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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Well, its not legal in Calif. Thats for sure. Yes, probabley better not to have the fumes going into the Intake, we all know that. But it would also be better to figure out some way to draw the fumes from the crank case. I guess the old method of running a tube, down below the engine, useing air flow to creat a suction. That would theoretically work, but again, with current laws concerning polution, its not legal. I know, we don't care. Oh well, Kind of like the Warning light on my son's car. For a Vaccume in the fuel tank vent system. ( carpped out ) Check engine light on !! going to cost him about $1300 to get fuel tanks, pulled out, and new parts installed, before he can get the car re-licenced . Enviro, wacko's strike again--- $$$$$$$
  2. They were 35 watt units. Main problem was just Flimsey material, Brackets were bending, not staying Aimed. Hella, lights are very good quality !! Maby not the best, but Very Good !!
  3. Well, its not a pencil beam. I set the left for a little right of center of road, and the right side, a little Off to the right side of road. Kept the Vertical, about 20 percent lower then the low beam. I would say the road is lite up as good as either of my two cars now. E-Bay--- Check this number---260363127063 Do search, " Hella Optilux, 1500 Driveing lights " Lots of them on E-Bay. Bide your time, for the best deal. Guy I got them from was somplace in Calif. They are very well made, high quality.
  4. If your rideing alone, Keep the Air Pressure Low, in front and Back. That will give you a little extra leg length for starters. Tip. When Parking the Bike, Never park front heading " down hill " its heavy. When parking the thing in a lot, pick you parking place carefully. Learn to back it into parking spaces!! If you are backing the bike out of somplace, with downhill, KEEP the side stand Down, go slowly, and favor the left side, just in case you loose it. Like the other guys said, find a big parking lot on Sunday, Morning, and practice, practice , practice !!!
  5. Just a though, or question, Can the Ignition Coils from a 1st Gen Bike, be Installed on the 2nd gen Bikes ??? Why?? There have been many reports of coil failure on the 2nd gens . And, very few reported failures on the 1st gen bikes. As, the 1st gen coils do not fail, and are cheap from Salvage Bikes, could they be used on 2nd gen bikes ??? ( Also, its easy to replace the Plug Wires with out replaceing the coils, on the 2nd gen Units ) ??? Any comments---
  6. This problem, is interesting. As I recall several folks have had problems with Ignition Coils on the 2nd gen units. Ok, I don't own a 2nd gen , never worked on them. As I recall, the Plug wires are and Integral part of the Coil, and cannot be replaced seperatly ??? Is this true ?? ( looking for an answer here ) Ok, on the 1st Gens, Very few reports of Failed Ignition coils, per se. Also, its easy to replace the plug wires, ( ie. a good thing ) My question, would be, --- Is it possible to Replace the Coils on a 2nd Gen, with those from a 1st Gen ( which do not fail, and are avialable cheap from Salvage bikes ) Has anybody, Removed, and replaced, ignition coils. on both the 1st gens, and the 2nd gens. Could the Swap be done ???? And would it work ????
  7. Yes!! and thanks much --- they work just fine, the brackets that is !!! I found the lights for $22 a set on E-Bay. I ordered two sets, will put the other set on my Chev Blazer. I think the guy on E-Bay, has 3 more sets, if anybody is interested. Retail, I have seen them as low as $50, but I think about $85 is normal list price.
  8. With the Electrix aftermarket, or the Buckeye Pref. Stator, no problem. Also, if you had Odyessy or othere AGM type battery, no problem useing lights like this, for at least a few hours at night when needed. My intent is basicly, only to use them at night when needed. I don't do much night rideing anymore.
  9. Today installed on my 89, a new set of Driveing lights. Hella, Optilux 1500, units. Just got back in the house, from test drive after dark, and getting them adjusted. Boy, what a difference, from the single stock low beam. They are 55W, H3 Bulb units. I just removed the " El Chepo " units I had installed and replaced with the new ones. Couple of photo's here. ( as required )
  10. Are you sure you are not confuseing the Air Vent Hose, with the drain hose. The Air vent runs over to back and down toward bottom of bike. If the Float valve is stuck open, the fuel will run out that hose. The Small size hose is the Drain. I have never completly removed the Drain Screw, but it might have a " Seat " or " Seal " that might not be sealing. On the 1st gens, is common for the Float valve to Stick Open, the fuel will pump out the air vent, when the fuel pump is running.
