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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Got a few responce's --- Good to know there are still a few of us old salts, flying around. I know, there are a few black shoes here also !! If anybody is interested, the Orions are being replaced with a derrivitive of the Boeing 737 aircraft. The are in production at this time. I was with VP-48 out of NAS North Island, and Sangly Pt. P.I. Also flew with VP-9 and VP-19 out of Adak, and Shemya. 62 to 67.
  2. I don't understand ?? your going to keep the harley, and sell the Yamaha ?? Did I hear that correctly ???????
  3. Can of Sea- Foam, or any fuel injector cleaner will do the same thing.
  4. Broken fitting. ??? I will assume you mean the about 1/2 inch long 1/8 brass pipe fitting. On the Intake manifold, is that correct ?? If so, just plug the hole for the time being. If you broke that thing off, then you have a big Vaccume leak. NOT GOOD. The Return cable, well, you have to get that re installed, !! Use bright light, study the fittings, eventually you will see how it goes into position. After both cables hooked up. On the PULL, cable, be sure you have about 1/8 inch of slack, then back off on the Main Idle Adjust Screw, located under the left FWD CARB. Now recheck for some Cable Slack . Set with the Lock nut, and adjuster on the Cable Sheath. BE SURE YOU HAVE SOME AMOUNT OF CABLE SLACK, AT CLOSED THROTTLE .
  5. I spent 8 hours working on a 188,000 mile 97 Mercedes Benz, 6 cylinder today. Jezzzzz I hate working on those things !! I had another beater MB, back about 15 years ago ( again, something one of my kids bought ) and did a lot of work on it. Thats when I decided, I would Never buy an MB, Old, New, Used, Wrecked, whatever whatever--- They are HELL to work on !!!
  6. I would stay with the later years, model, that had the larger Carb, intake port size. Gearing can be corrected with a V-Max Rear Drive Unit. I hear that fairly easy to do. Main thing with these bikes, is to Keep the RPM UP, ie. more shifting then a Harley,
  7. Did you try opening the carb bowl drains, to see if pump actually pumping. Did you do a re check of the pick up coils. Take the Ohm meter readings from the 6 pin plug at the TCI. Did you check all the Throttle linkage parts, to make sure all 4 throttle plates are at the closed position Did you pull the Electrical plug OFF , of the Barrometric Pressure Sensor, Clean that plug. Try starting the engine with that plug " Removed " -- Roll Over Switch --- thats way out in Left Field, but a possibility -- ??? ( do you know what it is, and where it is ?? )
  8. 2nd gens have different carbs. Go to Yamaha dealer, web site, pull up the IPC for part numbes.
  9. I thought everybody in the NAVY, was taught at boot camp, how to Polish Brass, and metal fittings ??? Check with your Chief of the Engine rooms, or your Chief Boatsmans mate, I'm sure he can give you some advice on this problem
  10. If you do end up rebuilding, the " Master " and " Slave" cylinders, I reccomend getting the rebuild kit from Yamaha, for the Master. If, its never been rebuilt, then consider that due to " AGE " it should be rebuilt. As to the Slave Cylinder, it can be rebuilt with a Kit. However I strongly reccomend buying a NEW Slave Cylinder. About $15 for rebuild kit, or about $35 for a New unit. In my opinion its well worth the extra, to get a new one. The old Slave cylinder will most likley be corroded, maby beyond repair. Save yourself the trouble just order new parts. Also, I would consider buying new rubber lines. Remember, that rubber is 21 years old !!
  11. Several reasons. to replace. In addtion to higher amperage output. The Insulation used on the stock stator windings, Melts. As this happens, then the wires on the lowere windings, that run in Hot Oil, short together electriclly. This happens slowly over time and mile. The more wires that short to each other the lower the AC output voltage of that set of windings. This problem was much more prevelant on the 1st Gens, but also happens on the 2nd gens. Another trouble spot, to keep an Eagle Eye on for the 2nd gens is the Large Plug on the Rectifyer/Regulator Unit.
  12. Thats a new one. 17 V will fry the battery, most likley. Its possible a former owner cut out the plug, and spliced ther wires together. ( just a thought ) Usually a bad stator, or problem with the plug will cause Low Voltage. When you get to the Regulator/Rectifier Unit. pull out the plug and Check for problems on the Pins in that plug. If you find no wireing problems, or plug problems, then sounds like a bad Reg/Rec Unit.
  13. Ran into a guy at our hardware store, who runs a mower repair shop part time. Told me he puts the stuff in every mower he takes in for repair. Swears by the stuff !!
  14. Don't compare the D404 to the E-3. D-404 is Dunlops Low price tire, the E-3 is designed for the Gold Wing. Caseing is 1/2 in. thick. the D-404 is 1/4 in. thick. Thats the Caseing, not the Tread thickness. D-404's run about 8 to 10K. ( on a toureing bike ) The Elite series, usually run 15 to 20K. I ran an E-2 older version to 20K. I consider a D-404 to be a good tire for, a Honda CX-500, for running around Seattle, ( Solo ! ) Very good tire for a 500lb bike with a 35 HP motor.
  15. well I suppose with a little effort a person could make one out of Aluminum or something.
  16. Just open " one " carb bowl drain hose valve. Key to on, see if pump keeps pumping gas thru the bowl . Is Petcock in the " OFF " position ?? Check for a " Mouse Nest " near the Main Fuse Block, maby chewed off some wires !!!
  17. just go to local Auto parts store, buy a charger that has a 2 amp and 6 amp rate. With an Amp Meter on it so you can monitor the Current Draw. If your battery is a " SEALED UNIT ", hold it up to a very Bright light and try to determine if the Fluid Level is Still " Above " the plates, (( IF not above the plates, you need a new battery )) Do you know how old the battery is ? If over 3 to 4 years, most likley you need a new One. If you can add fluid, ( ie. it has 6 caps ) be sure to use Distilled Water.
  18. A new 270 Mill $ Sattilite, to monitor the exhaust output of your bike, went up the other day, but did not make it into orbit. Crashed in the southern ocean somplace
  19. I think I would make a phone call, and try to discuss this with a real person .
  20. GeorgeS

    3 wheels

    http://www.bofunk.com/video/7956/new_german_3_wheel_vehicle.html And now for something different.
  21. If all you need is a new set of Pads, do it yourself, they are very easy to change!! Takes about 20 Min to change a set of pads. Thats assumeing the rest of your system is working OK. ???
  22. I run a 1st Gen, but keep up on everybodies problems. And the Engines are basicly the same. Also, the one big downfall is NO Fuel Injection as yet. So you have to deal with the common Carb problems. Keeping the Fuel System, and Carbs CLEAN, on these bikes, is a Paramont Consideration. Hope this helps. !!
  23. 11/63-- Long time ago
  24. It just occured to me to ask, do we have any members here who served in U.S. Navy VP ( Patrol plane ) Squadrens ?? P5-M, P2-V, or P3 Orion Squadrens. ?? Just wondering--- Anybody serve at the Adak, Alaska Naval Station.
  25. It says MR90-H18, on their order sheet. which cross ref: to 120/90 -18 Service manuel calls out 120/90 - 18 65H So should be the right one.
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