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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Another source, in stock http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/28/395/16438/ITEM/Dunlop-Elite-3-Front-Tire.aspx $102.95-----
  2. http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/1/1/39/267/ITEM/Teknic-Sprint-Jacket.aspx This looks like a pretty good deal. Says close out. color- black, and blue.
  3. Seattle dealer has a New, 06 RSTD, for $10499.00 Black ! I-90 Yamaha, Issaquah, Wa. New, non current.
  4. Will the powers that be, let that rig thru the weight stations ??
  5. Buy several books on " Defensive Driveing " Read them, Always drive your car as if you are on your Bike !!! Develop the survival Skills, while driveing your car. And always drive bye those rules !!! I let everybody else have the right of way. And my prime rule on the bike, is " Maintain Maximum Seperation " from all other vehicals !! If you Ain't there, they can't get you !!!!! Always know what your Escape Route is, and stay as close to it as possible. If you expect to be given your " Right of Way " , sorry folks, your liveing in " La La Land " --- And one more item: LEARN TO USE YOUR FRONT BRAKES !!!!!
  6. Just order the parts that you transfered between carbs . Order on line from any dealer, be there in about 3 days. UPS
  7. So, why are you still rideing it ???
  8. For the Electrically Challanged folks out there --- Buy an MP3 Player: It comes with a software disc, and cable. Load the software onto your computer ( I know, some can't do that either ) NOW !!! Like magic, any music you have on a CD, you can copy onto your computer files ( Window's has these programs, Easy to do ) Now you simply use the software that came with your MP3 Player, to transfer the songs onto your new MP3 Player--- ( no commercials , no station breaks, ) ------------------- Another item, some brand MP3's use AAA , or Maby AA batteries. Some use Lithium Ion batteries like those in your Cell Phone. You have to do some shopping around and find the one that will best fit your needs. ( ie. what type of charging system does it need , how many CD's can you stuff onto it etc etc ) Its all very confuseing . Guess what? you can even get soft ware to Covert you old 78 rpm records to digital, on you computer-- ( ie. any Analog Audio Source ) and put those on the MP3 also !!!! ------------------------------- Now the Lithium ion ones, use a plug into your computer to recharge, ( same cable thats used to transfer the music ) that brings up another problem cause your motorcycle does not have the right kind of computer plug !!! Its all very confuseing. I reccomend the MP3 player that uses AAA or AA batteries, this way when your in the middle of Neveda on highway 50 you can replace the batteries--- ------------------------------------- Now to figure this all out, requiers many hours of searching the internet, for all the MP3 player companies, and each company has 2 to 5 or so different models, that hold different levels of songs, and different types of batteries, You will need several days to get over the shock as to how much they cost. The you will need several days of shopping around to find the best place to buy them. ( If you wife gets involved, this will be 10 times more complicated !! ) If you go to the store, the stupid kid salesmen will convince you that you are all wrong, cause he wants to sell what he has an overstock of. ( SO HE WILL LIE TO YOU ) If the radio on your bike does not have and " AUX Input " Jack, then this whole exercise will have been a waste of time and money. Cause unless you are an Electronic Wizard, you won't be able to Rip Open the Old radio, and figure out how to solder in an Home Made, Aux Jack . ( pst, it can be done ) ( I won't go into that ) However for those of you who have the Cassett Player, I really like the Cassett idea that has the Chip input !! I'm going to look into that myself, as I'm an electronic type guy, and I find that idea facinating, and I just have to have one !!! -------- Guess what, in three years all this stuff will be Obsolete!!!
  9. As I understand it, these batteries, are just commercially sold versions, of these " Mil spec " Units that were developed for Military vehicals. I have also heard that they can be used on some small aircraft. ( If true, then they must be FAA approved also ) ( however not sure on this point ) I have been hopeing to find somebody who has worked " Motor Pool " for the Army and could verify this information. ( ie. what is Army useing on its Smaller Vehicals. for Batteries ) ??
  10. GeorgeS

