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About ronjolly

  • Birthday 02/04/1954

Personal Information

  • Name
    ron jolly


  • Location
    Boiling spring SC, United States


  • City
    Boiling spring SC


  • State/Province


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    ridin, fishin,ridin, fishin,ridin,
  • Bike Year and Model
    06 royal star deluxe / 93 1500 GoldWing gl
  1. I have a 06 RSTD 141973 miles (Love to ride) Need a diagram on how to tighting the bearings in the steering.. I am getting a popping noise when I hit a small bump.If anyone one can help wood be mighty Thankful.
  2. Has anyone hard of a coil spring to assist the air shock one a RDST or Venture?? if so where and how much. I have 137K on my RSTD 08 getting a lil soft, If you know where to find on Please send note, Tks Ron
  3. I have a 06 RSTD, have put a HO Stator but has gone now, (2yrs) looking for a standard if possible.
  4. tested the elec system ..bat was pulling 12.5 after reving it up it was still pullin 12.5.. cleaned terminals .. took rectifier off checked the stator side nuttin.. put a new battery in. still the same reading.... called skydoc told him the reading.. ordered a rectifier and a stator $198. got gaskets a local Yamaha shop in Spartanburg SC. oh yea got the stator from Rick's Motorsports called them the stator will put out 40 amps 400 volts.... thanks yall
  5. Found one at Motorcycle Super Store 06 RSTD $144.86
  6. Where can I ge a Stator not OEM?? tested Battery/putting ou 12.15 rev up eng still putting out 12.15... HELP
  7. I have a RSTD, DARK SIDER, with 109771 Put on New tire and changed r/brakes noticed the brake disk was worn. Does any one have one to sell or can u tell me a good place to buy one. The New tire was a NANKANG 165/80R/15 .. the old tire got Kumko got 29391 miles. Ride 2 up and pull a trailor. Love this bike. "PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS" [/b]AND THIS COUNTRY
  8. I was stationed there frum 72-75 then 91-92 lov it.. never had that kind of weather,, yall enjoy get sum good wet weather gear.. tha Ron
  9. Don't tell her, you keep a few secrets frum her b fore??? I had a Moto 650 n 72 at Ft. Lewis, just got bac for a vacation spot in SE Aisa... Sweet Loved the Bike. Wish I still had it.... Go For It Homie.
  10. http://load.exelator.com/load/?lb=AA00723http://segments.adap.tv/data/?p=digitalthrottle&segment=3&type=gif&add=truehttp://segs.btrll.com/v1/tpix/-/-/-/-/-/sid.6547301http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1008933729/?value=0&label=kAuMCP_f5AIQ4baM4QM&guid=ON&script=0http://rtd.tubemogul.com/upi/?sid=RZRedLltJHYmPdv9hRy5 motorcycle rides The Best Guide to Motorcycle Roads and Rides Sign in | Create Account Search Add a Road Members eNewsletter About Us Store http://load.exelator.com/load/?lb=AA00723http://segments.adap.tv/data/?p=digitalthrottle&segment=3&type=gif&add=truehttp://segs.btrll.com/v1/tpix/-/-/-/-/-/sid.6547301http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1008933729/?value=0&label=kAuMCP_f5AIQ4baM4QM&guid=ON&script=0http://rtd.tubemogul.com/upi/?sid=RZRedLltJHYmPdv9hRy5 http://cdn.adnxs.com/p/1e/af/29/5b/1eaf295b728844e2fe183ce2bbd91d89.jpg http://load.exelator.com/load/?lb=AA00723http://segments.adap.tv/data/?p=digitalthrottle&segment=3&type=gif&add=truehttp://segs.btrll.com/v1/tpix/-/-/-/-/-/sid.6547301http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1008933729/?value=0&label=kAuMCP_f5AIQ4baM4QM&guid=ON&script=0http://rtd.tubemogul.com/upi/?sid=RZRedLltJHYmPdv9hRy5 http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_1.png http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_2.png http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_3.pnghttp://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_4.png http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_5.png http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_6.png