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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Till you hit the Pacific Ocean, then turn Right, or Left, Either way, you will enjoy the ride. If you turn right, keep going till you get to Seattle, and stop in for a Beer !!!! Spend 2 weeks in the Rocky Mountains !!!
  2. And whatever you can get for the front, EXCEPT, Bridgestone !!!!
  3. Left and right ?? maby
  4. lots of folks up tight these days. Best to remove any bumper stickers you might still have on your vehicals.
  5. You will probably have to order New Parts for the Petcock assembly. See the IPC, Yamaha web site, Several parts to order seperatly. Get all O-Rings, Gaskets, and New Screens. They are all shown on the IPC. Once you get the sender unit, and petcock, you have pretty good access to work on it. Improvise, as they say.
  6. install a 2200 ohm resistor in place of the sensor, and run to Switched 12V. Do not hook the sensor wire direct to 12V. Will burn out the monitor unit. ( don't ask how I know that )
  7. Ok, got it, fits perfect, and its very complicated, to say the least. lots of zippers, snaps etc. The thing has weight of 6.8 lb. I removed the liner, and tried the jacket over my Elec Vest, fits good. Also, still have room for a Wool Shirt if needed. Took all apart, checked all the zippers, everything seems to work good. Anyway, I'm happy with it, maby get a test ride tomorrow.
  8. Fits both bikes, first impressions are that it is going to work pretty good. I will keep it on my computer chair for testing, for the time being It has waterproof lineing inside, zipper to open to remove the pad. Pad, is the 3/4 in thick Gel material, and 3 layers of foam. Price is on the stiff side, but if it actually works, its worth the money. From http://www.amspecialtiesusa.com Westlake Village, Ca. 91362, Took some photos posted here.
  9. Go to yamaha web site on line, Parts List, and compare the part numbers.
  10. Submarines, Do Not Have Concrete Floors !!! I know that cause I was in the Navy ---
  11. I completed this modification, last week, so far seems to be working good. Idea: To obtain, Brighter Turn signals Front, and Rear -- I purchaced 4 each, sylvania 2357 LL ( long life ) new bulbs. Mod to Rear Signals. 1. Remove the original 1156, Single fillament Bulb. 2. Modify two of the new 2357LL bulbs by building a " Solder Bridge " across the two contact points on the end of bulb, then grind or file the solder bridge Flat. Then grind off the upper side "prong " of the bulb. ( just the upper one ) (((( See Photo's for Rear Bulb Modifications )))) 3. Now Install the modified 2357LL in place of the original 1156. You now have the 28.5 watts, plus 8.3 watts, total of 36.8 Watts. The original Standared 1156, single fillament bulb, pulls about 27.7 watts. NO, rewireing is required !!! ( a good thing ) About a 33 percent increase in Wattage. ----------------------------- Mod. to Front Signals. In front, the stock bulb is a standard 1157, two fillament bulb. You can just replace with the new 2357LL and this will give you about a 3.5 percent increase. (( Do not modify the Bulb )) (( you will modify the wireing up front, each side )) OK--- here is what I did up front. The Blue Wire, on each front socket, is for the low wattage , front marker light filament. Cut the Blue wire, back about 2 to 3 inches from the socket, and Splice the 2 inch pigtail into the other wire, going into the socket (( Ch, chocolate )) on left side. -------------------------------------------------(( Dg , Dark Green )) on right side. Now your Ch (choolate ) wire on left is feeding Both fillaments of the 2357LL on the left side, and the Dark Green is feeding both fillaments on the right side. Same result as the above mod of the Rear turn signals. Now just install your new 2357LL bulbs each side. Wa La, you now have 30 percent brighter front turn signals. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, you now have NO, forward markers left and right, just a blue wire on each side dangleing in the breeze. Next step, Run down to local auto parts, get a Bulb socket, for a 7 to 8 watt bulb. I think a 1056 is the one, or an LED Equivelant . And new bulbs. Now Drill a hole inside the light assembly, mount the new socket, and hook to the (((blue ))) wire on each side, And the Ground wire. ( splice, and solder, and insulate )) If you use an LED bulb, you will save about 1 Amp of total Current Draw on the system. Also, if you replace the TWO stock REAR Tail/Brake lights, with 1157 LED Replacenemts, you will save another 1 amp of total Current Draw. ( I got these LED replacements at my local auto parts ) Just Replace the stock bulbs ) -------------------------------------------- You have now Decreased the total current draw by 2 Amps, from rear tail, and front markers by replaceing with LED's. You now have 30 percent Brighter Turn Signals. ( don't worry about the added current draw of signals, cause they are seldom ON. ) And you now have LED Brake lights. I know !! this is confuseing--- such is life --- Does it work? yes, for a week so far -- everything seems OK.
