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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. I was just doing some research on Driveing, and Fog Lamps. I stumbled on this web site, which has some very good basic Information concerning Light Bulbs. May be of Interest: As refference material. http://www.danielsternlighting.com/products/products.html
  2. At times, on the road, something nudges me to slow down, and take the next right turn and stop. Hmmm ??. Wherever this is comeing from, I never ignore it.
  3. Well, it sounds like going to Satilite service is the answer for your area. I guess I would try to find some folks who are useing the different Sat service's that are avialable, discuss with them as to which is best. I think your on the right track
  4. I would think if scratches were " deep " that some type of forigen material had gotten into the combustion chamber. Nothing that large should get thru the Oil filtering system. My first thought would be that something fell into the Cylinder head when the Spark Plugs were removed, at some point in time. I always make it a point to Blow out the area around my Spark Plugs with compressed Air, before removeing the Plugs. Just a wild guess !!
  5. Do you know which engine that was ?? Also the 07 full boat touring models had the Extreme High Oil Temp Issue. My brother in law bought one, he installed an Oil temp gauge, Oil was hitting about 280 deg F. He added an oil cooler, and some other changes, and got it down to about 230 deg. But thats still pretty HOT for oil. Also the stock exhaust was so hot for the passenger right leg, his wife could not ride on back seat. He had to also modify exhaust system to get around that problem. But, he loves rideing the bike. He has 3 of them. Jim runs and engine Rebuild shop in Santa Clarita, Ca. So he can deal with the problems, but I sure don't want to. He also told me one day, that the Harley Dealers won't work on their own bikes that are over 5 years old. ??? I'm not sure if this is true in all case's though.
  6. Next item would be the Carb Diaphrams, pull them out and inspect them for holes in the rubber. If you have not allready done this job. Basicly, on an 88, if this job has never been done, you need a new set. It simply an age issue with the rubber diaphrams. Engine hot, and running, pull air filter, and watch the piston's dancing back and forth. Sometimes if diaphrams are really bad, you will see one or two, not moveing as the others.
  7. The Anti dive solinoids are electric. Some folks have linked the two front discs to the Front Resoviour. And set up the rear to work with just the foot pedal. However the general aggreement among most members here is that this is not advisable. It has been discussed many times. If you are really going to do it best to talk with sombody who allready has. However, if the Calipers are rebuilt , and the pads replaced, and system working properly you should not have a problem. The best improvement to brakes on this bike, is to Install the Calipers from the Yamaha R-6 or R-1. They are direct replacements, and work better.
  8. Have you drained the fuel tank, and drained the Carb Bowl ?? Then run a couple of tanks with 1/2 can of Sea-Foam per tank. See if this helps. Fuel filter, and new plugs might help. Check internal resistance of all 4 Plug Caps, should be all the same. Re-Install the Plug wires, at Coils, and plug Caps, Screw them out, and NIP OFF about 1/4 inch of wire, and Re-Install. ( the wire screws in and out of threaded Tip ) Check the Ignition Fuse holder for High Resistance Contacts. Get a can of electrical contact, spray cleaner, Give the Ignition Swithch, and the RUN-STOP Switch a bath with this stuff. ( its a long story, trust me just do it ) (( CRC brand, 2-26, electical contact cleaner, at Lowes, or HOme Depot. )) Also, clean the Plug enroute from Ignition PickUP Coils, going to the TCI. 5 wire plug, located just under your left Knee as you sit on the bike. Open and Clean the 3 wire Plug from Stator, going to the Regulator/Rectifyer Unit. These items are ALL Suspect !!!
  9. Ok, I know the R-1 , R-6 brakes will fit the 1st Gens, Do they also fit on the 2nd gen Ventures ? Just currious. I seriously thinking about doing that mod on my 89. Amoung other projects. Just wondering about 2nd gen's , if this will work on them also.
  10. I heard him talking last nite also. He said if was a compressor Stall on one engine 3 days before. A compressor stall, is not uncommon, could be mechanicsl, could be piloting, but not very likley !!. Over the years when a plane came in with a compressor stall write up, we might find something wrong, and then again, most of the time nothing mechanical would be found. You could think of a compressor stall as just taking into much Air, to Swallow. In other words the air flow thru the engine, gets backed up. Something like that. But to have Two Engines , Stall, at the same time??? Thats so far out in left field. Also, the passengers saw at least one engine, blow, and burning. That would not equate to a simple compressor stall !! The engines on an A-320, make about 36,000 lb of thrust, more then enough power to keep flying, on one engine. !!! So, something took out Both engines, at almost the same time. Anyway, If the Canada Geese went thru both engines, they will not have any trouble proveing that one way or the other. The Feathers will still be inside the engines, when they tear them down.