    VMAX rear end

    The buckeye perf Stator will handle 2 riders, with 2 pieces of heated clothing, each. And a set of driveing lights, no problem. With some to spare. If you need more heated clothing, just turn the driveing lights Off.
  11. Thanks for the Tire Information, I might order one. On another subject, whats the latest on Real Estate In Tucson?? Whats a small about 1600 Sq.Ft. New Rambler, going for around Tucson ?? Just a round number if you happen to know ??
  12. But, you have to remember Squeez, we don't have " Autobahn's " here !! Hi Hi, We have speed limits !! and lots of Police !!! About the only place in Washington state where its safe to go really fast is the Eastern Half of Washington State In the middle of Farm Land. On the Western side of Cascade Mountains, limits are Usually 45 MPH, or 60 and 70 MPH on FreeWays. ( All heavy traffic on those roads ) The Bussa is Great for the 45 to 55 MPH Mountain Back Roads. I must say I am lucky to have Many Twisty Mountain Roads, In all directions from where I am. Heads up, folks, Spring is just around the corner !! Get your tune ups done !!!! Change those tires!, clean out the fuel tanks, Sort out your gear--- Almost time to hit the road !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Hmmm Ok I will cancel it. Odd, it worked before I put it up, Try again. Forget it, won't work, ??? It was funny though
  14. thanks for that info; But I got a PC-545 installed. However I can quickly put the stock size back in, if I have to.
  15. Try a complete tank drain, and carb bowl drain. ( drain all 4 bowls, and let the pump run some gas thru each one seperatly ) Then try new gas with Sea-Foam. It might just work !! fuel comeing out those overflow lines, means one of the Float Valves is stuck open. Sea-Form might clear it up.
  16. There is a new 06 RSTD, at dealer about 12 miles from here, Black, marked down to $10,499.00. Its tempting--- I was over there looking at it about 4 months ago. He wanted $12,400 at that time. (( http://www.i-90motorsports.com/new_vehicle_inventory.asp )) " new, non current " I don't know, though, what is going on in the stock market this week, its getting pretty dicey !! Bank of America, down to $2.50 a share, ???? I watched CNBC all this morning, and this afternoon. Seems like Everybody on Wall Street is shakeing their heads in dismay at whats comeing out of the White House. They weren't useing the words financial lunitics, but you could see it on their faces, and in their voices. About 1PM, the White House Press Secretary, came out and Said, " Oh No, we are not going to Nationalize the banks " However I don't think Wall Street Believes it !!
  17. Have you got the Progressive fork springs installed ??
  18. Its up behind the headlight, dead Center, laying horizontally. Best way to get at it, is remove the windshield, and the Plastic cover over the Instrument panel. Its just below that plastic panel, It has an 8 wire plug on it. There is also another pull apart plug, between the High-Low Switch, and the Reserve lighting unit, Its someplace behing the headlight also. Its a 6 wire plug. Wires for light from H, L Switch thru that plug, are Y/R, L/B , and G , .. Open that plug, and do a Resistance Check thru the Switch. ( make sure contacts in the switch ) See page 7-36 block diagram, The Y/G wire From the Reserve light carries power to the Bulb socket. Is the bulb good. ( I know you allready replaced it ) sorry. ( sometimes they Look good, but are not )
  19. Yup!! keep your eye out for a low milage 1300 CC Engine, to throw into the old bike and just keep on truckin !!! And stay on top of the Maintenance Liibrary !!! I think I might start looking next year.
  20. Ahhhh what to do ? ? After much thought, I'm staying in Gold Stocks until the maddness washes out. I paid off my " Last Bill " last week, first time in 50 years I don't owe anybody a Penny !!! I wrote that last check, and I have never felt so good in my entire life!!! ( Yes, the house is paid for too, whatever its still worth, I'm afraid to check on that ) Three Cheers for " Rick Santellie " !!!
  21. Yup: thats $1300 bucks that my son could have used to buy food for the kids!
  22. GeorgeS

    VMAX rear end

    One might also, just install a lower profile rear tire, and obtain some of the same effect.
  23. Gezzzz, the folks in Minn. are still rideing the Snowmobiles !!! Winter not over yet. I got frost on my Windshields here in Seattle this morning !!!
  24. GeorgeS

    VMAX rear end

    After installing the V-Max rear end, on a 2nd gen, how does the final gear ratio, in 5th gear, compare to just driveing in 4th gear with the stock rear end ??? Any comments?
  25. I also reccomend, finding some nice straight, back roads, with no traffic, and practice stopping from fairly high speeds. Your new bike is HEAVY !! You need to practice doing maximum brakeing stops. Do it progressivly from low speeds, working up to higher speeds. If you can't do this on a straight, level, unused road, you don't want to have to do it on a FreeWay, with heavy traffic. Again, practice makes perfect !!
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