http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/photoShort_7.png Motorcycle Roads & Rides > Routes > United States > Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Motorcycle Roads and Trips The keystone state offers motorcycle riders two federally designated US Scenic Byways, 15 state-designated Byways, and one National Forest Scenic Byway. Pennsylvania (PA) is home to a section of Lake Erie coastline, the incredible Pocono Mountains, rural villages, charming country towns, one of the most famous battlefields in the United States (Gettysburg), and two major cities - Philadelphia & Pittsburgh. Add new Route. http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/images/icons/093.pngView most popular Page 2 of 4 http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/previous.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/arrow_right.gif 1 2 3 4 http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/arrow_left.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/next.gif Sort Routes By Route Name Average Rating Date Added East Berlin Machiux St. Forest Loop http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg October 16, 2012 This route starts in the farm country of Adams County, crosses several creeks, goes into the apple country of Adams County,(think Musselman's... The roads are primarily curvy with many twisties and hills and valleys. The roads are in very good shape with no gravel.... This loop starts in East Berlin Pa., travels through the apple country of Adams County Pa. and the Michaux State Forest and... 231 & 221 Loop - Little Laguna http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating4.jpg October 1, 2012 You'll see a couple one lane bridges and features a picturesque Covered Bridge. Pavement is good, watch for loose gravel and... The route is tight and technical with over seven 15 mph hairpin turns! Pavement is good, watch for loose gravel and watch... In southwestern PA, near Washington, PA, start at the intersection of US 40 and Rt 221. The "S" Bridge @ US-40 E/... Indian Steps Extended Loop http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg August 13, 2012 Covers most of York's farm land while following an outside loop of the cities of Redlion and Dallastown. great quality roads on most days, always keep an eye for areas that gravel may be washed up on the roadway. if... https://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=State Route 74, Dallastown, PA 17313&daddr=39.8810609,-76.673536 to:PA-214 W/Dunkard Valley Rd to:State Route 2089/Swamp Rd to:Swamp Rd to:Church Rd/State Route 2050 to:Felton Rd/Red... PA Route 851 http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg July 18, 2012 Scenery along PA Route 851 is a mix of rolling hills, old growth woods, farm land and small towns. During the fall... The western end of this route has a few good twisties and good elevation changes. The eastern end of Route 851 has... Starting out in Sticks... Yes, Sticks is the crossroads of Blooming Grove Road (Route 216) and Jefferson Road (Route 516). Head south... Wrightsville to Columbia via the Conowingo Dam http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating4.jpg July 17, 2012 Scenery along this route is typical Susquehanna Valley, rolling hills, farm land, with some small town charm. There are numerous areas to... The route has a good mixture of curves and elevation changes and wide open straights. Some areas are bright and sunny while... This ride features rolling hills, farm land, and wooded areas with elevation changes indicative of the Susquehanna River Valley. The roads are... Rt 555 to Elk County and Elk Country http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating4.5.jpg June 13, 2012 In Benezette, Elk viewing areas have been established by the state of PA. Follow the signs. Expect to arrive 2 hours before... Route 555 is in northern Pennsvlvania with the eastern end starting in Driftwood, PA and going west to Benezette, PA. The