  11. Basicly my take is, So many Jobs have been shipped overseas, or taken over by Computer Controlled Machines, or eliminated by computers, what do the pundits expect??? No Job, No Money, No Buy Harley !! ( or whatever else sombody might desire ) Remember, folks, A piece of real estate is only worth what sombody can afford to pay. If--- no job, --- they can't pay very much !!! Very large area's of Detroit, and other cities are turning into Ghost Towns. For some reason the Drive Bye Media, avoids showing this fact on the 6: OClock News !! Just 7 years ago, the company I worked for had 7000 people in the maintenance department. Now its down to about 1500!!! And they are still flying the same number of Airplanes !!!! About 80 percent of the work I used to do has been replaced by High Technology, and much higher quality equipment. ( Airplanes just don't break as often as they used to ) !! I think its safe to say you can apply this anology to almost all Industries, and business's. 70 to 80 percent of our U.S. jobs have been eliminated, one way or another !! As to Harleys, well in my opinion, NO Motorcycle , is worth $30,000, thats just Insane !!! I'm open to corrections, hit me with your best shot !!!! I'm off to the Gym !!! Have to do something to keep from going Nuts!!!
  12. Well, nobody seems to have any complaints, comments as to temperature range of the jacket sound good. Thanks for the info folks, much appreciated. I will stop at the local MC superstore and take a look at the jacket.
  13. Thinking about a new Jacket. Was just eyballing " on line " the TourMaster, Transition Series 2 Jacket. Anybody out there useing one of these ?? Any comments as to quality etc. etc. most appreciated. Thanks
  14. It Never Rains in " AU Land " so there are a lot more rag tops down there.
  15. Have you had the Ignition Switch, " ON - OFF " Contact failure problem as yet ?? Exactly the same symptoms, No Start. Fix is replace the Ignition Switch. I have heard it can be dissassembled and repaired. But the bolts have to be Drilled out to Remove it. ( just a heads up, in case you have not heard about that one )
  16. Lock the Nuts together with Two Wrenches, on each end. The nut fits into the top of the part down in the fork, Also, I covered the threads on the Rod material with Black Tape, to keep from scratching things.
  17. So why did you admit to all this ??? We never would have known
  18. There has got to be a better way around the problem then selling your bike !!!
  19. A comment, on the " Orange Stuff " When I bought my Blazer, had 15K on it so I decided to change the fluid. Guess What?? I actually read the owners manual. It explained that GM was useing the stuff, they call it DEX, something, cause its supposed to be more efficient at Transferring heat. ???? Who Knows ? Vehical was still under warrenty, so I figured best use the same stuff. Who knows ? Anyway I bought some for the truck, cost about 2 bucks a gallon more then the Average stuff. If it Is actually better then the green stuff, well, a few extra bucks for the Bike maintenance is no big deal. Anyway, I use it in both cars now, and both bikes. So Far, So Good.
  20. If there is NO Heavy SAE-90, leaking from the pumpking past the Seal, nothing to worry about. The only lubricant inside the Drive Shaft houseing is Greese on the forward end of the drive shaft. Be sure to pull it out, and Greese the Spline.
  21. Weather Late July should be no problem. ( but carry a rain suit ) !!! Another good detour, between Seattle and Spokane, is the road from Moses Lake, Wa. ( dead center of state ) up to the Grand Coulee Dam, if you have never seen that. ( drive thru the canyon cut out by the great flood, about 7,000 year ago, and see the " Dry Falls " ) ( look up on google for explanation ) From the Dam, head east to Spokane, on the back roads, about 1/2 day drive. ( or less ) Or, from a little south of Seattle, take the roads thru the Mt. Rainier National Park, and then over the Cascades, to Yakima, then on to Spokane. ( No Speeding in the park, Federal Police !! ) On the Return trip, you might want to go thru the " Hells Canyon Area " in the N.East corner of Oregon. A very unique place. ( Also, google, Hells Canyon )
  22. buy 4 ea. 15/16 Nuts. and about 2 feet of threaded Rod Stock. Most any hardware store will have it. Lock two nuts together on each end of the Rod. ( also you can then weld the Nuts into place ) Use this to Hold the Inside part in place while removeing and re-installing the lower Bolts . Works like a charm.
  23. When trip Odometer hits 150 miles, I, Stop, at the Next Station I See. This proceedure always works !! and the world keeps turning.
  24. I drain, and flush the system with clean water twice. At least once a year. I'm more concerned about Corrosion in the Radiator, and system then cooling. My bike is 20 years old, so it needs a little extra TLC. I have never had a cooling problem with this engine. Even last summer running up thru Central Calif . when outside Temp was 112 Deg. F. I use the Orange Stuff, mix 50/50 - and Distilled water of course. ( No particular reason, other then GM says to use it in my Blazer, so thats what I buy ) However out here on West Coast, temps very seldom go below 25 deg. so, granted I don't have to worry about Frezzing. And I'm not rideing then anyway.
  25. after 7 years, its time to get a new one. As V said, the Cheapest one you can buy now is Far Far better then Anything from 7 years back .
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