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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. I'm assumeing you have a Service Manual, but just in case you do not. Its here, on this web site: http://labs.trunkful.com/8385servicemanual.pdf See page: 7-31 for " Pick up Coil " Resistance Check. See page: 7-30 for " Ignition Coil" Resistance Check. Also, in Ref to the pick up coils, there is NO Setting, they are mounted in one position and they are not adjustable. They either work correct, or they do not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Question: When trying to Start the engine, What Position are you holding the Throttle at ?? On these bikes, if you hold the throttle more then about 10 Percent to the Open Position, the Engine Will Not Start!! I know this sounds crazy but its true. As a general rule of thumb, Engine Cold, about 1/2 choke, and throttle just open a little, it should start. If you go to about 1/3 throttle open, it Will Not Start. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the White, 5 wire Plug, where you did the resistance check " Thru the Pick Up Coils " did you do a Resistance check " Thru the Plug itself " On all 5 of the Wires ???? With plug connected, check thru each of the 5 pin connections, make sure you see ZERO ohms thru each. Stick meter leads on each side of plug. Also, carefully tug, on each wire, to make sure the wire is tight in the " Crimp" of the Pins inside the Plastic plug. Have you cleaned the PINS? and applied dialectric greese to the pins ?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you checked the " Main Idle Adjust" Speed, Screw ?? Is it backed out, enough, that that All 4 Throttle Plates, are going to the " Full Closed Position " ?? With Carb #2 at Full closed position, are the 3 Sync Screws allowing the other 3 carbs to also go to the " full closed position " ???? IN other Words, my question here is, With Throttle Closed, are all 4 Throttle Plates Actually closed , Also ?? Check this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are your Carb diaphrams, in good condition ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another comment, these Engines will run just fine, on 3 Cylinders !! So, whatever your problem is, its affecting all the cylinders, not just One !! Keep that in mind.
  2. Have you Completly, Drained and Cleaned out your fuel Tank. ??? Have your Replaced the Fuel Filter ??? Have you Drained all 4 Carb Bowls, ??? The Petcock has a Screen Inside the Tank, This Screen Might be Plugged !! I would remove and clean the Petcock assembly. After Tank Clean out, Use some type of fuel Injector Cleaner, in about 2 gallons of gas, let the Fuel pump run this thru the Carb Bowl Drain Holes. Each Carb has an Air Vent Hose, from top of carb, it runs aft and down to to belowe the Exhauset cross over, Check these 4 hose ends, to make sure they are Not Plugged . If No Vent, Carbs will not work
  3. Ok, this sounds like a " Serious, Voltage Drop " ie. lights go dim, and at same time Low voltage to the TCI, and Ignition Coil Primaries. So, I have to assume, that somplace in the electrical system, a component, is turning into a High Resistance short to ground. ( Some amount of resistance, between a dead short, and an open circuit. )


    In a 12 Volt DC system, an extra 5 to 20 ohms would act like a Heating Element, and severly drag down the voltage.


    OK Quick qestion, can't remember, as I have discussed a lot of problems with different folks lately.

    --- What is the condition of your battery? New, Old, if so how many years old ???

    ---- Why do I ask, you describe this as intermitant, only happens at times, This could be an " Internal High Resistance " INSIDE the battery, between the plates. In an " Old " Battery, sediment builds up in bottom, and can cause an Internal High Resistance between the plates. This would Drag Down the Voltage on the entire system.


    ---- I will read thru all the past posts, between Us, and your postings, I need to update myself on all your information, and details of work you have done so far.

