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Everything posted by GeorgeS

  1. Took off, Rear, E-3 with 17k yesterday, after return from Los Angeles Run. Found a nail thru, at about center of tread. About a 1/8 in. diameter nail, 2 inches long. Tire pressure was still 41lb. before I pulled it off. The " Ride - On " Worked !!!!! ---- New E-3 installed, ready to roll again !! ( And a bottle of Ride - On, installed of course )
  2. Removeing, and rebuilding the starter is not actually that complicated. Most of the work is takeing off the fairings, and exhaust pipe. Couple bolts, and starter comes out, Take it apart. Clean the armatuer, polish it, lubricate the bearings, and " Re-Solder the bolt " ( Clean between the copper sections of the commutator ) Brushes should be ok, unless bike is over about 85K on the miles. Or order a new set of brushe's, easy to replace. Really, nothing hard about the job !!
  3. Back last Monday, from first road trip of the year. 10 day trip. Went down to Sequoia Nat. Park. Meet up withe sister and hubby at Three Rivers Calif. ( and couple other riders ) Rode the 198 route thru the park. !! Talk about a Twisty Road !! Wow !! From the " Lodgepole " visitor center, running south out of park on RT. 198, man !!! what a twisty road, probably the best I have ever ridden. Its a " deadly road " !!! The best kind Ha Ha . From there down to LA, and back up 101 coast route, thru Gilroy Cal, and on back to Seattle via I-5 . Good weather, good roads, had a great ride. The 08 RSTD, turned 23,400 as I hit the garage door, on return home. Starting my 3rd rideing season on this bike, Love it so far !! Just ordered new E-3, about 17,400 on old one, will change before heading the the Dalles Oregon meet !! Now---- I have to Paint the House !!! --- Planning a trip to Minnesota, also this summer, If the Storms ever stop back in the great mid west ???
  4. I have to ask, do you know how many miles on that tire ?? What brand tire??
  5. Did you ever greese that throttle assembly ??
  6. At the cable from the unit, about 6 inches to a plug. That plug is notorious for developing bad solder connections !! Tug on All the wires both sides of plugs, most likely you will find one that will pull right out of the plug assembly !!! Re-solder it into position, Check ALL of the wires !!!
  7. I am going to sing the praises of Sea-Foam again, here, this time for my 03 Chevy Blazer, with 103K on it. The truck was loosing Power, bogging down at 2500 RPM, Almost undrivable. OK, on a Monday, I put 2 cans of Techroline in full tank of fuel. I pulled out the CAT Converter, to make sure it was not Plugged ! I made sure the rest of Exhaust system Not plugged ! I found a bad MAF Sensor, and replaced. But that did not fix problem. I started replaceing parts, ---------- Fuel Filter , Distributor, Dist-cap, rotor, Wires, Plugs, MAP sensor, Ing Coil, Ignitior unit, Crankshaft pos sensor, Camshaft position sensor. The Fuel Pressure at input to Injectors was 60Lb. However, the INtake Vacuum reading was dropping down to about 12 IN . mercury when trying to Accelerate Engine RPM. ( Very Bad sign ) Bye now, its Thursday of that week, I decided to put TWO cans of Sea-Foam in the tank, now down to a bout 8 gallons of fuel. Friday Evening about 7PM, I noted that the engine was starting to run a BIT!! ( just a little ) Better. Sat Morning, started it up, and WA LA!!! Its Drivable, Bye noon Sat. was running Normal !!!! The INtake Vaccuum Readings were Now Normal staying above 20 In. mercury. OK, I found in Chilton manuel, there is a Pressure Regulator, and Fuel Screen Just In Front. of the 6 Injectors. APPARENTLY THE SEA - FOAM , finally Cleared up the Pressure Regulator, ---- OR --- the fuel Screen. OR--- Possibly there was blockage back at the fuel pump in the tank ??? Anyway !!!!!!!!! Long story , Short, SEA-FOAM, TO THE RESCUE!!! AGAIN :cool10: I also found on many web sites, that this is a very common problem on these 4.3 L V6 Chevy engines !!!
  8. Does your bike still have the large White Plug installed between Stator, and Regulator?? If so , be sure to check the condition of the Pins in the plug !!! Make sure not burned up !!!
