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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. was out last week, after the snow melted. this week, its Foggy!! all week they say, and about 32deg. and we got Black Ice, all over the roads!!! NO Way I'm going to ride on that stuff. Off to the Gym this morning, in the car---
  2. going to the gym and pumping iron, helps
  3. I don't use downshifting for Stopping Fast !! I mainly use it, to get the RPM's " UP " when I see an approaching situation where I "" Might "" need more power to accellerate !! ie. Building traffic situations, any approaching turn, topping hills, long downgrades on mountain roads, long upgrades, any blind approaching turn, basicly Any Situation where I might have to accellerate away from fast !! In these situations, I downshift, as I stated before, I want my POWER, ON TAP, if I need it. I learned this on the FreeWays of Los Angeles, back in the 60's. Be ready for anything!! Even the Cage driver that Tries to Run you into the Guard Rails !!! ( Yes, I have had that happen) I was rideing a Honda 450 !! I got away from the guy, but not by much. 35 HP, !! Never Again!! Even when I ride that 2003 Springer my brother in law has down in LA, I get nervous about lack of Power. 60HP, Makes me nervous. I feel much better with a 95 HP engine!! And I feel a LOT better with a 175 HP Engine between my legs. !!! Try it!! you will like it .
  4. Squeez !! Yes, those Opel 4 bangers, I also found out about 10 years ago, that those engines are used in many small Farm Impelments here in the U.S. Very tuff operating conditions, where they are usually run at full Throttle Constantly. Was talking with a farmer about those engines. He told me the Equipment was usually worn out long before the engines. I loved that 75 Opel. A very simple car. but it was great to drive. However the body Rusted Out due to Road salt in the State of Minnesota. I gave the car to my son with about 155,000 on it, and he ran it to about 185,000. By then the Body was so rusted, he sold it to sombody here in Seattle, the guy just wanted the Engine for his Poor Mans Corvett. That engine might still be on the road somplace. !! Who knows.
  5. However with all the technical talk, and testing, of modern oil. I can't help ref: back to the New Car I bought back in 1975. A German Opel. I ran that car to about 125,000 miles. The Clutch wore out. My fault I guess. I had the Engine pulled to change the clutch. I told the guy might as well tear down the engine as long as it was out, as the car was only 3 years old. I had used nothing but good old Valvoline 10W-30W, petrolium Oil. He mic'ed out the engine, ( complete tear down ) it was still well within Spec's. He Honed the Cylinders, and put it all back together, and 50K later when the body rusted out, the Engine was still going strong. But, it was a " German " built engine.
  6. Its only January !!! and you are in the Far North !!! ???? What u expect??
  7. Its beginning to sound like from D.C. that sombody is promising Mana From Heaven. And too many folks are believing the story Sorry folks, but sooner or later we are going to have to write a check for the Mana !! ( did I spell that correctly ?? ) Or, your son's and daughters will have to 20 years from now.
  8. Rather then spend 30 or more bucks on anti virus programs, if your computer is that old, you might consider a new hard drive for about $70.00. Check on line, for priceing, I think you will be surprised. Changeing the HD, is not a big deal. The price on them has really come down latley, Just throw in a new Hard Drive after copying all your important stuff to disc. Then just Re Install Windows XP . In the long run, might be a better option. I just did that on a sick computer, cause my wife's unit was Old and slow. Popped in a bigger drive, doubled the Ram, reinstalled windows, Wa La. works like a champ. I had another computer that had Quit working about 2 years ago sitting in the corner. Same Recipi fixed that one, New Drive, re install windows, off to the races's !!!
  9. Just read thru it all, very interesting !! Looks like the Mobil I I have been useing is just fine for my type of rideing, and temp ranges I mostly drive in. However, looks like I will be Switching to the Amzoil. If I can find it. At least if the price is on par with Mobil I. Thanks again for the Info, I had not seen that report.
  10. AGM, Dry Cell, type, whatever brand you can find. I use th PC-680 in the Venture, PC-545, in my Hyabusa, Absolutely no problems since installing them. I went thru 3 Yuasa Sealed Lead Acid batteries, before that, Junk in my opinion. However their latest models might be improved, I don't know.
  11. I-5 North to Seattle, ( Or U.S. 101 ) Stop at my place for a Beer, Head north for 6 miles, then Turn Right on I-90, enjoy the Scenery till you get there. There are Alternate Sienic Routes parallelling the Interstates All the Way !!! What the Heck, I might just supply a motorcycle Escort from Seattle to Billings. !!
  12. I will mark the Calendar right now. A bit far for me to ride, for dinner, however I really do need to get On the Road !!! That sounds like a great Excuse to Head South !!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Ditto, on the carb draining, and also, completly Drain the Fuel Tank. Just remove the Hose at the Petcock. Drain fuel into a fuel can down to the Reserve Point. You Might have Water In bottom of the Fuel Tank. Then Switch to a Clear Glass Jug, drain the Last gallon into this so you can SEE, what comes out. The Petcock projects into the Tank, and has Screen's on it. Its possible the Screens are plugged. This is easy to fix, if the problem. Remove two bolts, drop out the Petcock assembly, and replace the Screens. Also, its Easy, to remove the Fuel Gauge, Sender Unit, from the top of tank, to see down into the tank to inspect tank condition. Also, consider you might have a Plugged Fuel Filter. If you don't know how old the filter is, Replace it. After everything is drained, start with another dose of Sea-Foam, and ALL New Fuel. Use about 3 gallons of gas, and 1/2 can sea-foam. Also 1/4 Can of HEET, to get rid of any Moisture in the system.
