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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Maby a stuck float valve, and one of the carb bowls is running over. Each has a rubber hose from top of carb, and hose runs back, and down under the rear shock to drain. Unless you actually have a leaking hose from the fuel pump going up to the carbs. In this case, follow the hose, from the fuel pump to the top of carbs. If its a sticking float valve, put a can of " SEA-FOAM " fuel system cleaner in the gas, and give it some run time, and a couple of days, to clean out the System and the bowls. Also, Each carb bowl, has a Drain, open each bowl drain, one at a time after the SEA-FOAM has had some run time. Crud in the bowl, can hold the Float Valve's open. This is fairly common on these bikes. Also, when tank is close to empty, do a complete Tank Drain-
  2. deffinatly, warrenty work !!!
  3. Wherever it goes ---- just follow the front wheel
  4. Well the stock is so cheap, last week I bought some. I figure its just as good a bet as playing a table in Vegas. Pretty much a penny stock, If they ain't going to let them fail, the stock can only go up !! ???
  5. the lady said, $5.00 a carton, increase next week, its a Federal Tax. Anyway, thats what she told me. On top of whatever they cost in your state. So, I imagine there will be other new tax's on other things, stay tuned !!
  6. Just stopped at the smoke shop, was told that next week our new fearless leader has slapped a $5.00 a carton new Federal Tax on, per carton. Goes in effect next week. I'm wondering if motorcycles will be on the hit list !! ( an obvioius evil ) must be taxed !! :stirthepot: And!! Its NOT Raining in Seattle Today !!!!! :snow2: Its Snowing:mad:
  7. Put in a dose of Ride-On also, with the plug.
  8. I would also consider completly draining the tank, run it down to reserve, and beyond. then do a complet drain of the tank. Put a little HEET in before draining. Also, consider draining all 4 carb bowls. Each one has a drain valve.
  9. If original, which most likley is, at 4 to 5 years old, best to consider it replacement time. Go for the Dry Cell, AGM type, or a Gell Cell. Cost is higher, but worth the extra.
  10. Just keep pumping thru new fluid, until whats comeing out the bleed port is clean New fluid.
  11. what type and brand of battery? What bike is it installed in ?
  12. sign up at a good Gym, and see the chiropractor !!! It worked for me.
  13. Carefully measure " tread depth", outer edge, compared to right at the center.
  14. I though everybody in Iowa, and Minn. had a Snowmobile !!!!
  15. Most likley its the Switch. About a $20.00 Item, and dealer should replace it under warrenty. Should be at most an hours labor for the Dealer, to cash in under warrenty. I would at least take it in, and see what they say. I have changed that switch, and its not a nice job.
  16. The Dunlop E-3, is my reccomendation. The caseing is 1/2 inch thick, plus the tread. The D-404 has a caseing of 1/4 in. thickness, plus the Tread. The E-3 was designed for the Heavy Wgt. Honda Gold Wings !!! keep that in mind. Several folks here have reported over 20K with the Elite Series Dunlop tires. They are worth the extra money.
  17. There has been several discussions concerning Steering Head Stability, ( ie. head shake ) for different bikes on this site. And it is of concern with the Ventures. Been doing the 15K maint. on the Busa yesterday and today, have all the panels removed. So I decided to take a few photos of the Frame on the 99 Busa, ( ie. Death Machine ) . Basicly to show the Extent of the Frame construction on the bike, and why, It does not have Steering Head Shake until after you exceed about 200 MPH ( not a typo ) !! Dry wgt on the bike is 476lb. -- Wheel Base, 58.5 in.-- 1.3 liter transverse 4 cyl. fuel injected. Anyway, photo's posted here to show the extent of the Frame construction, for a bike designed for high speed.
  18. If its installed on your bike, its located, Forward , a little above, and about 3 inches of the left fwd Carb. The Vaccume line from the Lft Fwd carb runs up to it. ( the real small line. ) Electrical plug, has a rubber boot on it. You might have to remove the Lower fairing, to get your hand up in there. This item, is powered, from the 15 Amp Ing. Fuse, same circuit that powers the TCI, and Coils, and fuel pump, and few other things. Find the plug, disconnect it, and try to start the engine. What this unit does, is Vary the Ignition Timeing, based on intake vaccume changes.
  19. Has anybody who has made the CT modification, actually had any particular problem, or failure , thats been reported on this web site ???
  20. So whats going to stop me from buying one, if I want one ?? Now, if I let my kid ride it. ??? Are they going to throw me in jail ??? Just wondering --- Hmmmm
  21. Possible there is crud of some type in the fuel tank. If all 4 carb float valves are stuck open, something must be getting into the bowls. I would pull the fuel filter, and replace. Also, completly Drain the fuel tank, ( DRY ) . Put some HEET in before you drain it to get any water to mix, and drain out with the fuel. Blow out all the fuel lines from the Fuel petcock, to the filter, to the pump, and from the pump to the carbs. ( I think the 2nd gens have a pump, but not certain on that point ) Then, drain ALL the bowls again, Maby the SEA FOAM, freed up some crud somplace, and it got pumped thru the system. Might consider removeing the PetCock from the tank, to make sure you get the tank cleaned out. Also would not hurt to do that, to get a look at the condition of the " SCEENS " on the petcock, sticking up into the tank. ???
  22. If the owner has a good maintenance history, and reciepts for any parts he installed. Also, I would want to see the results of a Compression Check. Ask, as to any major work, as , Stator Replacement, Clutch Replacement, rear drive unit replacement. Check for oil leaks on the Rear Suspension shock. Oil leaks on the front Forks. Ask for any records, of brake caliper rebuilds. Also, any records of doing Carb. Rebuild job.
  23. Who, or what, is " OWL "
  24. The hose you describe is deffinatly the " Bowl Drain " hose. There is a " #2 philips " head screw, on each carb to OPEN the drain. So, if what you broke OFF is just the hose fitting, and the Drain is not leaking, then you should be OK. That hose is also used for checking the Fuel Level Setting, of the " Float " in the carb bowl. ---- Its a good idea, to OPEN each Drain, one at a time, turn the Key to " ON " and let the Fuel pump run fuel thru Each Carb seperatly, Just to make sure any Crud gets drained from the carb bowls. Also, best to install a new fuel filter -- as long as your working on it. Also, be sure to completly Drain your Fuel Tank, at the Petcock, make sure you get any crud out of the tank. Remember, the last gallon of gas in these bikes never gets used !! Any water, or Crud, in bottom of tank may have been there for the last 10 years. !!! Put in some " HEET ", and completly drain the tank. !!!
  25. The odd thing about them, is you can " see " most everything in the engine compartment, BUT, you just can't seem to get a Wrench on Anything, I was laying under the engine looking for a leak, I think I can see, it, Might be a Freez Plug leaking, but, no access-- now what ?? While laying under there I saw the " Alternator " and I'm thinking , gezzz how would you change that ?? Anyway, if you got the money for a new one, well thats fine !! But don't ever buy one with over 100K on it, no matter what the price
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