the ends of the air lines, and use a small bike pump and tire pressure guage to check. i ride mostly solo so theres not alot of adjusting. not as convenient but it was cheap, easy, and it works till I can get the $ for something more pemanant. used to check the pressure every ride but found that it holds air perfect so i only check once in a while
  7. the cassette player?, the cassette player?...lets try this button...OOOOOOOOOOPS!!!! I can think of many times i would have liked "the cassette player" "Honest officer, the guy cut me off so wanted to hear a little Kenny G to sooth my nerves"
  8. geez, sorry if that was a totally dumb target, or maybe my computer is just frozen?!?! HELLO......CHECK,CHECK.....
  9. it seemed so great till I had to think of something (kinda hard) but I think the next mark will be your Venture (or the scoot youre riding) in front of something that says venture, sign or billboard or? as long as it has venture somewhere we can read it in the pic.
  10. Hey Steve, I obviously didnt ride there but thought you would get a kick out of this pic.scrambled around in the shop for the flag, camera battery going dead, and having a good time trying to get the pic!!! just found the scavenger hunt and it seems like fun!!!
  11. hey, if you like it on the airbox then great, it was just a personal preference thing for me, and the stereos out of my royale, never listened to it so i jettisoned the weight. i wish i had kept the mount for the stereo at least, to see if there was room enough anywhere in there for it, but it was pretty tight as i remember. actually i got rid of alot of the extra stuff for weight, long before i found this great group, now i kick myself. maybe somebody needed one of those parts....no cryin over spilt milk though
  12. I tried it on top of the airbox and had the same feeling as you, kinda cramped and in the way. the inside of the fairing seems to stay dry, no indication of water ever moving through there, and i live in the northwest so we get some. id be real interested, if you look into it,as to how it all fits, seems like it might. one thing ive been finding out is the heat will wear on these things over time, so im hoping it will be a cool place for it as well.
  13. Ive seen a few places where people have asked where to find the TCI and boost sensor. This is how i got to mine and relocated it without pulling the air box, etc. from the right side with the chrome cover pulled off you can look up into the cavity and spot both, i was able to remove both TCI mounting screws from this spot (pulling out the black plastic/ rubber engine cover is a huge help. I used a small socket wrench with phillips head to gain the clearance. the boost sensor is accessible from here as well. I no longer have the tape deck installed in my 87 so thought i would relocate the TCI in the empty spot of the fairing. I pulled the left side of the fairing off, drilled a large enough hole in the inner panel and passed the wires through. put it all back together and velcroed the box in place.I have the cover that closes up the hole where the tape deck is from so its all sealed up and tidy looking.Seems like alot of you like your radios and im not sure it would all fit with my radio still there, but i thought i would share. #1 boost sensor harness #2 boost sensor vacuum line #3 TCI #4 front of air box if nothing else i hope this helps someone locate these if they are looking.
  14. thats a great idea! best case the bolt backs out right away and worst case youve started a hole to drill and tap! ive gotta remember that
  15. taps are relatively inexpensive at the hardware store, if you were going to use them alot i would invest in better but to cut a couple holes, or in this case one, they work just fine.
  16. sounds like youve tried all the tricks...so at this point i would guess the bolt head is so fubared that you are left with little option besides drilling it out. that sucks i would grind off the sloppy chunks, and with a dremel or similar tool use a grinding stone either ball shaped or conical to get a good starting point close to center. use a good bit and some 3-1 oil and drill SLOW. also check to see whats on the back side so when you punch out you know you wont hit something vital or spendy to replace. then, as was mentioned before, tap the hole out and off you go( sounds so easy to me sitting here in my living room!!!) sounds like a tough spot...i dont envy you, and good luck
  17. can you drill or grind the head off the bad bolt and pull the good bolt on the other side of the tank, lift that side and slip the tank off the remaining stud of the bad side. then there might be enough meat to try again.
  18. Thanks, electrical is not my forte. So do i run with the non resistor or the resistor plugs? this will keep me up tonight
  19. to the ozlander, love the seafoam and sync bit, it does get a bit repetitious...seriously addatives can only help things, they cannot fix, but to tim grey, you sound extremely well informed and knowledged so no direspect, in fact i would like to pick your brain... so my ?s more resistance creates a longer spark (but weaker) is this a way to compensate for sloppy timing? what is RFI/EMI and last, but not the last i will ask you...i just bought new plug caps with wires from a joint called cedar grove motors llc in WI. ngk caps with copper core wires and 5 ohms resistance built into the caps (look real nice, @40 $ ) so do i run resistance plugs or get the non resistance ones. i have stripped all of my radio/cb/tape /electronic what not so do not care about noise or etc.
  20. checked both owners manual and service manual and both call for dpR8ea9, the R i assume is resistor, and there is a dp8ea9, no R...??? manuals have been wrong before, so wich plug is right.ive been using resistors because of the manual, should i change?
  21. sorry, i dont know how to do the quote thing , but carb diaphram cover gaskets were mentioned in george s' reply
  22. are there supposed to be gaskets under the diphram covers? sorry if a stupid ? but when i pulled mine i saw no remnants of gaskets and so assumed that was the way it was??? ive wondered about this...
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