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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Sounds like folks here just don't understand European Bikers Rideing habits !!
  2. Deffinatly check this before you tear into anything else. I made this same mistake, Very easy to do !!! You end up with " UP " goes into 1st Gear. Bad part, is you might need another new gasket. Oh Well , such is life.
  3. Its just Amazing, what US Back Yard Mechanics can Achieve !!! Thumbs UP !!
  4. I heard there are huge deposits of Nat Gas in Texas !!. Why not build Electric Power Plant where the Gas Is, Generate Electricity, and hook it to the Power Grid ?? Very few Pipes to lay, that way. ( well its a thought )
  5. Maby you need to replace the Fluid, 50 / 50 mix anti freez, distilled water. Maby the Thermostate is in need of replacement. Maby, the Temp Sensor unit is out of calibration. I would just drain it at the plug under the water pump, flush out the system, and refill with New Anti Freez, and see what happens. ( Don't mess with the Valve on the front of engine as it calls out in the service manual, will just cause problems ) And then go from there.
  6. Sounds like you fixed it. However I would be leary of reuseing that coil. It may have some other Internal damage that is not Obvious. I would consider buying a Spare set off of E-bay. I always carry a spare with me on trips.
  7. The Slave Cylinder can be rebuilt with a KIT. ( About $15.00 ) However you can get the complete NEW Cylinder for about $ 35.00 I strongly suggest that you simple get a New One. Due to the AGE of you bike. You are going to find corrosion in the old cylinder, and it may be to much to be able to Resurface it. For the Small difference in price, I would simply get a new one !!! Trust me on this, its not worth the frustration of dealing with the corroded surface's.
  8. SAE 80W - 90W Regular oil, Same stuff you use in the Rear End of a Car. OR, you can use Mobil - 1 Synthectic also. Buy one qt. and you have enough for 2 or 3 changes. Just drain it all out, and Refill to the Filler hole. No big deal !!
  9. There are Two Seperate Fuse's One for the Signal lights. And a Seperate fuse for the Hazard lights, Have you found and checked that fuse ? Maby just a blown fuse. Also, suspect the Switch in the " Haz " position, Also, be aware that when switch is in the Haz position, the Signal lights will not work as the power to them comes Thru the Switch when in the Haz Off position.
  10. GeorgeS

    FRS radio

    What it boils down to is " who do you want to talk to " ??? If just the guy your rideing with, then 2 miles is fine, whatever type of radio it is. Who is listioning? on whatever type of radio band you use. If nobody there, whats the point ?? At least with the CB, there are always truckers to hear you if you need help. And works great for group rides. and the equipment is cheap. And readiable avialable. However if you want to talk talk to lots of folks, the Ham radio , VHF and UHF useing the Repeaters is the real thing. Realisticly, on 144 MHZ with 20 to 40 watts you can go 15 to 40 miles, depending on what type of station you are communicating with. This depends on many factors, the range that is. If you want to Park at a Camp Grounds, at 10,000 feet, and set up a tent, with 144 MHZ you can hit Repeaters maby 500 to 600 miles away!! Don't laugh, I have done it. From Ohmaha, on I-80 one night in a car, with 20 Watts on 144 mhz thru the 14,000 ft repeater Near Denver, I talked with a guy down in Mexico. However this is not normal. On the West Coast most of the Repeater Stations are located at high Altitude, and linked with other repeaters, You may be able to talk to stations 2 3 4 hundred miles or more from your location, IF thats what you want to do. !! We have a Repeater System in Washington and Oregon, you can talk with 10Watts to almost any part of both States. So, Who do you want to talk to , and under what conditions??? The answer to that will dictate which type of Communication System is best for your needs. !! GeorgeS N7UY
  11. Some NAPA stores carry the stuff. Also check the Off brand Auto Parts places, Shucks does not carry it. If you can't find sea foam, Most any Synthetic Fuel Injector Cleaner Also should work. I would also suggest that you Completly Drain the Fuel Tank !!! Pull hose OFF at the Petcock, drain that last gallon out useing the Reserve position on the petcock. Start with ALL NEW GAsoline !!!!!
  12. Well the field has its drawbacks, but if you need a job, --- I just stumbled on the ad yesterday, I figured sombody might be interested. Spokane is a Nice Place to live. Real estate, not cheap, but not to high either. Lots of good fishing in that area !! Hunting, Mt. Climbing, boating, AND, its a great place to ride Motorcycles !! Can't forget that !!! Maby sombody's realitives getting out of the military, etc. etc. Lots of shake up going on in the Airline Industry these days, sombody might know sombody in need of a job.
  13. GeorgeS