  11. see: my photo gallery
  12. If you are removeing the lowers to replace Seals, I would just remove the two bolts from the Eand, units. And tye them back with the brake calipers. Would be a good idea to replace the O-Ring Seals under the Eand Units, if you are doing a Seal Replacement. ( and Clean out the new units, )
  13. YUP!, The rubber, caps, I talk about those a lot, hard to get folks to listion.
  14. Well you better examin the tire before you do any more rideing !!
  15. Check the posting by " ECK " on 1- 30-09. Concerning a small leak he found, Included is a photo
  16. I-90 Yamaha, Issaquah, Wa. on there web site, is showing a New 06 RSTD, for $10,499.00 . And there would be $500. shipping and set up on that. Ok I was over there about 3 months ago, and looked at this bike, it is New. and color is Raven ( black ). At that time the fellow quoted me $12,400.00 plus $500 set up, and sales tax , which is 9 precent in Wa. State. Very tempting. ( But ??? ) Anyway, if anybody in the general area is interested ---- ???
  17. My Zip Code, Kelly shows, $2075 Trade in. Seattle area
  18. OK, went for a 2 hour ride on the Death machine, just got back. 42 deg. F, today, and some sunshine. Mainly to test the New TourMaster jackt, on the bike with not much windshield. Anyway, I'm very happy with the New Flex 2 Jacket, Stayed comfy, for 2 hours, and No heated vest, at 42deg. , I guess pretty good.
  19. And after you get the leak stoped , don't ever use the darn thing again. Just drain at the plug under the water pump, flush system with hose, and refill with 1 1/2 QT. anti freez, then 1 1/2 QT. distilled water, drive bike, and top off the Over flow bottle the next day.
  20. You should have about 1/8 inch, of free play, after Main Idle Adjust Screw is set correctly. Move handle bars, stop, to stop, and make sure There is some amount of freeplay at all positions of the handlebars.
  21. I got mine for about $85 each plus shipping on E-Bay. This was about 2 years ago. At the time, there were severl folks selling them on E-Bay. I got mine from a supplier somplace in FLa. as I recall. They are legal to ship United Parcel, cause they are " Dry " I have them in 2 bikes, and have had Zero Problems since installing them. On my 99 Busa, the only battery that fit, stock, is a Yuasa, Sealed Unit battery. They cost, about $120.00. I went thru 2 New ones, in 2 years, they both Crapped out in about 12 months, ( they simply died, and would NOT take a charge) I had to Modify the Bike, to take an Odyessy, PC-545 Size. Since then, Zero Problems on that bike. ( except one day I left the radio in my tank bag, ON, and about 2 weeks later the battery was down to about 60 precent ) Also, Check with --- " Condor " --- I think he has a good price supplier, or knows the best place to get the Odyessy batteries.
  22. Keep in mind, the 5th gear on these bikes is actually an " overdrive " gear ratio. I would not be the least concerned, running a 2nd gen, at 75 mph, heavy load in 4th gear. Your not even close to Engine RPM, Red Line--- Pull up the spec sheet, and study the Gear Ratio's on this bike.
  23. OK, I guess we need a bit more diffinative information. Did the transmission crap out again ?? I guess you are saying it is now, not drivable due to a transmission problem. Is this correct ?? How much oil is leaking, from right side?? Is the leak, comeing from the Clutch cover ??? If so, that would not be hard to fix. Just exactly where is the oil leaking from ?? Oil leak on the right side is not common, usually oil leaks from left side, are common. ( but usually not a big enought problem to make these bikes undrivable )
  24. You are now Qualified, to Wear, a " Cresent Wrench " Tie Pin !!!! And carry a can of WD-40 in your Holster !!!!!
  25. Dunlop E-3,
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