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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. ---- No ---- never had to add any oil.
  2. The Heat from Rear Exhaust pipe, heats the fluid in the Master, It Expands, and applies the Brakes --- ( yes it does ) Fix, leave at least 1/2 inch of space for expansion when you fill the rear Master cylinder. This is a common problem and been discussed many times.
  3. First thing to do, is 1/2 can of SEA-FOAM, fuel system cleaner in tank of fuel, run several tanks like this. Also, Drain each Carb bowl, severa. times over a period of a week. Each Carb has a Drain line, you have to find the #2 Philips head Screw on each carb to open the drain. Also, Valvoline Synthectic Fuel Injector Cleaner in the fuel, should do the trick. But Sea-Foam is the agreed upon best product. You might also, want to completly Drain the fuel tank, before you start useing the Sea-Foam. Just to be sure its clean.
  4. I heard about this guy who had been arrested for playing rap to loud. Don't remember the details. But after the 2nd arrest for disturbing the peace, the judge sentenced the guy to sit in a jail cell every day for a week, and listion to Bethoven's music. I guess that finally got the message thru to him.
  5. Each carb bowl has a drain line. To open the drain there is a Screw. Should be a #2 phillips head. Maby yours are loose, and the drains are open. Not sure on this , but a possibility. Check the IPC to positively identify the Drain screw.
  6. Order a New ignition Switch --- Very common problem.
  7. The stock unit is rated at 30 Amps, at 3000 RPM. The Buckeye Pref Unit is claimed to put out almost 40 Amps. Your heated clothing, draws about 2.5 amps for each piece of clothing. You can also save about 2 Amps, by useing LED Tail light bulbs, and front marker bulbs.
  8. Basicly just remove both Case Covers on left side of engine. ( You have to remove the aft cover also, to access the Wireing bundles) After cover is off, Its just a few small bolts, to change the Unit. The one sticking point is the Gasket that Seals the 3 large wires from the Stator, and the 5 small wires from the " Ignition Pick Up Coils " Be sure to order New Gaskets, for the Case Covers !!!! ( Both of them ) Also, the Lower Bolt, on the Aft Cover, has a Brass Crush Washer, that makes an Oil Seal. Its advisable to order a few of those and keep on hand.
  9. Might be worth considering
  10. OK on that. So he needs to replace the Switch, or install the ByPass Wireing Mod.
  11. And let us know what you find. !!!!
  12. I have never had to " add " any oil between oil changes. I'm sort of at a loss as to why you even bring this up. ???
  13. Yes, a high quality marine quality Am FM Stereo receiver, with MP-3 input. You get your radio, plus built in Amplifier, plus the MP-3 Input. MP-3 is by far the best source for your own tunes. With the least amount of trouble. Also, there is a company that supplies speakers, that are marine grade quality. ( sorry I forgot the source ) sombody will pop up with that informatio.
  14. I did 5 sets this morning.
  15. Just checking, but, has anybody Recently, drilled any holes, Anyplace, on this bike to Mount anything !!! ( If so, consider the Drill Bit, might have done unseen damage to a wireing bundle ) Were any parts, Removed, and ReInstalled, between the last time all the lights were working properly, and the when the fuse's started blowing ??? ( If so, Inspect everything in that area, for damage to wireing, of any type )
  16. Try giveing the Ignition Switch, a Bath, with spray can of Electrical contact Cleaner. Or WD-40, blow out with compressed air, then use the CRC 2-26 contact cleaner, ( get at electrical department at Lowes, or Home Depot ) or the product that you can get at Radio Shack. Also, check the " 15 Amp " " Ignition Fuse " make sure not blown. Also, with key ON, check for 12V DC , on the Input side of the Main Fuse Block.
  17. What I want to know, is How in Heck do I loose the last 15 lb. of Fat around my wast ?????? I'm basicly only eating 2 meals a day, and 5 hours a week at the gym, and I can't seem to make a dent in that last 15 lb. ??? Just the belly fat !! Is there some Secret to that???
  18. Sounds more like maby a sticking float valve, or an actual leak. I would check all the fuel supply lines going to each of the carbs. Try some SEA-FOAM, 1/2 can for a couple of tanks of fuel, to make sure not a sticking Float Valve. Check the Overflow rubber lines, that run down behind the engine from the top of carbs. See if any sign of fuel there.
  19. 93, end of 1st gen, and 97, I believe start of the 2nd gens. However, I think the 1st gens were last produced in 89. But not positive on that point.
  20. About $440.00 a year for insurance on my 2 bikes. ( Progressive ) About $50 each for the Plates. $5.00 a year for the MC endorsement on my Drivers licence. However, on the insurance, a persons age, makes a big difference. I'm sure everybody is aware of that .
  21. They say, drinking more and more water also helps-- I'm working with a 6ft 6in. guy at my gym. He started at about 340, and is down about 40 lb. really a strong guy. After 2 years at the gym he is down about 50lb. on the fat, but has also gained a lot of muscle weight. As to diet, he claims he has slowly changed to about a 2000 calorie's , a day diet, plus Protien supplement. What amazes me, is how slow the fat burns off, even with all the exercise he is doing at the gym. ( 6 days a week, 1 1/2 hour a day ) ( he is benching 250 plus ) I mean, this guy is really hitting it!!! Its still a slow process.
  22. Might be moisture in the TCI Unit. Remove the unit, remove the cover, and dry it in an oven at about 110 deg. F for a couple hours. Then resolder the Two Plug, where the connect to the Circuit Board. Should be 14 connection points. They develop Cold solder joints, ( ie. high resistance ) or even cracks, in the original soldering at the connect points.
  23. GeorgeS


    Most likley, the Horn itself is bad. Your horns are wired as follows. 12V to each Horn, From the " Signal Fuse " to the + side of Horn , its the Br ( brown wire ) The, other wire labled, " P " on diagram ( I think it Purple ) then goes to the Horn Button, and from the Button switch, other side of switch goes to a Ground. (( Yamaha, wired the horns so all the Current has to flow thru the Horn Button Switch-- This is Very Lousy Electrical engineering!! They should have installed a Relay )) Most likley one of your Horns, is Bad, and drawing to much current, causeing a Voltage Drop, on the Entire Electrical System. Time for a New Set of Horns. ( Best to Install a Relay ) for the new horns. Wire it up, so the Button Controls the Relay, And the Relay main Contacts, Carry Current to The horns. ( Install a 15 Amp fuse ) in line from Voltage source, to the Relay. then to the New horns. Use, #16 Wire, to carry the current to the Horns. Also: See the 2nd Gen maintenance Library, this site, there are a couple articals there concerning Horn Modificaitons and wireing.
  24. how many miles on this bike?? If over 50K, most likley they need to be replaced.
  25. Why do you need an Altimeter in Texas ????? ( I just had ask that question )
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