  12. I ordered a new 14 x 11 inch Seat pad with the " Viscoelastic molded Gell insert " as used in medical and sports applications From: http://www.amspecialtiesusa.com/gelpad.htm This is not the old standard, " Gel " material. Should be here tomorrow, and will get to testing it, and post the results. They also sell 3/4 inch Slabs of the material, for $56, if you want to redo your own seat !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also: Another project started, ----- I ordered from www.superbrightleds.com -- ----- 2 of their LED packs. 36 bulb, 1 1/2 inch , flat , square 1157 Replacement Bulb units. P/N 1157-PCB-R36 Red Led Lamp, narrow beam, $9.95 each. On my 89, I am going to try to mount them INSIDE, the Center Reflector section, just to the left and right of the Rear Turn Signals. I will wire, Both Sections of the new 1157, To the Brake Lights. This will give me 2extra brake lights, they should be Bright. I'm not sure yet if this will work, but will give it a try. I allready put LED 1157 Replacement bulbs in the OEM Tail light, They seem to work OK, I got those bulbs at local Shucks auto parts. All this if anybody is interested, otherwise have a Beer !!
  13. There is a small tool, too raise the cams, Check the Service Manual on line, it has a Chart for changing the shims. Check the tool section, in front of service manual. Go to Maintenance Library this web site for viewing the Service Manual if you do not have one. Read thru the entire proceedure there. You will most likley need to take measurements, then order shims as needed. Also, Order a new set of Gaskets, to replace the covers. Some folks have mentioned, useing just Sealant, but I have not done that, so cannot comment to as wether that will work.
  14. Can't drive in rain ???? Everybody can drive in the Rain here in Seattle !!! Its taught in the first grade here ---
  15. Make up a set of jumper cables useing #10 Stranded Wire. About 10 feet long. and carry on bike. Does not take up much room.
  16. Went for a short ride yesterday and the E-1 popped up. Did the resolder ( as per maint library ) an hour ago, working good now.
  17. 1st Gen Ventures DO NOT like Dirt, or Gravel Roads !! I avoid them !!!!! I got caught on dirt , gravel roads a couple times. I don't think there is a fix. That does not mean sombody can't do it, but I ain't going to. Never again.
  18. If you find a decent good condx later 1st Gen, 88 to 93, with lets say about 50K on it. If we assume it was just ridden and had normal service. I would say figure about 1200 to 1500 worth of parts, to put it into tip top shape, and install most of the Mods that we all consider indespeceable. This assumeing you do the work yourself. I like the sit up position, I do not like forward foot controls. I love chaseing Sport Bikes on the Back roads. It drives them crazy when a Tank is following them, ( close ) and they can't get away !!! he he he
  19. Ordered the TourMaster, Flex Series 2, Textile/mesh Jacket. (( RED )) Should work good for conditions on West coast dureing most of the Rideing Season. Hot, Wet, Cool, and cold, with the Electric Vest Added. Guess I will have to repaint my helmet Red also. Good project for next week.
  20. You LUCKY DOG!! You !!! ( thats an old American Saying )
  21. well you left a big opening here. Check every Yamaha dealer within 500 miles, and see if you can find a left over 07 or 08 RSV or RSTD. ( or maby a Honda ST-1300 ) Most likley the price will be about half of a Harley.
  22. Mellow out guys's, lets just all go for a ride ----
  23. correct setting is 2 1/8 to 2 1/4 turns. That info is not in the service manual. You might want to remove those jets, carefully with liquid wrench, so the threads don't strip. Clean and reinstall to the above setting. Take note of where they were set. If the Lead Seals are in place, they have not been touched. ( unless a dealer re installed the seals )
  24. I was with the Navy Band , Drill Team at NATTC Memphis Training center in 62. Being with those guys of the Drill Team was unbelievable. Those are Real Bayonets.
  25. The Max! Goes! Quite well ---- Hmmm ?? A Venture, with a Busa Engine !!! Interesting
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