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bald josh

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Everything posted by bald josh

  1. so i was going to do the needle/shim mod @ a year ago and ran into the same prob as 84xj, i just put it back together stock and forgot about it. yesterday i thought id try again and went and got the washers from ace and same problem, the needles had no play in and out, a little side to side but none in and out. i remembered this post and searched for it. my needles do not have any adjustment?!? so looked a little closer and discovered the prob/solution. not all washers will have the exact OD measurement and sure enough the ones from my local ace are too big. i think the area inside the slider that the needle/ clip/ washers fit into is tapered and so it all seems to fit fine at first but when you start to tighten it down there is not enough room for the washers to seat proper. I could feel it when tightening, but was unsure why. i went back and found nylon washers 1 the same thickness as two stainless washers but with an OD just a bit smaller and all works perfect. now there is free play in and out like stock. I did try and slide the slides into the carbs with the stainless washers and i could feel the needles rubbing in and out. dont want to cause alarm but if you dont know if there was free play with the needles id check. and i bet Eds washers are spot on so the carb mod kit he sells would be worth it. attached pic is of a stainless washer STUCK inside the slide. im gonna go for a ride this weekend and enjoy checking the fuel mileage.
  2. ditto, sounds like a money pit. for a bit more you could find a well maintained machine with no surprises. all the small stuff adds up pretty fast!
  3. you can pull the core out. on the upper end of the cable it should be squared off like the lower end. if not then you only have part of the cable.
  4. what Gary suggested is a great way to go, had the same problem with a set of mine, impact driver just wouldnt do it. you get a good positive hold on the damper with the nuts.
  5. a clearance engine is one when the timing belt or chain breaks it doest destroy itself, there is clearance between the pistons and valves in any position any of those may be in, non clearance, and your pistons destroy valves and themselves...id like to know this too!
  6. ive wondered about leaving them off myself, as far as size...fuel line is to thick to easily pass through so i used vacume line, not made for gas but i figure they will probably never see any.dont know the size,sorry
  7. the four metel vents on top get four tubes attached that run domn the underside of the fuel tank to around the rear shock. there are metal wire loops under the tank to run them through. fuel drain lines i believe
  8. Thanks so much, as always you guys are a great source of info!!! theres no radio to interfere with and the added space is going to make things alot easier. pics will be posted once i get it on the road.
  9. is the space between the coils important? my project 86 is coming along, but will never look like a venture again, i need to get some more room inside the frame and thought i might build a new rack for the coils but being an electrical idiot i dont want to mess anything up....so can the coils be placed closer together, how close, touching each other? i know theres a great deal of energy running through them and i dont want to fry something. thanks for any help!!!
  10. i ride with a couple of guys who are exclusively harley, they will stop for a down moped offer the shirt off there back, gas, and any other thing to help out someone stranded. thats why i call them brothers!...my kinda guys! glad you found some more of the good ones out there...
  11. Ive got a junk harness and a noise suppressor, plus some other stuff from that part of the bike, if we figure out what you need i will send the parts to you
  12. shouldve listened to the Guru's, you guys are great!
  13. the pictures mike put up look totally different than mine. both my bikes springs look the same so i figured they were stock, heck the 86 has sat in a barn the last 11 years so i figured no way they werent stock. was i wrong, can you guys tell by lookin at them? maybe thats why the bike rode ok without the pre load? they measure out to just about what mike says they should. if nothing else, ive learned alot with this one....
  14. its supposed to adjust the passengers back rest, hooks in at the bottom. try pulling the lever and manually moving the rest back and forth.
  15. Im pretty sure theres nothing aftermarket about the springs, there have been some other areas on this bike that look as though whoever worked on it knew little about what to do.not really sure how a person would leave the spacer out, they are pretty good sized.... I am putting together some spacers from pvc this weekend, the bike is totally in parts so it will be a while till i ride , then once i know the rest of it is in sound working condition i think i will go with progressive springs. thanks again everyone!
  16. Thanks to all!!! what a great bunch of people on this site last night i was freaking out and before 10:00 this morning i have options and know that it will all work out!!! thanks again
  17. there actually was a standard washer in there... any way to find out what the progressive preload looks like so i can try and duplicate it? is it really just a piece o pvc. any modificaton or straight chunk about the inside diameter of fork tube
  18. figured you guys would come up with a solution, i can pull the part from my 87 to use as a template, anyother thoughts on this would be helpful, this sounds like my least expensive alternative if itll work and $ is tight THANKS GUYS
  19. thanks all, the po is deceased, ive never seen progressive springs, but they look like the same as on my 87. the thought occured to me, could i install progressive springs and leave out the parts...would that be better. Earl, thanks!,i will try and find an easier solution before asking you to do alot of work tracking them down but will keep the thought on the back burner
  20. I went to put new oil seals in my 86 last night, and it seems the PO, or his mech had left out a few parts when they were last worked on...AAARGH! the shop manual names them spring seat, and guide. funny shaped washer and tube piece at the top of the forks. i test rode it before i knew these were missing and it didnt seem bad, but id like to find the parts, the guide does not show available from dealers and junk yards only want to sell whole fork set ups. Any one have extra parts lyin around theyd be willing to sell?
  21. start with bike on side stand, standing on left side, grab the chrome crash bar around side bag with right hand, left hand on left grip, step on centerstand with right foot. push down with foot while pulling up and back with hands...cant think of any other options
  22. sure you are!!! i think you youre just showin off the ride, nice lookin bike!!!
  23. thanks for the info randy, the bike looks great , the motor is so nice to look at when its exposed.
  24. thanks for the info!!!
  25. Im putting together a custom bike from my 86, does anyone know if the bar that runs from the front engine mount back is neccessary? seems like it is there only to hold the side covers down at the bottom. parts catalouge calls it a down tube. thanks for any input
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