road... Starting at Rt 120 in Driftwood, PA, Route 555 runs west 17 miles to Benezette along the Sinnemahoning River. Route 54 http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating3.5.jpg May 27, 2012 A great country road trip from Jim Thorpe to Danville, PA. The roads vary, some are brand new some are old but... Lots of twists and turns ups and downs, a fun road to ride, pass some really nice national parks. A great country... Start out in Jim Thorpe, PA and head west on Route 54. Stay on this all the way until it brings you... Lube to Lube http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg May 5, 2012 A ride from the Cranberry Twp. Quaker Steak and Lube to the Original Sharon Quaker Steak and Lube. If your not from... Some of the roads get a little bumpy in town. But when your up to cruising speed its a great smooth route.... From Cranberry Township head north on US 19 all the way up to Rt 208 where you want to take a left... Butler County Loop http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg May 5, 2012 Scenery is nice. Very nice in the fall. Lots of woods and fields. Good ride for local riders. And a good ride... The Roads are actually in great condition. especially for Pennsylvania. These are well pretty well used roads so they are kept well.... Head north out of Zelienople, PA on US 19 up to Portersville, PA. Then take a right on to Rt 488 (E.... Edinboro to Franklin Via Twisties. http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg March 22, 2012 This route doesn't provide a ton of scenery-which on a sport bike is a good thing. Last thing you want is to... Road quality is pretty good except right after winter. You want to watch for wash outs and dirt covering the roads as... Route 408 in Cambridge springs starts the trip with a few 90 degree turns and then goes into some straight stretches with... Lackawaxen http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg March 16, 2012 This route takes you through a dark heavily forested hollow over a one lane bridge spanning the cliffs above the Lackawaxen to... The pavement is fairly new and smooth through the hollow.The route along the river is mainly level and has many sweeping curves... Hawley, PA.Rt 6 to kimbles Rd./Decker hollow. Right on towpath St. continue straight onto 590.Cross over the Lackawaxen river then next left... The Outstanding PA191 http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating5.jpg November 27, 2011 Towns along the way, rivers, streams. The stretch between Lake Wallenpaupak and I 84 is the best. The stretch between Lake Wallenpaupak and I 84 is the best, the road keeps coming, twisties to satisfy your every desire. Get... PA 191 from Hancock NY all the way to PA 507,around Lake Wallenpaupak and PA 191 south to I8o in East Stroudsburg.... http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?sensor=false&size=200x200&path=weight:4%7Ccolor:blue%7Cenc:}nv}F|s{xMncBkXhuBxElr@sGvs@dKdY|N~f@gFrLti@h@va@hThNjZrr@tHrEhQQzcAw`@pHf^o@lcBfe@jmAqAdw@lOrTrZtApC~PbZlY~EhPtj@jFbc@}`@pf@pG~`Aek@r}AmLjc@qWpYwGbnAfTtYaF|UbXzSfB`^`QdVfZzk@lNpi@fbAzAtu@zEvMpm@ndA|YlYzo@nnApUpLvOv[x\|rAkN`y@rsAvrAvAbNqKxh@|BbN|bAty@vOxYlBvWaMns@xGf_@`d@|r@fKfd@lNfN~MgAtZeX`TrCnStr@hIn_BlItNdi@la@zNuRbP}~@cIim@fIi~@rm@a]}B}kAnPga@dE_AtLxIlHe]xRqUruBoFvWrFbr@eG~StCl[uInUiZzLk@~FmMnXsPtEcXvLaIb@gVxMVtSyPrVqq@vq@}j@vl@i~Afu@_`@?e~@rFyt@oKgaAvM{HzC_B|Hx^s@zoDlFnV~KtJba@H`s@_Knf@n]~v@`SdVaJxK{p@~TkRrDaSr]{Txb@z\|AmHfMwDf[ZtUx^~b@bZrRlB~Xm`@`Fyc@hWsRbN`j@Jh^lYdQxJjw@|d@~TrHp|@fLrLhLElLlThh@xe@|Vj{@~HjgAdKxHtr@lPl_@tx@tKd|C~KfHhWwF~vBtJbZjZlFrs@bYhm@xOfJbOpVg@twBl[|c@nNzIdq@xyBvl@pSpa@vl@|p@liBnd@zb@rs@tP`q@mUdvAkM`TvTbp@pFtPkBzv@|a@rZpb@lFz^lOdL|d@nG`j@aL Pennsylvania 144 http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating5.jpg August 25, 2011 It's hill country Pennsylvania. The road is the scenery. But there are quite a few places to stop and enjoy the forest... Enough curves for anyone. Want more fun? Run