    Is there a Hell Angeles Chapter in your state ? Sombody should notify Them, as to what is happening. Maby they could go out on a Hunting Trip, En Force !!
  14. If anybody is interested, Seattle Times yesterday, Jobs section: Cascade Aerospace, New Aircraft Maint. facility in Spokane, Washington. They are hireing, ( www.cascadeaerospace.com ) Supervisors- A&P Mechanics Sheet Metal Mechanics Composite Technicians Avionics Technicians Aircraft Interior Technicians Support Staff ( Finance, Human Resources, Stores, Purchasing ) Ad says its a New Maintenance Facility, repair and overhaul of Commercial and military Aircraft.
  15. I still say, Replace the Switch, But being an Electrician, thats what I always do !! I never met and Electronic, electrical component that I trusted !!!
  16. NGK with 5K is correct.
  17. GeorgeS

    FRS radio

    Not to many folks use the FRS system. Ok if your ride a lot with a buddy, or you wife on her bike. !! However if you ride with other groups, the CB system is what most people are useing, simply by the numbers. CB antennas and equipment is Not in short supply. See " FireStik " systems, they specialize in Motorcycle CB antenna system's. If you need a new CB T/R unit, simple stop in at any Truck Stop !!! Also, just Google, " CB Transcievers " You will find as many as you want. Granted not that much activity, on CB as years ago, however Most Trucks on the road still have them. I find this a good method of finding out what is going ON down the road a ways !!! Just listion to the truckers . Need Help, call a trucker on the CB and he will most likely get you help !! There are at least TWo CB units sold especially designed for motorcycles. A side note: 2 weeks ago, due to EarthQuake, in Southern Calif. Most of the Cell Phone towers were out of service !!! And I do carry a Cell phone also. However, when you are out there, and you really need some road Information, you can't beat getting it from the Truckers !!! I also, carrry VHF and UHF Ham Radio Gear !! -----
  18. Have you inspected the Electrical Plug about 6 inches from the Class Control head. Check for Loose wires here. This is a common problem .
  19. Yes: I think a Switch Replacement is deffinatly in order here. No sence takeing a chance. Also, 12V on the meter sounds LOW. Should be OVER 13. ????? I smell a rat--- Time to get the Volt/Ohm meter out
  20. You might want to open up the assembly, and check the Mechanical condition of that switch. ( you mentioned a burnt smell ) Possible High resistance Condition across the Switch Contacts. You might find some Burned contacts in that switch!!
  21. I use Mobil-1 15W-50W, Never had a problem. However I have a Barnett Clutch.
  22. After doing the job couple times you will get better at it. Be sure Your Pull Cable has SOME SLACK, before Starting. Be sure Your Main Idle Adjust Screw Is at Just Contacting the Linkage assembly, then only add enough to get about 8 to 900 RPM. If its time to change the Plugs, Change them. Now Start the Sync proceedure. Also, I have found, that after getting set up at idle, and makeing Idle speed adjustments, I then Check things at about 2500 to 3000 RPM. You will see some difference. Then I Try to SPLIT the Difference. Not Easy, but if you play with it for awhile you can figure it out. After all set, then Readjust your PULL cable, Make sure you still Have Some small amout of Slack in the cable AT IDLE.
  23. Did you rebuild that caliper ?? Its possible one of the seals on the piston is leaking. Did you try slowly pumping fluid in from the Caliper, toward the Master. If there is air in the system, this might force the air back up to the master and out. Do the same from the front. Slowly each, and go back and forth between them. Well--- its worth a try, can't hurt anything.
  24. Try this http://www.alcoa.com/global/en/products/product.asp?prod_id=806 Might be a Huck Bolt. But I think you need a special tool to install them. They are widley used on Aircraft. You drill a hole, stick it thru the hole, and the special tool to expand it behind the hole. This is just a guess. They work great if you can't get a wrench on the back side of your work.
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