  14. I think wgt diff, is just the Trunk, and a few accessories.
  15. Was a good day at the gym, broke all my records for tonnage moved !! Finally broke thru 150 on the bench press. Took 4 years but I made it. Now its on to 170 !!! maby another 4 to 6 months.
  16. The Schematic Diagram that " FreeBird " posted on this link, Is the Right Way to do it !! For Lights, or Horns. If anybody is confused, use that schematic. Yamaha's stock wireing for the Horns, is Pathetic!!! from an electricians standpoint. The first time I saw that schematic, I could not believe what I was looking at. !!! Couple other points, Always use Stranded Wire. Always, after, applying the crimped Stud to wire end, SOLDER IT IN PLACE . and cover with Heat Shrink tubeing. Do NOT, use Crimp ON Splice's!!! Use a Western Uniion Splice, and solder, and apply a double layer of Shrink tubeing. ( I know, everbody, don't agree with this, just trust me ! ) ( they have been outlawed for use in wireing repairs on all AirCraft, about 10 years ago, and there are good reasons ) If in doubt as to wire size, use #16 Stranded, its large enough for ANY wireing job on Any Motorcycle. ( for added accessories , that is. ) Also, if you buy a Switch, buy a good one!! Not the Cheap Plastic Units. And " BOSH " makes the best Relays ( again, don't waste money on junk )
  17. The Last time I had to replace a Transmission, was in my 1947 Harley 45, C.I. and that bike was a basket case when I bought it. !! That 15 MPH thing in the Manual is "" BULL """ I'm sorry, thats just from the Mfg's point of view, to cover their A*&%$ in a lawsuite. I run my Venture, and Suzuki in 3 rd 4th and 5th above 50 MPH All the time, depending on the Road, and traffic. I WANT TO HAVE MY POWER ON TAP!! IF I NEED IT !!! ( ie. Keep your REV's UP ) In 5th gear, with the Venture, under 3000 RPM, your power output is less then half of full output, Check some Dyno Charts. The time it takes for your engine to build RPM, could be the difference between a Crash, and No Crash I have been double downshifting my 89 since it was new, from 65 and 70 mph, never heard a wimper from the transmission. And even if it does, or did break, because of downshifting, I'd rather pay the Repair Bill, then a Hospital Bill !!!!!!!!
  18. Several companies make the 110/90H-19 for front. Michelin, Avon, Continental, Dunlop. Its just a little taller tire, but should work just fine on the front. I found Maxxis Classic M6011, 160/80-15 H rateing. for rear. Also, for Rear, there are several 170/80H-15 tires made, If there is clearance for the small amount of added width. Measure the Clearance, a 170 might work. I found 7 Mfgr's that supply this size. Also, the 150/90H-15 Should work, a bit narrower then the stock size, but should also work. Again, about 6 companies supply this size.
  19. Consider the ability to DownShift Thru Gears to be a Safty Issue. Its simply part of Basic Rideing Skills, and is Not going to Damage anything on the bike. !!! And the faster, and better you can do it, should be considered something you should practice doing. Become an Expert at this skill, it will save your life someday !! Sorry, to say, but whoever told you that, is liveing in La La Land !!!
  20. In Texas, wide open spaces, big garage, no house to take care of, Car, and bikes in the liveing room, plenty of space to stack the beer Case's, plenty of space for a Barbeque, have a few chickens for eggs, jezzzzz , a long work bench, Drill Press, I could go on and on !!! Does it have an old John Deere Tractor by the front door ???
  21. Did you Overfill with oil ??? Hold bike vertical, and recheck the sight gauge. Should be 1/2 way between the two marks. Just a thought
  22. Maby I should fly down to LA. and go for a ride on the 03 Springer. Been thinking about that. 2 weeks in So. Cal. rent a car, visit a few relatives, and a couple old friends, maby a drive up the coast to Santa Maria, stop at my favorite Sea Food Resturant in Malibu. Might do that next month. Airplane tickets are cheaper now then gas for the motorcycle. ( sorry to say ) Thats a kick, ain't it.
  23. I been hearing lots of talk latley about Gov'ts starting up Roads and Bridges Construction projects. Was just listioning, to News, lots of talk about jobs jobs jobs !! I don't see where they are going to come from. Might be an area to start looking into for those in the right age group for that type of work. ?? Mfg. jobs have all been taken over by Computer Controlled Machines, or shipped to China. Textile is gone. Half of Aircraft construction is now from Overseas companies. Airlines are Contracting most Heavy Maintenance Overseas. Computers have taken out about 70 Percent of Airline Maintenance Jobs. Computers write their own software now , well, almost. Lots of Talk out of D.C. but I don't see where they are going to ramp up jobs to any extent. I don't think those folks, have any idea as to the reality of the situation out in fly over country. ???? Medical, Teachers, Police, and Military about all thats hireing.
  24. PC-680 , check on E-Bay, I got mine for $85 2 years ago. They can be shipped, UPS. However if you get one of these you will have to buy a Real Battery Charger !! Charge the one you have at 2 AMPS for 8 to 12 hours, it might be OK. ( With a battery charger, not a trickle charger )
  25. I don't know what to say, except, No Comment.
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