faster. Very little traffic and the road is clean for the most part. Northern end starts on US 6 at Galeton, PA About midway you run through Renovo, PA, an old railroad town with a... "Heck of a Route" http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating0.jpg July 9, 2011 a mix of mountains and valleys, rides along both Juniata and Susquehanna rivers big mix of great twistys and broad sweeping turns, and flat straight runs up long valleys. you jump from valley to valley... route 944 from Enola cross I-81 and turn right onto Lamb's Gap Rd. turn Left onto PA Rte 850. follow 850 to... PA 26 - MD border to Everett http://www.motorcycleroads.com//images/icons/rating4.5.jpg November 1, 2009 Mixed bag of farmland and woods. The best part about this little hidden away run is the solitude ... I have ridden... A great twisty up and downhill ride with banked turns and a couple of 15 MPH hairpins. Road surface is smooth and... It's easier to start from Everett, PA and take Rte. 26 South. It winds through a section of Buchanan State Forest. Watch... Page 2 of 4 http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/previous.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/arrow_right.gif 1 2 3 4 http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/arrow_left.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/admin/images/icons/next.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/btn_findRoute_sub.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/btn_roadTripRadar_sub.gif http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/btn_routesRoundWorld_sub.gif Features Top 100 Motorcycle Roads See the top 100 rides & routes in the US according to the MotorcycleRoads.com - ''Riders' Rating'' voting system. Click here (New!) Sturgis Anyone??? Our latest InfoGraphic shows you - The 5 Most Popular Motorcycle Roads near Sturgis! How Popular is Motorcycling in Your State See a state by state rundown of motorcycle popularity in each US state motorcycle popularity infographic! Home | Add a Road | About Us | Members | Store | eNewsletter | Signin http://www.motorcycleroads.com/ra-content/templates/mcr/images/mainLogo.png © 2014 MOTORCYCLEROADS.COM http://cm.ac3.msn.com/CACMSH.ashx?t=1http://dps.bing.com/AI/Api/v1/UserRest.svc/Provider/1AC1C520-232B-4E3D-B0CC-A52AC15EB7D4/User/315384470769160471/gif?meta=appNexushttp://eu-gmtdmp.gd1.mookie1.com/tagr/v1/sync?src.platformID=AN&src.visitorID=315384470769160471http://a248.e.akamai.net/appnexus.download.akamai.com/89298/adnexus-prod/1x1.gifhttp://rs.gwallet.com/r1/cm/p33
  11. A hot Aug day, (25 Aug) Humid thought I would go inside and talk to the Army Man. He told me how cool it waz to be in the Army. 24 hrs later I waz standing in front of this Drill Sgt calling me all kind of things. In the most humid ,hotest sweatiest place on the east coast, Ft. Jackson, SC. Funny 1976 I was standing there waiting on that same bus to unload the new recrutes. Now I waz "The Drill Sgt". did 2 yrs at Ft. Jackson transfered to Ft. Benning Ga. Then on to Ft. Lewis 72-75 (2/47 inf) Ft. Jackson 76-77, Ft. Benning 77-82, Ft.Stewart 82-84 (Bco 2/19) Berlin, Ger 4/502 inf.82-87, Washing DC ROTC Georgetown Univ. 87-90, Korea 8th Perscom 91-92, Ft.lewis 92-93 99 (Spt Bn) Ft. Polk 93-94 (2nd ACR), Ft. Lee CASCOM 94-99. (Whew) Miss it. Thanks to who have served, and who wanted to, Thanks.
  12. have a 06 RSTD got it with 18k now it has 96k, did i say i lik to ride??
  13. Radio Shack has a 6 fuse box. I had to put mine Over the battery. It holds the fuses for most ov my lites.
  14. We are leavin 14th for Maggie Vally, we use it as a jump off point for the rest of tha ride. Plus it not bad for trout fishin...Like always Hav a good time, Jesus lovz ya.....
  15. In Need of Tank Logo for a 06 RSTD Pearl White NICE 98k ..They blew of about 2-3months ago going up Saluda Grade (NC) If any one has a spare set give me a post.
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