  4. The Rear Avon I Installed last summer, now has 9,000 miles exactly on it. About 6000 freeway speed miles, that rest around town , and back roads. Tread measures, exactly 1/2 worn off at Center of tire. Rideing Single, No trailer. So looks like it should go to 14K with no problem. If anybody is interested. I took the Front Avon, Off at 8K, cause a small stone punctured the tire, and it had a very slow leak, Replaced it with a Dun K491 EII. Been running the Dunlop front, and Avon Rear, for about 1000 miles, with no noticeable problems. Bike drives great with the mix of brands.
  5. Maby you should think about this a bit more !!! There must be a way around this situation
  6. Bags are not stock !! And thats a fact !! He used to drive it to work on occasion, now and then.
  7. Did you try loosening the 4 pinch bolts, and the Axel, nuts, and the Brace bolts. The Add some torque to all of them, and tapping on everything, with a rubber mallet, to relieve any " Stress " , ie. make sure everything is aligned properly ?? Then retorque everything 2 or 3 stages. Might be worth trying. If that don't work, yes probably time for a new tire. Maby just needs balanceing.
  8. Anybody around Las Cruces, New Mexico Interested in an 1964 Honda Dream, Restoration project. ??? Check out E-Bay Item # 320257765949. I used to work with this fellow, here in Seattle, He moved down to NM after we retired. I have seen the bike, its in what I would call Fair Condition, and it runs. Not a Gem!, but a very Restorable Bike, and the pieces are all there. At least the last time I saw it. back around 2001,
  9. Reporting back is required !!!!
  10. Back in 1969 I got hit square in the chest, by a Really Big Bug, litteraly knocked the wind out of me. I managed to pull over, stop the bike, then dropped it, then sat on the ground for a minute before I could start breathing again!! Anyway, since then, I use a windshield !! A friend of mine was rideing West on I-80 thru Nebraska, headed for Denver, back around 1978. His group were rideing old British bikes. ( not to fast ) They were Passed bye a Sport Bike, going Extremely Fast, as he told me. About 20 miles further West, they saw a Bike parked on side of the road, ahead of them. Rider was Sitting on the ground Sumped over. So his group pulled up. The bike was parked on side stand, the Rider was sitting cross legged next to the bike, helmet and gloves removed , and head slumped over his legs, he was not moveing. Soon an HP Unit stopped, examined the guy, called Medics. HP officer took the guys pulse, it was non existant. When medic arrived, upon further examination, they found Blood from one eye. Closer examination, showed signs of Insect Remains around one eye. OK, End of Long Boreing story is that a BEE, had penetrated his Eyeball, and entered his brain tissue and killed him. He apparently died some amount of time after parking and getting off of the bike. He had a helmet on, but No Windshield, or Face shield, or safty glass's. I rest my case, for the value of a Windshield and eye protection.
  11. I added about 5 degrees of CW rotation, to the Steering head Nut on my 89, cleared up the Head Shake. Might be time to drain and refill the fork tubes with new Oil. You might be low on oil in one side. Check the Pinch bolts holding the forks in place, and the bolts holding the Fork Brace in place.
  12. I checked out their web site yesterday, look good. after your report here today I think I will be ordering a set of their Speakers to give them a try. Hmmmm, ?? Sounds like you need a small dose of " SEA-FOAM " !! Hi Hi
  13. Start bike, Cold, feel for heat on all 4 pipes, Find the one that not getting Hot. Go from there.
  14. Other folks, on the Channel, might be Keying there Mic's, but a not Saying anything. People do a lot of this on the CB band.
  15. Did you power the New Lights thru a Relay, and a Seperate fuse. Your new Switch should control the New Relay. The Main power thru the new relay, should come thru a " New " fuse, that gets power from the Main 40 amp fuse, Or direct from the battery. Sounds like you are powering the New lights from an existing Circuit, and overloading that circuit. IF, you did not install a new relay, Then I reccomend you disconnect your new lights, then get all the stock equipment working as normal. Then start over with your new , Fuse, Relay, Switch, and new lights.
  16. Plugs OK, not dark, so ignition was probably fireing plugs OK. I think I would start bye suspecting low fuel flow, maby blocked fuel filter. Have you ever completly drained the Fuel tank?? With fuel near empty, put in some HEET, in case you have water in bottom of tank, or maby some Crud. Pull hose from petcock, and completly drain it, Rinse with another gallon of gas and drain that. Change Fuel filter. Drain all 4 carb bowls, put in some fresh gas, and some SEA-Foam, or Valvoline Synthectic Fuel Injector Cleaner. Give the Cleaner some running time, might clear up the problem. Also, open Bowl drains, and let the fuel pump, run some gas thru all 4 Bowl Drains. Your high Speed runs might have stirred up some crude from the bottom of the tank, remember, we never burn that last gallon of gas down there.