  9. Well if you don't replace it, put in a bottle of " Ride - On " Sealer, darn good stuff
  10. Have you been using the Air Hose, to air up your shocks ??? That's a No No !!
  11. Pull out all four spark plugs, What do they look like???? One or two will most likely be black, and covered with carbon. this will tell you which one or two cylinders is not fireing correctly . Start engine " cold " and after about 45 seconds, shut it down, Feel the exhaust pipes on each cylinder !! The " Cold One " is Not Fireing. Most likely you have a problem with that cylinder, Change the Spark plug. Drain the Carburator for that cylinder. Has your fuel filter ever been changed ???? Maby its plugged. Drain, ALL 4 Carburator Bowls. !! Each has a drain hose, and Valve to drain it !! Have you ever Completely drained your fuel tank ??? If not, Completely drain the tank at the Petcock, and Start with clean fuel, !! These tanks collect water in bottom of tank, !! Let us know what you find during these checks !!
  12. I found that the Mechanical linkage on my 2nd gen. seems to be tighter, ie: less play in the mechanical parts. More " Prescise " so to speak, Less mechanical play, in the linkage moveing parts as compared to the old 89. When I did the sync, on new bike at around 3000 miles, they were pretty far out of adjustment. However, Very small adjustments brought it into adjustment. I get the feeling that the 2nd gen will need a lot less adjusting then my 89 did, I'm going to check it next week, again, curious to see how much it has changed in about 15K Engine seems to be running just fine, though.
  13. Is your front tire a Bridgestone ??? If so, get a Dunlop, Avon, or Michelen . Trash the bridgestone.
  14. Well the " Inside " of the CX-500 tank is now a Blue Color . Ha Ha. The stuff dried, and its about a 1/32 inch thick coating inside the complete tank. Also, the stuff takes several days to dry, before you put Fuel into the tank. Anyway, It worked !!! Wish I could remember the name of the product. It was a special order product. Normaly not stocked at auto parts places. If you can't find it, check with NAPA, auto parts.
  15. Sounds, like you have a new one !!! ( pun intended ) Never heard that one before ???
  16. Winter blues, Hmmm? it hit 60 today, needed a " fix " so got the " Black Busa" out of the garage and went for a 2 hour ride !!! --- Oh how Sweet it is !!!!!! Spring is just around the corner !!! :cool10:
  17. My son's 83, CX-500 tank started leaking badly in about the same place. I went to auto parts place, told him about it. He looked up two seperate products for coating the inside of fuel tanks. I ordered one, cost was about $65.00 as I recall. Anyway, it was a two part mix, I followed the directions. And the product coated the complete inside of the tank. It Worked !!! Still not leaking after about 3 years of service. Sorry, don't remember the name of the product.
  18. How does that European Money covert to dollars ??? ie: how much does it cost in dollars???
  19. If no DQ, there is usually a McDonalds, and they have pretty good Choc. Milk Shakes !!! Bad for the waste line thought, But, I figure once a week, ain't to bad !!
  20. Not possible !! You have to pull out the tubes, Also the Guide Bushing, should be replaced !!! BE Sure to Order OEM parts !! Especially the Seals!!! DO NOT, get the cheap after market seals !!!! Several people have done that to save $10 bucks, and ended up redoing the job in 5000 miles ( Includeing me !!! ) This is pretty involved job, you need some tools, and a place to work. Check the VRTech Section for information, if you have not looked there yet !! READ what there before you start , Order the parts, and get the tools, before you start !!! And best to Talk to sombody on the phone who has ACTUALLY Done the Job !!!! This is NOT a job you are going to get done in 2 hours, with one pot of coffee, or two beers !!!!
  21. I have installed them on two bikes, and never heard Any type of Noise !! When you put the pressure plate on, it IS possible to Mis - Position it !! Did you know that ? Read the Instruction sheet again !!!
  22. If only when , applying brake, then I suspect the Relay for the brake lights, will need to be replaced. Are the brake lights " flashing " as the Relay is Clicking ??? Are any of the Turn signals, doing " Something " which is NOT normal ?? Never heard this one before ??? Hmmm
  23. Well I guess I better check mine ( 19K on them )
  24. Yes !! AGM, DEKA !!
  25. I'd like to do the same thing on my 08 RSTD, Still looking for the information on how this can be done. ?? I do recall, somebody talking about this modification
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