  17. Buy a Bead Breaker tool, real handy, and a couple of tire irons. Its not that hard to change them yourself!! Also, be sure to pull out the drive shaft, and greese the front spline of the shaft. And Clean and greese the Wheel hub. And you might want to replace the Wheel Bearings as long as you have it off. Its not really that bad a job. Its good for the Soul, as they say. !!! We have lots of members in MS, maby sombody will stop by and give you a hand. !!
  18. I'm thinking you have some problem with One cylinder. Do the heat on the pipe test, if you find something there, I would start with a New Plug in that cylinder, OR, a complete new set of Plugs. Maby an Ignition coil problem developing on one cylinder, if the heat test pinpoints that cylinder. Check the Cable from the Pick Up Coils going to the TCI, there is a Plug enroute, might have a High Resistance Connection on One of the 5 pins in that Plug. I would get to the TWO plugs on the TCI, ( 6 pin and 8 Pin ) pull them out, and clean all the contacts. Maby a high resistance connection here.
  19. Run 1/2 Can of SEA-FOAM, per tank, for about 3 tanks of fuel, see if this helps. Drain your fuel tank, Dry, maby some water in the bottom of tank. Maby, dirty fuel filter. Drain All 4 Carb Bowls, a few times when the SEA - FOAM is in the gas. Another comment, you can't drive these V-4's like a harley, they don't have the Torque of a Harley, at lower RPM's. Whenever I'm going around 70 and I decide to pour on the Coals, I always downshift at least one gear. On an uphill, I might downshift to 3rd, If I want to get moveing past the big truck.
  20. I usually run the Auto Setting, on Medium setting on my 89 , I weight 200lb and carry about 25 lb in the bags most of the time. That usually puts the Rear Pressure at 43 lb. 20lb of air, in the Rear, I would consider a pretty low setting. Use the Auto mode, L M and H, and see what you get. On the front, as long as you have about 8 to 10 lb your OK. If the rear is leaking, its most likley an O-Ring Seal at one of the Hose connections between the Pump and the Shock. There are Several joints in the Hose system, but you have to pull the trunk off to get to all of them.
  21. Check in the bottom of the Resovoiur, there are Two small holes, one is easy to see, the second is almost Invisable. Make sure they are both OPEN. Two methods, to get pressure. Fill the Resovoiur, and give it time to drain down, with the Valve slightly open. Second, is to pump fluid in from the Caliper UP to the Resovoior. Many of us buy the " Myty Vac " tool, about $40. Great for bleeding brakes. You can use that to pump fluid into the system. Also, a Rubber Syringe works for pumping in the fluid from bottom up. This works good for the Clutch system also. Good idea to replace the Clutch Fluid also as long as you doing the job.
  22. There is a Pressure Switch, inside of the Fuel pump. Reconnect the hose, and open the Drain lines from the carb bowls. One at a time, then turn Key to ON, and pump should run fuel thru the Drain line of each Carb bowl. Run fuel thru each bowl for 5 to 10 min. Be sure to have SEA Foam in the fuel. Ok, well now you know you got clean fuel. So time to start looking Elsewhere for your main problem. Not fuel, not plugs, ????? Several other--- possibilities ----- 1. Dirty plugs on the TCI. ( 2 large plugs ) Pull Plugs and clean them 2. Bad connection in the Plug from the Pick up Coils, that goes to the TCI. 3. Plug between Stator, and the Regulator/Rectifier unit, open it, clean it check it for high resistance, might be dragging down the voltage. 4. Maby high Resistance Across the Ignition Switch " ON Off " contacts. Or, high resistance across the " Run - Stop " Switch. This would lower the voltage going to the Ignition Coil Primary Windings. Use Electrical Contact Cleaner on all the Switches. 5. You might have to Pull out your TCI, open it, and heat it in Oven at about 110 deg. F. for couple hours to dry out moisture, that " Might " be inside of it. this is a fairly common problem on the 1st Gen bikes. 6. Find your 40 AMP main fuse holder, open it, and check for loose screws, 2 #1 plillips head screws, that hold fuse element in place, They can come loose, dropping voltage to entire system. ( Rare, but can happen ) You might need a new set of Carb Diaphrams, You might need to tear down the Carbs. and Give them a good cleaning.
  23. Might be you need some of that brake pad adheisive stuff, that keeps the pads stuk to the caliper piston. That happened on front wheel of my 89, Pads about half worn down, and one came loose from the piston. Started makeing a noise.
  24. Drain the Fuel Tank. Remove the Hose at the PetCock. drain it Dry. Drain all 4 Carb Bowls, Replace the fuel filter. Run some HEET in some New Gas. After you get it running, put in a Can of SEA-FOAM, Fuel System Cleaner.
  25. Only One Ear Allowed, in Calif. But I never got stopped down there and checked.
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